22 min read

kaamanang   safety, security   noun

kabaekang   goodness, kindness   noun

kabaktiang   sunday church service   noun

kabalakang1   behind   adjective

kabalakang2   left behind   adjective

kabalakang3   backward, behind the times   adjective

kabal1   invulnerability   noun

kabal2   invulnerable due to the use of magic   adjective

kabangkalang   choke   verb

kabar   news   noun

kabaresi1   courageous, daring   adjective

kabaresi2   unfriendly   noun

kabas1   go off suddenly   verb

kabas2   shake off   verb

kabas3   numb   adjective

kabas4   wave, flutter   verb

kabau   box made of pandan leaves or bamboo   noun

kabawa   downwards   adverb

kabaya dangsa   a particular type of kebaya for events featuring dances   noun

kabaya   kebaya (traditional top worn by women throughout the malay archipelago)   noun

kabaya renda   kebaya embroidered with lace on the sleeves, bottom, and front   noun

kabiri1   castrate   verb

kabiri2   prune, trim   verb

kabong   garden, plantation   noun

kabong sapanggal   vagina   noun

kabor1   blurry   adjective

kabor2   cloudy   adjective

kabor3   disappear, missing   verb

kabualang   trick, deceive   verb

kabubu   (of wood) worm-eaten, turned to termite droppings   adjective

kabuli   deceive   verb

kaburu1   rush   verb

kaburu2   rushed, in a hurry   verb

kabus   the striped snakehead fish (Channa striata)   noun

kaca mata itang   sunglasses   noun

kaca mata panas   sunglasses   noun

kaca molo   swimming goggles   noun

kaca nako   louvre window   noun

kacang cina   a subspecies of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata cylindrica)   noun

kacang japung   peanut   noun

kacang kadele   the soybean (Glycine max)   noun

kacang sabel   the jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis)   noun

kacil   small   adjective

kacong   traditional children’s game played by girls similar to kick volleyball (sepak takraw)   noun

kacuali   except   conjunction

kacupeng   little (pejorative)   adjective

kacuping   little (pejorative)   adjective

kadalang1   into   preposition

kadalang2   deep   adjective

kadang   rarely   adverb

kadang-kadang   now and then, occasionally   adverb

kadara1   inland   adjective

kadara2   move inland   verb

kadayo   dance   noun

kadera   chair   noun

kadera porong   decorative chairs for the bride and groom at a wedding reception   noun

kadiamang1   settle in   verb

kadiamang2   become a resident of   verb

kadondong   the ambarella tree (Spondias cytherea) and its fruit   noun

ka   to   preposition

kaeng   cloth   noun

kaeng gandong   bride-price sarong presented to parents   noun

kaeng jandela   curtain   noun

kaeng kabaya   woman’s traditional outfit consisting of a sarong and kabaya   noun

kaeng ko’oi   mosquito net   noun

kaeng om   bride-price sarong presented to parents   noun

kaget   shocked, surprised   adjective

kahelo   a species of bee   noun

kahendak   want   verb

kaheo   counterbalance   verb

kaheu   counterbalance   verb

kai   older sibling (this meaning often forgotten, but the word remains added to the ends of sentences)   noun

kaing   cloth   noun

kairore   a traditional dance in which arms are crossed with another person to hoist up a third person   noun

kajadiang   christmas   noun

kajahatang   mischief, delinquency   noun

kajahatang   wicked, of very bad character   adjective

kajatang   wicked, of very bad character   adjective

kaka   “big brother” / “big sister”, term of address for someone of similar age but older   pronoun

kakaher1   a large grain-winnowing tray / basket made from woven bamboo skin   noun

kakaher2   wedding presents, specifically produce (typically bananas, coconut oil, etc.)   noun

kakal   permanent   adjective

kakalu   spatula, especially one used to stir papeda   noun

kakanang   to the right   adverb

kakap merah   any species of snapper, the genus Lutjanus   noun

kakaringang   dried up   adjective

kakarlak1   cockroach   noun

kakarlak2   vitiligo   noun

kakatua   parrot   noun

kakatua merah   red parrot   noun

kakatua1   any species of parrotfish (the family Scaridae)   noun

kakatua2   pliers   noun

kakatua tuli   a large-headed green parrot, thought to have a poor sense of hearing   noun

kakawai   customary system of laws in Buru   noun

kakehor   possibly just small palala   noun

kaki aer   estuary of a stream   noun

kaki baju   hem of a dress or skirt   noun

kaki karabu   having an ulcerated foot   adjective

kakiri   to the left   adverb

kaki saribu   centipede   noun

kakisaribu   centipede   noun

kakisaribus   centipede   noun

kaki setang   stick insect   noun

kaki tangan mati   paralysed   adjective

kakopang   coconut shoots that have not yet grown into leaves   noun

kakosang   flaky skin on an infant’s head   noun

kakurang1   traditional coconut grater tool   noun

kakurang2   weed   noun

kakusang1   rattan cone used for steaming   noun

kakusang2   coconut milk filter made from woven bamboo   noun

kakusang3   conical shaped object   noun

kakusang4   a sour variety of langsa   noun

kalabasa   the calabash tree (Lagenaria siceraria)   noun

kalabor1   mess around   verb

kalabor2   troublemaker   noun

kalabor3   without finesse   verb

kaladi bulai   large variety of taro, found on obi island   noun

kaladi   taro (Colocasia esculenta)   noun

kaladi inan   round variety of taro   noun

kaladi johor   a long variety of taro   noun

kaladi kiha   a variety of taro that yields no tubers but edible stems, found on obi island   noun

kala   be defeated   verb

kalakuang   behaviour   noun

kalakuang sapsele   bad behaviour   noun

kalalerang1   wander here and there aimlessly   verb

kalalerang2   destitute   noun

kalamareng dolo   day before yesterday   adverb

kalamareng   yesterday   noun

kalambu   mosquito net   noun

kalamoyang   worm   noun

kalam1   calm (personality)   adjective

kalam2   door   noun

kalam3   the latch of a door   noun

kalam4   bar the door   verb

kalamumor   dandruff   noun

kalamumur   dandruff   noun

kalang kabut   a feeling akin to writer’s block but more general, a lack of inspiration and creativity, a sluggishness of the mind   noun

kalao1   seaward   adjective

kalao2   move seaward   verb

kalapa bali   the palm used for palm oil (Elaeis guineensis)   noun

kalapa bangka   coconut whose flesh is not yet hard   noun

kalapa   coconut   noun

kalapa kanari   a variety of coconut   noun

kalapa karing   coconut with hard flesh   noun

kalapa muda   green, unripe coconut   noun

kalapa raja   the regia variety of coconut   noun

kalap   smack, slap   verb

kalar   finished, ready   adjective

kalas   class   noun

kalauna   a species of fish (?)   noun

kalawae   a three-pronged spear used for spear-fishing   noun

kalawai   a three-pronged spear used for spear-fishing   noun

kalayu babintang   whale shark (Rhincodon typus)   noun

kal   if   conjunction

kalenci   rabbit   noun

kalender   calendar   noun

kaler   marble (toy)   noun

kalereng   marble (toy)   noun

kalesang1   care for   noun

kalesang2   arrange, manage   verb

kalet   European-style woman’s dress   noun

kalewang1   traditional machete from western Indonesia   noun

kalewang2   European-style sword   noun

kaliatang   visible   adjective

kalir   testicle   noun

kaliweng   the red frog crab (Raninina ranina)   noun

kalmaring   yesterday   noun

kalomang   package made of leaves to contain kanari nuts, etc   noun

kalompeng1   women’s slip-on shoes   noun

kalompeng2   sandal carved from a wooden block with a single strap that goes over the toes   noun

kalom1   women’s slip-on shoes   noun

kalom2   sandal carved from a wooden block with a single strap that goes over the toes   noun

kalong1   handcuffs   noun

kalong2   necklace   noun

kalong3   civet   noun

kalore   a flowering cucumber   noun

kalor   bald   adjective

kalorol   the plant Croton tiglium, the seed of which causes severe diarrhoea   noun

kalos   spool   noun

kalot   male genitalia (slang)   noun

kalot kambing   a tree (?)   noun

kalsang   trousers   noun

kaluar   go outside   verb

kalu   if   conjunction

kaluna   a fish(?)   noun

kalu seng   else, if not, or else   noun

kalu tra   else, if not, better still   noun

kaluyu aer   the sicklefin weasel shark (Hemigaleus microstoma)   noun

kaluyu   shark   noun

kaluyu gargaji   the longcomb sawfish (Pristis zijsron)   noun

kaluyu ikang   the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)   noun

kaluyu kapala panggayong   hammerhead sharks (the Sphyrnidae family)   noun

kamange   Thai lemon basil (Ocimum × africanum)   noun

kamaniang   a type of incense, perhaps benzoin   noun

kamar dudu   living room   noun

kamareng   yesterday   adverb

kamari   here   adverb

kamari-kamari   as time approached the present   adverb

kamaring   yesterday   noun

kamasi   a liquid condiment made of salt and fish entrails, often used with fruit salad   noun

kamatian   death   noun

kambar   twin   noun

kambelo   stupid, idiot   adjective

kambelu   shipworm (the family Teredinidae)   noun

kamboti1   basket for fruits and tubers woven from coconut leaves   noun

kamboti2   measure word used in the trading of fruits and tubers   measure

kameja   shirt   noun

kameja panjang   long-sleeved shirt   noun

kamenangan   victory   noun

kaminatil   act prematurely or rashly in hopes of succeeding and being praised   verb

kamiri   candlenut (Aleurites moluccanus)   noun

kamiring   candlenut (Aleurites moluccanus)   noun

kamong   you (plural)   pronoun

kamorang   you (plural)   noun

kamper   camphor   noun

kampinjang   bells   noun

kampiong   champion   noun

kampong   village   noun

kamudi1   rudder   noun

kamudi2   steer using a rudder or oar   verb

kamu-kamu   fog   noun

kamuka1   before   adverb

kamuka2   first   adverb

kamuka3   forward   adverb

kamuleng   a plant that grows by the sea, with edible leaves used as medicine   noun

kamuleng utang   a smaller, forest-dwelling variety of kamuleng   noun

kana   a sturdy imported earthenware bottle used for tapers (?)   noun

kanal bae   get to know someone deeply   verb

kanal strom   receive an electric shock   verb

kanal1   hit, touch   verb

kanal2   know, recognise, recall   verb

kanang   right (not left)   adjective

kanari   the galip nut (Canarium indicum) and its tree   noun

kanari utang   the tree Canarium hirsutum (?)   noun

kancang   girlish   adjective

kandas1   founder, sink (of a ship)   verb

kandas2   near   adjective

kandati   although   conjunction

kanek   bus or boat driver’s assistant who collects money from passengers   noun

kaneker   marble (toy)   noun

kan   squared, made square   adjective

kanes   short-tempered, mean, catty   adjective

kanever   hair pin   noun

kang   “right?”, “isn’t it?”, etc.   interjection

kangkong   water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)   noun

kaning1   forehead   noun

kaning2   eyebrow   noun

kanjilu   a children’s game similar to London bridge   noun

kanji1   starch for clothing   noun

kanji2   to starch clothes   verb

kanjoli1   a tree in the genus Calophyllum, and its seeds   noun

kanjoli2   a traditional candle made from kanjoli seeds that are are either fried, ground with burnt sago stem skin, then wrapped around a broom stick; or they are pounded to remove the shells and pierced with sago stems   noun

kannes   bitter, hard personality (particularly of women)   adjective

kanop   button   noun

kantal   thick, viscous   adjective

kantang   potato   noun

kantara   visible   adjective

kantar   sing together   verb

kant   corner   noun

kanyang   satisfied, full   adjective

kao-kao   stammered   verb

kapado1   castrate   verb

kapado2   prune, trim   verb

kapadu1   castrate   noun

kapadu2   prune, trim   noun

kapala adat   traditional chief   noun

kapala aer   spring, source of a stream   noun

kapala basar   conceited, unruly   adjective

kapala batu   stubborn   adjective

kapala kaka-ringang   crazy, eccentric   adjective

kapala kampong   a title given to certain village chiefs   noun

kapalamada   the mahi-mahi, or common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus)   noun

kapala pica   a type of sexually transmitted infection   noun

kapala skola   headteacher   noun

kapala skopeng   (?)   adjective

kapala soa   traditional chief of a group of allied clans in a village   noun

kapala1   head   noun

kapala2   chief   noun

kapala tar sanang   idiotic, foolish   adjective

kapala tongka   ornamentation at the top of a staff or cane once a symbol of political status   noun

kapal prang   war ship   noun

kapal tarbang   aeroplane   noun

kapanasang   suffer from the heat   verb

kapaseti1   bird’s crest   noun

kapaseti2   traditional warrior’s helmet   noun

kapas-kapas   either the common silver-biddy (Gerres oyena) or the slender silver-biddy (Gerres macrosoma)   noun

kapata   traditional slow musical chant / poem recited in local languages at ritual occasions   noun

kapidol   head wound   noun

kapinging   long for, long to   verb

kapista   a term for women who are very attractive (negative connotation), have a rather high temperament, and are innate traits   noun

kapista1   ‘slutty’ (pejorative)   adjective

kapista2   traditional martial art of Maluku   noun

kapista3   impolite   adjective

kapitang1   a leader during war   noun

kapitang2   official village military chief   noun

kapiteng1   crab   noun

kapiteng2   pliers   noun

kapok1   cotton (specifically, cotton from the fluffy innards of the Ceiba pentandra seed pod)   noun

kapok2   repent   noun

kapok3   discouraged from misbehaving   adjective

kapolat   a shrub with very toxic leaves   noun

kapor   chalk, lime (the chalky material derived from limestone)   noun

kapo1   repent   verb

kapo2   discouraged from misbehaving   adjective

kapot1   broken   adjective

kapot2   cut, trim   verb

kapseti1   bird’s crest   noun

kapseti2   traditional warrior’s helmet   noun

kaputusang   decision   noun

karabu1   afflicted with infected sores   adjective

karabu2   sores on the soles of the feet (?)   noun

karajaan   country   noun

karamat   sacred   adjective

karam1   numb   verb

karam2   paralyzed   verb

karam3   get a cramp   verb

karam4   receive an electric shock   verb

karanjang   basket   noun

karas   hard   adjective

karbou   water buffalo   noun

kardamong   cardamom, specifically Elettaria cardamomum rather than Amomum subulatum which is more common on the Indian subcontinent   noun

karempeng   very thin, skinny   adjective

kar   map, chart   noun

karepek   crackers   noun

karepu1   wrinkles   noun

karepu2   sores on the mouth due to yaws / frambesia tropica / thymosis infection   noun

karfei   strike violently   verb

karibo   curly hair   noun

karikel   gravel   noun

karimang   parcel, shipment   noun

karing1   dry   adjective

karing2   dry land   noun

karisa   graze, scrape (wound)   noun

karis   the traditional javanese dagger kris or keris   verb

kariteng   curly, frizzy   adjective

kariting   curly, frizzy   adjective

karja asal jadi   work carelessly   verb

karja parlente   work unseriously   verb

karja1   work   noun

karja2   to work on something   verb

karkaru   some kind of cake or snack (?)   noun

karkupeng   long hairpin for a hair bun   noun

karkuping   long hairpin for a hair bun   noun

karmencong   naughty child   noun

karnafol   beat or hit repeatedly   verb

karnapol   beat or hit repeatedly   verb

karnikus   “rat”, a name given to a stubborn child   noun

karnofol   smacking someone’s head in a joking manner   verb

karnopol   smacking someone’s head in a joking manner   verb

karompi   chew (of tobacco)   verb

karonci   a garland of white flowers placed on the coffin of an unmarried adult   noun

karong1   tails side of the 25 rupiah coin, the side with no image   noun

karong2   sack   noun

karos   thin, gaunt   adjective

karoyo   gang up on   verb

karpus   baby bonnet   noun

karsang   trousers   noun

karsang panjang   long trousers   noun

kartao   underwear, boxer shorts   noun

kartapel   slingshot   noun

kartas   paper   noun

kartasliling   glossy, translucent, coloured paper   noun

kartas minya   wax paper   noun

kartau   underwear, boxer shorts   noun

karto   underwear, boxer shorts   noun

kartou   underwear, boxer shorts   noun

karu-karu   snack made from sago flour mixed with grated coconut, dry fried into a flat pancake, sprinkled with palm sugar and rolled up   noun

karupuk   shrimp cracker   noun

karus   thin, gaunt   adjective

karusil   scuffed   adjective

kasana   that way, there   adverb

kasbadiri   stand (something) up   verb

kasbae   permit, allow   verb

kasbai   permit, allow   verb

kasbicara   advise   verb

kasbi   cassava   noun

kasdudu   set going, set up   verb

kase   give   verb

kas-   (prefix to form causative verbs)   noun

kasiang1   poor (poor thing, poor you)   adjective

kasiang2   pity, feel compassion toward   verb

kasini1   here   verb

kasini2   “come here”   interjection

kasitu1   there   verb

kasitu2   “go there”   interjection

kaskado1   suffering from white fungal skin disease   adjective

kaskado2   leprosy   noun

kaskadu1   suffering from white fungal skin disease   adjective

kaskadu2   leprosy   noun

kaskaluar   remove from within   verb

kaslos   permit, allow   verb

kas makang   pantry   noun

kasmandi   bathe   verb

kasmaso   insert into   verb

kasmati   to death, to the point of death   adverb

kasnae   raise   verb

kasnai   raise   verb

kaso   bamboo rafter, joist   noun

kaso mae   large rafter supporting longitudinal poles that support rafters   noun

kasowari1   cassowary, genus (Casuarius)   noun

kasowari2   a tree of the genus Casuarina   noun

kas1   give (imperative)   verb

kas2   cheese   noun

kas3   cupboard, wardrobe   noun

kastarol   a medicinal plant   noun

kasta1   descendants   noun

kasta2   social group   noun

kastau1   tell, inform   verb

kastau2   tattle   verb

kasten1   bounce   verb

kasten2   bouncy   adjective

kastidor   put to sleep   verb

kasti   a maluku version of baseball   noun

kastinggal   let be, leave be   verb

kastunju   show   verb

kasturi ekor panjang   a long-tailed talking parrot   noun

kasturi   parrot   noun

kasturung   lower   verb

kasu   bamboo rafter, joist   noun

kasusu   suckle   verb

katageang1   addiction   noun

katageang2   addicted to   verb

katagorang   possessed   adjective

kata-kata tar bai   abusive words   noun

katam   a breakfast dish made of sticky rice, coconut, and palm sugar   noun

katanggisang1   delirious   adjective

katanggisang2   talk in one’s sleep   verb

katang1   crab   noun

katang2   pliers   noun

katapang   the Malabar almond (Terminalia catappa)   noun

katas   upwards   adverb

kata1   that (e.g. said that)   noun

kata2   intending to   verb

kata3   even (e.g. not even)   adverb

kate-kate   a hook used in shark fishing   noun

kater   bed   noun

katia   armpit   noun

katidorang   unexpectedly fall asleep   verb

katimbur   cucumber   noun

katimong   cucumber   noun

katindisang   sleep-talking   verb

katong   we, us   pronoun

katorang   we, us   pronoun

katreji   a traditional dance reminsicent of a cèilidh, or other group folk dances comprised of multiple pairs of dancers   noun

katrol   exercise device consisting of a weight, a rope, and a pully   noun

katsasi   receive catechesis, attend lectures on Christian doctrine   verb

katumbar   coriander   noun

katupa   woven coconut-leaf package containing rice boiled in coconut milk   noun

kau-kau   stammered   verb

kawa   wire   noun

kawaja   miserly, stingy   adjective

kawalinya   either the bigeyed scad (Selar crumenophthalmus) or the yellowtail scad (Atule mate)   noun

kawa nyanyau   leader line (attached to fishhook)   noun

kawa ram   chicken wire   noun

kawa waja   miserly, stingy   adjective

kawa waja   steel wire   noun

kawe-kawe1   homosexual man   noun

kawe-kawe2   effeminate man   noun

kaweng lari   elope   verb

kaweng1   wed   verb

kaweng2   have sex   verb

kayabu   a snack made from boiled cassava, grated coconut and palm sugar   noun

kayangang   heaven   noun

kayo   wood   noun

kayu baru   the sea hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus)   noun

kayu besi   the ironwood tree (Intsia bijuga)   noun

kayu bua   stick   noun

kayu   bolt (cloth measurement of 40 yards)   noun

kayu mera   the tree Eugenia rumphii   noun

kayu olio   a kind of wood   noun

kayu pantong   club   noun

kayu pilang   club   noun

kayu stapel   firewood   noun

kayu tanjung   the Spanish cherry (Mimusops elengi)   noun

kayu titi   the tree Gmelina moluccana, the wood of which is used to build dugout canoes   noun

keamponang   forgiveness   noun

kebanyakang   most   adjective

keker   binoculars   noun

keku   to carry goods on one’s head   verb

kelder   condensed milk crate made of ¼-inch white pine   noun

kele1   hand in hand   adjective

kele2   collaborate   verb

kenek   bus or boat driver’s assistant who collects money from passengers   noun

keok   die (rude)   verb

keoku   fingernail   noun

kepeng   money   noun

kepeng skola   school fees   noun

kep1   shorten   verb

kep2   a notch, a nick   noun

kep3   to notch, to nick   verb

kerabu   ear clip   noun

ker   examine in order to ascertain some problem   verb

kerkelo   (?)   noun

kerkof   grave   noun

kerko1   die   verb

kerko2   grave   noun

kerong-kerong1   dappled   noun

kerong-kerong2   zebra-striped   adjective

kerong-kerong3   the jarbua terapon (Terapon jarbua)   noun

kes1   monkey   noun

kes2   mudskippers, fish in the genus Periophthalmus   noun

keti   overabundant   adjective

kets1   bounce, ricochet   verb

kets2   to mistake   verb

kewang1   traditional forest ranger or police   noun

kewang2   village official responsible for collecting fees and tolls   noun

kewel   brag, lie   verb

kiming kalapa   the spathe of a coconut inflorescence   noun

kinar   the guest tree (Kleinhovia hospita)   noun

kincing   urinate   verb

kintal   yard, garden surrounding a house   noun

kintal sapanggal   vagina   noun

kio   (a particle used at the end of a sentence to coax or persuade agreement)   interjection

kipas lengso   wave farewell with a handkerchief   verb

kipas puti   run away head over heels   verb

kira   think, suppose   verb

kiri-kanang   everywhere   adjective

kiring   send   verb

kising1   nothing left   adjective

kising2   bald   adjective

kita’il   act prematurely or rashly in hopes of succeeding and being praised   verb

klambu   mosquito net   noun

klangkas   loudspeaker   noun

klar   finished, ready   noun

klas   class   noun

klep   social group   noun

klikli1   squinting to focus to see from a distance   verb

klikli2   dim   adjective

knefer   moustache   noun

koat   strong   adjective

kobik   cubic metre   noun

kocobutu   masturbation (swear)   interjection

koco   shuffle, shake   verb

kode1   cue, signal   noun

kode2   a score (of) (measure word used for packages of sarongs)   measure

kodi   a score (of) (measure word used for packages of sarongs)   measure

kodo   frog   noun

koe1   you (rude)   noun

koe2   bed frame   noun

koe3   nut   noun

koe4   a species of fish (?)   noun

kofi   coffee   noun

kofor   suitcase   noun

kohu-kohu1   a dish consisting of raw anchovies mixed with grated coconut, shallots, birdseye chilli, atuna racemosa fruit, seasoned with salt and vinegar, then ground in a mortar and pestle and boiled   noun

kohu-kohu2   a dish consisting of smoked skipjack tuna mixed with bean sprouts, grated coconut, shallots, seasoned with salt and vinegar, then boiled   noun

koini   a particularly fragrant type of mango, Mangifera odorata   noun

koi prong   bridal bed   noun

koi1   you (rude)   noun

koi2   bed frame   noun

koi3   nut   noun

koi4   a species of fish (?)   noun

kokaho   attract fish by mincing bait, mixing it with sand, and throwing it into the water   noun

kokahu   attract fish by mincing bait, mixing it with sand, and throwing it into the water   verb

kok   owl   noun

kokodang   a species of small red crustacean   noun

kokoho1   a dish consisting of raw anchovies mixed with grated coconut, shallots, birdseye chilli, atuna racemosa fruit, seasoned with salt and vinegar, then ground in a mortar and pestle and boiled   noun

kokoho2   a dish consisting of smoked skipjack tuna mixed with bean sprouts, grated coconut, shallots, seasoned with salt and vinegar, then boiled   noun

koko1   term of address for an Indonesian-Chinese man   pronoun

koko2   a dish consisting of raw anchovies mixed with grated coconut, shallots, birdseye chilli, atuna racemosa fruit, seasoned with salt and vinegar, then ground in a mortar and pestle and boiled   noun

koko3   a dish consisting of smoked skipjack tuna mixed with bean sprouts, grated coconut, shallots, seasoned with salt and vinegar, then boiled   noun

kokotang   a kind of small animal that makes holes in the sand (?)   noun

kokotek1   cluck   interjection

kokotek2   cackle   verb

kokoya   a kind of plaited mat used as a hat during rain   noun

kolang   hole   noun

kolang susu   the Singapore graveyard flower (Plumeria obtusa)   noun

kole   fish that have been caught in a net   noun

kole-kole   a small one-person dugout canoe, typically without outriggers   noun

kolekta   money given to the collection plate during church services (the offertory in baptist churches)   noun

kolektang   either the person who collects the kolekta during the church service, or the person who recieves the kolekta (?)   noun

koli   traditional alcohol distilled from sageru   noun

koliling   around   preposition

kolombeng   small cake   noun

kolong ruma   space under a house   noun

kolot1   look at   noun

kolot2   penis (slang)   noun

komader   witness for the bride during the legal part of the marriage (at the civil registry office)   noun

komangi   Thai lemon basil (Ocimum × africanum)   noun

komanji   Thai lemon basil (Ocimum × africanum)   noun

kombali1   return   verb

kombali2   change (i.e. excess cash returned by the cashier in a transaction)   noun

kom beta?   “hey, what about me?”   interjection

kombili   a variety of sweet potato (Coleus rotundifolius)   noun

kom   and then   noun

kompader   witness for the groom during the legal part of the marriage (at the civil registry office)   noun

kompani   Dutch East India Company military   noun

kompeng   female genitalia   noun

komu   either the bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) or the frigate tuna (Auxis thazard)   noun

kona   to be in season and abundant   verb

konci bulang   the end of the month   noun

konci istori   chatting place (?)   noun

konci karja   retire, resign   verb

konci rekeng   in the end, finally   adjective

konci stori   administration office of a church   noun

konci1   key   noun

konci2   a lock   noun

konci3   to lock   verb

konci4   close of, end of   noun

konci4   wrench   noun

konci taong   the end of the year   noun

konci usbu   weekend   noun

konco   close friend   noun

konde1   hair bun   noun

konde2   highest part of the canoe’s stem   noun

kondo bujang   a species of heron   noun

kondor   the wax gourd / winter melon (Benincasa hispida)   noun

kondua   the two of us   pronoun

kon   and then   noun

kongkalikong   fighting words   noun

kong1   just   adverb

kong2   and then   adverb

konterler   head of government during the Dutch colonial period   noun

konto   fart   verb

konto-konto   the sewer vine (Paederia verticillata)   noun

kontol   penis   noun

kontol mabo   a fried snack made from flour and white sugar   noun

kontol sous   a fried snack made from flour and sprinkled with brown sugar, made to resemble bread   noun

konyado   sibling-in-law   pronoun

konyadu   sibling-in-law   pronoun

konyadu laki-laki   brother-in-law   noun

konyadu parampuang   sister-in-law   noun

konyol   die a foolish death   verb

kopau   the Chinese-Indonesian dumpling bakpao   noun

kop   master (a skill)   verb

kopeng   bounce a football off the head   verb

koper   a hairless scar on the head   noun

kopleng   clutch (of a car)   noun

kopo-kopo   butterfly   noun

kop telefon   headphones   noun

kopu-kopu   butterfly   noun

kora-kora   a large canoe with upswept ends reminiscent of the italian gondola, used for raids of other settlements, the capture of slaves, piracy, and plunder   noun

kore-kore   poking at   verb

kore1   pick (small thin poking tool)   noun

kore2   poke   verb

kore3   stir   verb

kore4   tinker   verb

kor-kar-kor-kar   (onomatopoeia) to sound like a rat running through storage boxes   verb

korma   the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) and its fruit   noun

koro1   shrink   verb

koro2   wrinkle   verb

korsleteng   short-circuit   verb

korsou   carpenter’s tool used to check whether wood is flat, like a spirit level   noun

kosteng   glass cylinder protecting the flame of a lamp   noun

kotel   gnome, dwarf   adjective

kotika   when, at the time which   conjunction

kotorang   filth, faeces   noun

kotpordom   “damn it”   interjection

kous1   shirt (more generally any fabric covering)   noun

kous2   incandescent mantle of a paraffin lamp   noun

koyabu   steamed cake made from steamed grated cassava mixed with grated coconut and palm sugar   noun

kramat   sacred   adjective

kram1   numb   verb

kram2   paralyzed   verb

kram3   get a cramp   verb

kram4   receive an electric shock   verb

kras   hard   adjective

krel1   a curl   noun

krel2   to curl   verb

krepek   crackers   noun

krep   embrace tightly   verb

kres   cross   noun

kres-kres   criss-crossed   adjective

kringat   sweat   noun

krois1   crosswise   adjective

krois2   cross   noun

kron   tails side of the 25 rupiah coin, the side with no image   noun

kualiteit   quality   noun

kuarto   king’s servant   noun

kuartu   a tax levied by the Dutch   noun

kubor   grave   noun

kuburang   grave   noun

kuca   wash fabric bu rubbing it against itself or a rock   verb

kuda   carry on the back   verb

kuda kanyang   slave to work (specifically, exploited by a relative who doesn’t pay appropriately)   noun

kui   cake, sweet snack   noun

kui sarut   a cigar-shaped cake made from sago, grated coconut, palm sugar and cinnamon   noun

kui sarutu   a cigar-shaped cake made from sago, grated coconut, palm sugar and cinnamon   noun

kui tarompong   a thin, crispy Chinese sweet crepe   noun

kukis   cake, sweet snack   noun

kukurang1   grater, rasp   noun

kukurang2   coconut grater made of a steel scraper attached to a block of wood that the user sits upon   noun

kukur   scar   noun

kukuruku1   cock-a-doodle-doo   interjection

kukuruku2   crow   verb

kukusang1   rattan cone used for steaming   noun

kukusang2   coconut milk filter made from woven bamboo   noun

kukusang3   conical shaped object   noun

kukusang4   a sour variety of langsa   noun

kuku1   push, poke   verb

kuku2   poke a stick into something, typically through a hole   verb

kuku3   knock down (e.g. fruit from a tree) by poking with a pole   verb

kuku4   the nandu wood tree (Pericopsis mooniana)   noun

kulia   lecture   noun

kuli aer   the surface of the water   noun

kuli bia   sea shell   noun

kuli bua   rind, peel   noun

kulincang   suitcase   noun

kuli pasera   species of unicornfish in the genus Naso   noun

kuli pohong   tree bark   noun

kuli1   skin, rind, shell   noun

kuli2   bark   noun

kuli3   surface   noun

kulor   possibly the breadnut tree (Artocarpus camansi)   noun

kumaikaha   splashes of rain water penetrating a covered area   noun

kumang1   conch   noun

kumang2   hermit crab   noun

kumbang   the ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata)   noun

kumbili   the sweet potato Coleus rotundifolius   noun

kumbor   twig, stick   noun

kuming   mound of soil   noun

kumor   rinse the mouth   verb

kumpol1   gather   verb

kumpol2   kindle   verb

kumur-kumur1   to clean the mouth after eating to prevent odour   verb

kumur-kumur2   muttering   verb

kumur1   twig, stick   noun

kumur2   the central stem of a mature sago palm leaf   noun

kunang-kunang1   firefly   noun

kunang-kunang2   dizzy   adjective

kuningang   brass   noun

kupa haji   the peacock flower (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)   noun

kupis   to strike a glancing blow   verb

kura1   dry laundry in the sun   verb

kura2   temple or shrine in the Chinese architectural style   noun

kurkunci   spear-fishing spear like a kalawai, but made of iron and used to catch octopus, sea cucumbers, etc   noun

kurkupeng   hair bun jewellery   noun

kurung1   cage   noun

kurung2   supervise, observe   verb

kurus karempeng   very thin, skinny   adjective

kuskus2   talk about something quietly   verb

kusu-kusu   reeds, grasses   noun

kusu potar   the common spotted cuscus (Spilocuscus maculatus)   noun

kusu1   the cuscus, a type of possum   noun

kutang   bra   noun

kuti   flick with the finger   verb

kuti   snap back, release suddenly   verb

kutikata   the bignay (Antidesma bunius)   noun

kuto’   “damn it!”   interjection

kuto   “damn it!”   interjection

kutok   “damn it!”   interjection

kutu busu   bedbug   noun

kutu kaluyu   a species of remora (the family Echeneidae)   noun

kuurkunci   a smaller three-pronged spear used for spear-fishing octopus or sea cucumber   noun

kwartet   traditional card game, played by combining four cards featuring related pictures   noun

kwarto   servant-work for the head of the village, now abolished (archaic)   noun

kwe   cake, sweet snack   noun

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