4 min read

jabon   the burflower tree (Neolamarckia cadamba)   noun

jadam   an aloe extract from which traditional medicines are made for the treatment of aches, etc   noun

jade   so, consequently   noun

jadi   born   verb

jae   ginger (Zingiber officinale)   noun

jaga-jaga1   branches   noun

jaga-jaga2   alert   noun

jaga lia   wait and see   verb

jaganti1   a giant (figurative)   noun

jaganti2   giant demon   noun

jaga1   tree branch   noun

jaga2   take care of (e.g. a patient)   verb

jaga3   regularly   verb

jaga4   keep watch   verb

jago   great, good   adjective

jagong   corn   noun

jagong karing   hard, dried kernels of corn   noun

jagong muda   sweet corn   noun

jahanam   wicked   adjective

jaji   born   verb

jala   a cast net for fishing   noun

jalanang1   street   noun

jalanang2   journey   noun

jalang1   road   noun

jalang2   walk   verb

jalang3   move ahead   verb

jalonto1   cheat at a game of marbles   verb

jalonto2   ‘doggy-style’   adjective

jalus   jealous   adjective

jamaat   people   noun

jamakat   watermelon   noun

jamang1   of the same age   adjective

jamang2   middle-aged   adjective

jambang   sideburns   noun

jambar   traditional hammer-like tool for leveling a substrate when laying a floor   noun

jambatang1   bridge   noun

jambatang2   pier   noun

jambatang3   help, assistance   noun

jambatang4   matchmaker   noun

jambu biji kaluar   the cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale) and its fruit   noun

jamela   window   noun

jam-jam   for hours and hours   adverb

jamor   fungus, mould, mushroom   noun

janbang   sideburns   noun

jandela   window   noun

janela   window   noun

jangang1   don’t (imperative)   verb

jangang2   lest   adverb

jang bilang lai   “incredible!”, “unbelievable!”   interjection

janggar ayang   the portuguese man o’ war (Physalia physalis)   noun

janggot   beard   noun

jang lei   “don’t do that again / anymore”   interjection

jang mara e   “excuse me”, “sorry”   interjection

jang sampe   lest   noun

jang1   don’t (imperative)   verb

jang2   lest   adverb

janji   instruct   verb

jankri   cricket   noun

jantong   heart   noun

jantong hati   favourite   noun

jantong ikang   fish heart   noun

jantong pisang   banana flower   noun

jao   far   adjective

japang   Japan   noun

jarak-jarak   a little way apart   adverb

jarang   a little distance away   adjective

jarang-jarang1   distance   noun

jarang-jarang2   lessen   verb

jarang-jarang3   often   adjective

jare cincin   ring finger   noun

jare kalingking   little finger   noun

jare mai   thumb   noun

jare manis   little finger   noun

jareng bau-bau   large, Japanese-style fishing net   noun

jareng bodo   small floating fishing net without weights   noun

jareng   fishing net   noun

jareng giop   weighted, encircling fishing net, the bottom of which is drawn together after   noun

jareng gosau   fishing net used to catch gosau   noun

jareng jiob   fishing net used to catch halfbeaks   noun

jareng mamanut   large floating fishing net without weights   noun

jareng parempa   fine-meshed floating fishing net without weights   noun

jareng selu   weighted, encircling fishing net used to catch selu   noun

jareng tohar   heavily weighted fishing net into which fish are driven using a pantohar   noun

jareng tuing-tuing   fishing net used to catch flying fish   noun

jareng tutu   stationary fishing net   noun

jare1   finger, toe   noun

jare2   a finger-width   noun

jare talunjuk   index finger   noun

jare tangan   fingers   noun

jare tenga   middle finger   noun

jaring   fishing net   noun

jarning   clear, bright   adjective

jarong   sewing needle   noun

jarong jeksi   syringe   noun

jarong masin   sewing machine needle   noun

jarong suntik   syringe   noun

jat   bad, wicked   adjective

jato   fall   verb

jatu   fall   verb

jau   far   adjective

jau-jau   very far   adjective

jaya1   prosper   verb

jaya2   be victorious   verb

jejer   row, column   noun

jeksi1   injection   noun

jeksi2   inject   verb

jeksi3   get an injection   verb

jeksi4   administer an injection   verb

jenefer   whisky   noun

jengkrik   curse with the fingers (?)   verb

jigol-jigol   puzzles, riddles   noun

jigulu-jigulu   puzzles, riddles   noun

jiko   corner   noun

jiku   corner   noun

jiku mulu   corner of the mouth   noun

jina   tame   adjective

jingkal1   a span (unit of measure equal to one outstretched hand)   noun

jingkal2   to span   verb

jip   jeep (car brand)   noun

jo   also   noun

jojaro   unmarried girl   noun

jombatang1   bridge   noun

jombatang2   pier   noun

jombatang3   help, assistance   noun

jombatang4   matchmaker   noun

jongko   squat   noun

jongos   maid   noun

jonsong1   outboard engine   noun

jonsong2   boat driven by an outboard engine   noun

jonson1   outboard engine   noun

jonson2   boat driven by an outboard engine   noun

jormin   the Tahitian gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus), which is often made into a preserve   noun

jou-jou   assistant to the head of the village   noun

jou1   assistant to the head of the village   noun

jou2   term of address for the head of a soa   noun

jua1   just   noun

jua2   also   noun

jubing   concrete floor   noun

jugulu-jugulu   puzzles, riddles   noun

jujaro   young woman   noun

jujaro ngongare   boys and girls   noun

juk   traditional four-stringed lute   noun

juling   cross-eyed   adjective

julu-julu   tickle   verb

julung   fish in the halfbeak genus (Hemiramphidae), possibly a species of Hyporhamphus such as the Japanese halfbeak (Hyporhamphus sajori)   noun

jumawa   very angry due to something being done that is not to one’s wishes   adjective

jumbatang1   bridge   noun

jumbatang2   pier   noun

jumbatang3   help, assistance   noun

jumbatang4   matchmaker   noun

jumor   dry in the sunshine   verb

jumur   dry in the sunshine   verb

jungkir bale   mid-somersault, upside-down   adverb

jungku   a kind of large sailboat having no deck and no outriggers   noun

juragang1   boat crew   noun

juragang2   businessman   noun

juru mudi   driver (of a car or a boat)   noun

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