6 min read

cabar1   seditious, inciting trouble   verb

cabar2   challenge   verb

cabot   “let’s go!”   interjection

cabu-cabu   nail removal tool   noun

cabu   pull out, extract, withdraw   verb

cabut   “let’s go!”   interjection

caca   term of address for female of similar age or older between Muslims   pronoun

cacalepo   fall on one’s behind   verb

cacalepu   fall on one’s behind   verb

cacupu1   a small round bowl for incense or sugar   noun

cacupu2   a small piece of wood in a canoe to which outriggers are tied   noun

cacurang   funnel   noun

cah   (exclamation of acclaim for something well-done)   interjection

cakadidi1   flirty   adjective

cakadidi2   hyperactive, agile   adjective

caka   strangle   verb

cakaiba   traditional dance from North Maluku accompanied by tambourines and songs in the local language, usually performed on the Mawlid holiday   noun

cakalang banda   dried and salted cakalang   noun

cakalang   the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)   noun

cakalele   traditional war-dance, now ceremonial   noun

cakar ayang   chicken scratch (bad handwriting)   noun

cakar bongkar   flea market   noun

cakar-cakar   a cake made from a fried mixture of cassava and palm sugar   noun

cakar   scavenge   verb

cake   eat, stuff oneself (vulgar, swear)   verb

cakiba   traditional dance performed by women   noun

cako   give cough medicine to a baby   verb

calakate1   half-ripe   adjective

calakate2   a stylish middle-aged man   adjective

calana   trousers   noun

calana panjang   trousers   noun

calana simpang konto   overalls   noun

calana tali   traditional boxer shorts   noun

calong   prospective   adjective

camara   clump of hair used to make a hair bun larger   noun

cambok1   a whip   noun

cambok2   to whip   verb

cambok3   eat ravenously   verb

campada   the chempedak tree (Artocarpus integer) and its fruit   noun

camparadu   untidy, disorganised   adjective

campor1   mix, blend   verb

campor2   meddle   verb

canela1   slippers with upward-pointing ends   noun

canela2   traditional blouse, approximately the kebaya of Maluku   noun

cangkol1   a hoe   noun

cangkol2   to hoe   verb

cangkor   kencur (Kaempferia galanga), a rhizome in the ginger family   noun

capa   the lump of tobacco that is chewed together with betel nut   noun

caparune   untidy   adjective

caparuni   untidy   noun

capat-capat   “hurry up”   interjection

capat   fast   adjective

capato   shoes   noun

capatu   shoes   noun

capatu lars   military boot-   noun

cape-lala   tired   adjective

capeu   hat   noun

cap forok   fork brand steel knives   noun

caplok   plunder, steal   verb

capoci   a traditional children’s game   noun

cap tikus   sopi produced in manado   noun

car   sound of underbrush or gravel disturbed by footsteps   adverb

cari kanal   get to know someone, make someone’s acquaintance   verb

cari mati   take a foolhardy risk   verb

caripu   wooden sandals   noun

cari soe   get into trouble   verb

cari soi   get into trouble   verb

carita batu badaong   myth   noun

carita1   story   noun

carita2   tell   verb

cari tau   investigate, try to find out   verb

carit   neigh, whinny   verb

carming   mirror   noun

cartau1   see   verb

cartau2   visit a shaman to predict one’s fate   verb

cawaning   a whip   noun

caya   light   noun

cebo   wash the anus or genitals after defecating   noun

cecelepu1   not useful   adjective

cecelepu2   become exhausted   noun

cecelepu3   cross-legged   adjective

cega-cega   reckless, rash   adjective

cege-cega   attempt   verb

cege   try   verb

ceh   (exclamation of admiration)   interjection

ceke   eat, stuff oneself (vulgar)   verb

cele   traditional blouse   noun

cendrawasi   bird-of-paradise (the family Paradisaeidae)   noun

cengeng1   whine   verb

cengeng2   tearful   adjective

cengke   clove (Syzygium aromaticum)   noun

cengke polong   clove that has become swollen and unsuitable for trade   noun

cengke raja   a variety of clove, possibly Syzygium richii   noun

cengke tema   ceremonial cloves planted first before planting more, a tradition specific to Buru island   noun

cengke tuni   clove (Syzygium aromaticum)   noun

cengke utang   a variety of clove, possibly Syzygium makul or the syzygium cumini   noun

cera   a species of edible leaf, possibly some kind of mint   noun

cere   divorced   noun

cere gandong   estranged from family   adjective

ces   (exclamation of admiration)   interjection

cet   paint   noun

cica bingkarong   the lizard Calotes nigriplicatus   noun

cica   gecko   noun

cici   great-grandchild   noun

cicilepu1   foul (mouthed)   adjective

cicilepu2   (of a person) useless   adjective

cicilepu3   bankrupt   adjective

cicilepu4   sit down on the floor   adverb

cicorang   funnel   noun

cidaku1   support   noun

cidaku2   traditional bra   noun

cidaku3   loincloth   noun

cidaku4   carry   verb

cigi   “go!”   interjection

cigi   pull suddenly, yank   verb

cigulu   riddle   noun

cih   (exclamation of admiration)   interjection

cikar1   crowded, full   adjective

cikar2   want to do something immediately   verb

cikuang   hit, strike   verb

cilaka1   wretched, unlucky   adjective

cilaka2   misfortune, disaster   noun

cilaka3   “woe!” (exclamation of grief)   interjection

cili boku   a small variety of chilli (Capsicum fruitescens)   noun

cili bua basar   a large variety of chilli   noun

cili   chilli   noun

cili kanop   a round, yellow variety of chilli   noun

cili kariting   curly chili   noun

cili padi   a small variety of chilli (Capsicum fruitescens)   noun

cili tali   a long, crinkled variety of chilli, possibly the Cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum longum)   noun

cincao1   seaweed   noun

cincao2   agar derived from seaweed   noun

cincing   ring   noun

ciong1   kiss   verb

ciong2   smell (sense by odor)   verb

ciong3   sniff   verb

cip-cip   a species of fish (?)   noun

cita   chintz   noun

cobang   a broad, needle-like bamboo tool for making and repairing fishing nets   noun

cobe   mortar (of a mortar and pestle)   noun

cocorang   funnel   noun

cok   choke, plug   noun

cole1   traditional bodice worn beneath a kabaya or baju cele   noun

cole2   hairpin   noun

colo-colo   a condiment served with grilled fish; a raw salsa made of green tomato, shallot, chilli, calamansi juice, shallot, and lemon basil   noun

colo   a dip   noun

colo   to dip   verb

congka   the southeast Asian variety of mancala games; congklak or dakon in standard Indonesian   noun

cop-cop1   (onomatopoeia: fast movement)   noun

cop-cop2   move quickly   verb

cor1   reinforced concrete   noun

cor2   pour concrete around a steel frame   verb

co1   try   adverb

co2   please   adverb

cubi-cubi1   eating snacks with coffee   verb

cubi-cubi2   bar snacks when drinking sopi   noun

cubi   pinch   verb

cuci ingos   blow one’s nose   verb

cucur   a sweet fritter made of a deep-fried mixture of rice flour and palm sugar   noun

cucu1   impale   verb

cucu2   string (of things)   noun

cucu3   grandchild   noun

cui   the olive-backed sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis)   noun

cuka minya   “fuck” (exclamation of frustration)   interjection

cukardeleng   (exclamation of frustration or surprise, slightly less vulgar than cukimaai or cuki)   interjection

cukardellen   (exclamation of frustration or surprise, slightly less vulgar than cukimaai or cuki)   interjection

cukarica   (exclamation of frustration or surprise)   interjection

cuki   to have sex (extremely vulgar)   verb

cuki mai   “motherfucker” (exclamation of frustration)   interjection

cukimai   “motherfucker” (exclamation of frustration)   interjection

cuki minya   “fuck” (exclamation of frustration)   interjection

cukor   shave   verb

culas   envious   adjective

cuma-cuma   free   adjective

cungkel   pry, prise   verb

cupa   a used condensed milk can used as a unit of measure, approximately ⅓ litre   noun

cup-cup1   (onomatopoeia: fast movement)   noun

cup-cup2   move quickly   verb

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