
7 min read

agas   sandfly (probably the sub-family Phlebotominae)   noun

andarinyo   dragonfly   noun

andarinyu   dragonfly   noun

arikal   junglefowl   noun

asusing   a species of small flat sea snail   noun

ayang   chicken   noun

ayang mai   hen   noun

ayang pai   rooster   noun

ayang segon   the Ga Noi breed of chicken   noun

babi barana   piglet   noun

babi kapadu   castrated pig   noun

babi kerong-kerong   pig with red and black hair   noun

babi mai   sow, female pig   noun

babi naneri   pig with large tusks   noun

babi naniri   pig with large tusks   noun

babi negri   domestic pig   noun

babi utang   wild boar   noun

baikole1   the willie wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys), a symbol of agility   noun

bebe   duck   noun

bia asuseng   a marine mollusc that lives in the sand and can be dug up at low tide   noun

bia duri babi   a species of chiton (Acanthopleura spinosa)   noun

bia   shelled mollusc   noun

bia garu   the giant clam (Tridacna gigas)   noun

bia huraing   a marine mollusc that lives on drifting logs   noun

bia kakusang   a species of cone snail (the genus Conus) with brown spots   noun

bia kodo   a species of clam   noun

bia lola   a kind of commercial seashell   noun

bia makii   cone snails (the genus Conus)   noun

bia mata bulan   the gold-mouth turban sea snail (Turbo chrysostroma)   noun

bia mika   the giant clam (Tridacna gigas)   noun

bia mutel   the ribbed turban sea snail (Turbo intercostalis)   noun

bia pasir isi   marine molluscs in the genus Oliva   noun

bia sondo   a species of scallop (the family Pectinidae)   noun

bia tai kambing   a sea snail in the genus Morula   noun

bia warna putih   cowries in the genus Cypraea   noun

bilalang   grasshopper   noun

bufra   buffalo   noun

bung-bung   pigeon, dove, any bird of the family Columbidae   noun

burong   bird   noun

cendrawasi   bird-of-paradise (the family Paradisaeidae)   noun

cica bingkarong   the lizard Calotes nigriplicatus   noun

cica   gecko   noun

cui   the olive-backed sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis)   noun

duri babi   sea urchin   noun

gangsa   goose   noun

gatang   crab   noun

gatang kanari   coconut crab   noun

genggo   a type of flying insect that children catch and tie string to, which can be either bluish-black or gold (?)   noun

guheba   the osprey (Pandion haliactus)   noun

hamang-hamang   an insect, perhaps a gnat   noun

hotong   a species of small crab that lives in the sand   noun

ikang babi   dolphin   noun

janggar ayang   the portuguese man o’ war (Physalia physalis)   noun

jankri   cricket   noun

kahelo   a species of bee   noun

kakarlak1   cockroach   noun

kakatua   parrot   noun

kakatua merah   red parrot   noun

kakatua tuli   a large-headed green parrot, thought to have a poor sense of hearing   noun

kaki saribu   centipede   noun

kakisaribus   centipede   noun

kalamoyang   worm   noun

kalenci   rabbit   noun

kaliweng   the red frog crab (Raninina ranina)   noun

kalong3   civet   noun

kaluyu   shark   noun

kambelu   shipworm (the family Teredinidae)   noun

kapiteng1   crab   noun

karbou   water buffalo   noun

kasowari1   cassowary, genus (Casuarius)   noun

kasturi   parrot   noun

katang1   crab   noun

kes1   monkey   noun

kodo   frog   noun

kok   owl   noun

kokodang   a species of small red crustacean   noun

kokotang   a kind of small animal that makes holes in the sand (?)   noun

kondo bujang   a species of heron   noun

kopo-kopo   butterfly   noun

kopu-kopu   butterfly   noun

kumang1   conch   noun

kumang2   hermit crab   noun

kunang-kunang1   firefly   noun

kusu potar   the common spotted cuscus (Spilocuscus maculatus)   noun

kusu1   the cuscus, a type of possum   noun

kutu busu   bedbug   noun

lading   the marine worm Eunereis Longissima   noun

lalar biru   the bluebottle (Calliphora vomitoria)   noun

lalar   a fly   noun

lalar itang   the blacksoldier fly (Hermetia illucens)   noun

laor   an edible sea worm, Palola viridis   noun

lawa-lawa1   spider   noun

lawa-lawa3   a species of swallow (the family Hirundinidae)   noun

lelehulo   small flies, gnats   noun

loki   a species of small lobster or large shrimp   noun

lola   a kind of commercial seashell   noun

lomba-lomba   whale   noun

macang3   tiger   noun

mae-mae cuka   possibly the whip scorpion (the order Uropygi)   noun

mae-mae   flying insects   noun

mai-mai   flying insects   noun

mai-mai ujang   flying ant   noun

makang ayang   a bird of prey, possibly the black eagle (Ictinaetus malaiensis)   noun

maleo1   maleo (Macrocephalon maleo)   noun

maleo2   junglefowl   noun

maleu1   maleo (Macrocephalon maleo)   noun

maleu2   junglefowl   noun

manoe   a species of bird   noun

manoi   a species of bird   noun

marsegu1   the Ambon flying fox (Pteropus chrysoproctus)   noun

masariku   a species of wading bird, probably a stint such as the great knot (Calidris tenuirostris), sanderling (Calidris alba), or long-toed stint (Calidris subminuta)   noun

mata mera   the metallic starling (Aplonis metallica)   noun

mei-mei   flying insects   noun

minoi guheba   kite (bird)   noun

morea aer   freshwater eel, possibly the speckled longfin eel (Anguilla reinhardtii)   noun

morea   eel   noun

morsegu   the Ambon flying fox (Pteropus chrysoproctus)   noun

mursegu1   the Ambon flying fox (Pteropus chrysoproctus)   noun

niri   bee, wasp   noun

niri gula   honeybee (the family Apidae)   noun

niri itang   a type of black-bodied bee with a poisonous sting or bite   noun

nyamu   mosquito   noun

opar   coral that resembles trees or mushrooms   noun

padi   a species of finch, possibly in the family Estrildidae   noun

panana   the Indonesian blue-tongued skink (Tiliqua gigas)   noun

pancuri ayam   a species of kite or other bird of prey   noun

paniki1   bat   noun

papeda lao   jellyfish   noun

parkici   the lories and lorikeets, small parrots in the tribe Loriini   noun

patola1   the Moluccan python (Simalia clastolepis)   noun

pombo   any species of pigeon   noun

pombo ijo   the white-bellied imperial pigeon (Ducula forsteni)   noun

pombo puti   the pied imperial pigeon (Ducula bicolor)   noun

pombo utang   possibly the elegant imperial pigeon (Ducula concinna)   noun

porcici   the lories and lorikeets, small parrots in the tribe Loriini   noun

porkici   the lories and lorikeets, small parrots in the tribe Loriini   noun

pus   cat   noun

samal   a species of bird (?)   noun

samar   a species of bird (?)   noun

samu api   fire ant (the genus Solenopsis)   noun

samu   ant   noun

samu mera   any species of ant that is red   noun

siang   a species of butcherbird (the genus Cracticus)   noun

soa-soa   monitor lizard, most likely the Ceram mangrove monitor (Varanus cerambonensis) and the mangrove monitor (Varanus indicus)   noun

soa-soa pake layar   the Ambon sailfin dragon (Hydrosaurus amboinensis)   noun

soro   termite   noun

soru   termite   noun

tahuri   conch   noun

talang2   a species of seagull in the family Laridae   noun

tamusa’al   small red ants that nest in trees   noun

taong2   Blyth’s hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus)   noun

taong-taong   Blyth’s hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus)   noun

taripang   sea cucumber   noun

tedong   cow   noun

teteruga aer   a species of turtle   noun

teteruga campaka   a species of turtle or tortoise   noun

teteruga darat   a species of tortoise   noun

teteruga   turtle, tortoise   noun

teteruga ikang   a species of turtle   noun

teteruga salawaku   a species of turtle or tortoise   noun

teteruga sisir   a species of turtle or tortoise   noun

teteruga utang   a species of tortoise   noun

tikos   mouse   noun

tikos kalapa   squirrel   noun

tikos mondo1   rat   noun

tikos mondo2   shrew   noun

tikus mulu panjang   possibly the Asian house shrew (Suncus murinus)   noun

tikus utang   a species of forest rat or shrew   noun

tinggalong   a species of lizard in the genus Calotes   noun

tirang1   barnacle   noun

tirang2   oyster   noun

tirong   oyster   noun

toi   the red-cheeked parrot (Geoffroyus geoffroyi)   noun

tongka setang   stick insect   noun

totoruga   turtle, tortoise   noun

tri-tri   a species of bird, possibly the grey-hooded white-eye (Heleia pinaiae)   noun

tui   a species of small parrot that lent its name to the village Tulehu   noun

tukang   the Moluccan owlet-nightjar (Aegotheles crinifrons)   noun

tusa   cat   noun

ular anjing   caterpillar   noun

ular cincin   a worm that coils up into a spiral when frightened   noun

ular panana   the Indonesian blue-tongued skink (Tiliqua gigas)   noun

ular sagu   the sago grub, larva of the beetle Euchirus longimanus   noun

ular soa-soa   monitor lizard, most likely the Ceram mangrove monitor (Varanus cerambonensis) and the mangrove monitor (Varanus indicus)   noun

ular1   grub   noun

ular2   worm   noun

ular3   lizard   noun

ule1   grub   noun

ule2   caterpillar   noun

ule3   maggot   noun

urep   the lories and lorikeets, small parrots in the tribe Loriini   noun

yakob   the yellow-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea)   noun

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