17 min read

pa’ari   flush out (an animal from the bushes)   verb

pace   “father”, term of address for an older man with whom one is familiar   noun

pacol   mattock   noun

padal   whereas   noun

padede   fussy, whiny   adjective

padi   a species of finch, possibly in the family Estrildidae   noun

padis   spicy   adjective

pae   father (vulgar)   noun

pa   father   noun

paet   bitter   adjective

paetua1   boyfriend   noun

paetua2   husband   noun

pagar1   fence   noun

pagar2   fence off   verb

pagete   fireworks, firecrackers   noun

pageti   fireworks, firecrackers   noun

pago-pago   rattan loop connecting outrigger beam to float   noun

pahari   flush out (an animal from the bushes)   verb

pai   father (vulgar)   noun

paisal   a kind of small canoe   noun

paisi   naked   noun

pait   bitter   noun

paitua1   boyfriend   noun

paitua2   husband   noun

pajeko   cheat   verb

pakal1   fibre pounded into the seams of a boat to seal it against water   noun

pakal2   pound fibre into the seams of a boat to seal it against water   verb

pakatang   amulet   noun

pakatang pele-pele badang   amulet to protect from physical attack   noun

pakeang   clothing   noun

pakeang premang   civilian clothes (as opposed to a uniform)   noun

pake   use   verb

pak   pack   verb

pake-pake   use a talisman for some purpose   verb

pake-pake1   black magic   noun

pake-pake2   practice black magic   verb

paker   park   verb

pakpake1   black magic   noun

pakpake2   practice black magic   verb

pakuel   pickaxe   noun

pakupeka   in a knock-kneed manner, as one afflicted with genu valgum   adverb

paku pompa   drawing pin, thumbtack   noun

palabuang   harbour, port   noun

palaka   (?)   noun

palakiri   strive for daily necessities   verb

palala1   the oxeye scad (Selar boops)   noun

palala2   the seashore nutmeg (Knema globularia)   noun

palang jalang   roadblock   noun

palang-palang1   slowly   adjective

palang-palang2   gently   adjective

palang pintu   wooden bar or bamboo used to lock a door   noun

palang1   slow   adjective

palang2   wooden bar barrier   noun

palao   faint   verb

pala-pala   wire   noun

palasi1   repent   verb

palasi2   deterred   adjective

palasi3   cheeky   adjective

palastik   plastic sheet   noun

pala1   the nutmeg tree (Myristica fragrans) and its fruit   noun

pala2   strike with an object   verb

palat   flat   adjective

palateng   weaving, braiding   verb

palau   faint   verb

paleces   talkative   adjective

palena   boast untruthfully   verb

paleng   very   adjective

paleo1   slow, wasting time   verb

paleo2   indolent   adjective

paleo3   repeating a conversation to the point that the listener becomes bored   verb

paleo4   come back to life   verb

paleti   bringing up that you gave someone a gift during an argument   verb

paleu1   slow, wasting time   verb

paleu2   indolent   adjective

paleu3   repeating a conversation to the point that the listener becomes bored   verb

paleu4   come back to life   verb

palias   leave be   verb

paling   very   adverb

palita   paraffin lamp   noun

pallau   hungry   adjective

palolo   clear an old garden etc. for replanting (?)   verb

palsir1   have fun   verb

palsir2   make fun of   verb

palungku1   fist   verb

palungku2   punch, box   verb

pamabo   drunkard   noun

pamalas mandi   not interested in personal hygiene   adjective

pamalas1   be lazy   verb

pamalas2   lazy person   noun

pamale   forbidden, taboo   adjective

pamali   forbidden, taboo   adjective

pamanakal   using the spirit of a dead person to harm someone out of envy   verb

pamara   short-tempered   adjective

pamarenta   government   noun

pamarinta   government   noun

pambera   one who is defecates frequently   noun

pambodo   one who is very stupid   noun

pameri   clear away vegetation with a machete   verb

paminong   binge drink   verb

pamoi   a ceremony in which a wife is introduced to the family: traditionally she is not allowed to eat together at the dining table with her in-laws until this ceremony has been carried out   verb

pampano   a species of pompano (the genus Trachinotus)   noun

pampele1   barrier, obstruction   noun

pampele2   shield   noun

pampele3   something used to check / arrest something else   noun

pam1   clan   noun

pam2   surname shared by members of the clan   noun

pamukul   any object used to strike something, such as a bat, rod, etc.   noun

pamutar1   crank   noun

pamutar2   given to twisting the truth   adjective

panaku   coward   noun

panakuk   pancake   noun

panana   the Indonesian blue-tongued skink (Tiliqua gigas)   noun

pana-pana1   bow (for shooting arrows)   noun

pana-pana2   slingshot   noun

pana-pana3   spear gun   noun

panas pela   ceremony to strengthen an ancient alliance between two villages   verb

panas1   sunshine   noun

panas2   exposed to direct sunshine   adjective

panas3   angry   adjective

panbodo   very stupid   adjective

pancadu   hack away most of the husk from a coconut with a machete   verb

pancandu   user of drugs   noun

pancing1   fishing with a hook   verb

pancing2   fishing (in conversation; for compliments, information, etc.)   verb

pancing3   prime, e.g. a carburettor with petrol, a pump with water   verb

pancorang   bamboo water pipe for irrigation   noun

pancuci   scrubber   noun

pancucu   skewer   noun

pancungkel   a prising tool   noun

pancuri ayam   a species of kite or other bird of prey   noun

pancuri1   thief   noun

pancuri2   steal   verb

pancuri tulang   one who only works when the boss is watching   noun

pandang   pandan (the genus Pandanus)   noun

pande   smart, intelligent   adjective

pandekeng   helper   noun

pandeta   vicar, pastor   noun

panding mas   metal waist band   noun

pandita   vicar, pastor   noun

pandoti   one who practices black magic   noun

pan   pan   noun

paneti   pin   noun

pangbodo   very stupid   adjective

pangcuri   thief   noun

pangdoti   one who practices black magic   noun

pang   pan   noun

panggale   crowbar   noun

panggaloba   (?) mocker   noun

panggantong   clothes hanger   noun

panggayo angka angker   (?) paddle raising water for ornamental effect   verb

panggayong   canoe paddle   noun

panggayo1   a paddle   noun

panggayo2   to paddle   verb

panggayo3   one who is dying   noun

pangge   call, summon   verb

panggel   call, summon   verb

panggepe1   clamp   noun

panggepe2   a bundle of 25 sago-thatch sheets   noun

panggiling   roll   verb

panghidopang   life   noun

pangi   the tree Pangium edule and its fruit   noun

pangkincing   one who is urinating   noun

pangkonto   one who is farting   noun

pangkotor1   very dirty   adjective

pangkotor2   bestrewn   adjective

pangkuku   a long stick used to pick fruits, push a boat out, grab laundry, etc   noun

pangku1   lap   noun

pangku2   hold on one’s lap   verb

pangmalas   lazy   adjective

pangpele1   barrier, obstruction   noun

pangpele2   something used to check / arrest something else   noun

pangtutu   cover, top   noun

pangtutu pang   pan lid   noun

paniki1   bat   noun

paniki2   male genitalia (slang)   noun

panjudi   gambler   noun

panjumurang   clothes horse   noun

panoso   flat-nosed   adjective

panpele1   barrier, obstruction   noun

panpele2   something used to check / arrest something else   noun

panta aer masing   bottom of the sea   noun

panta bebe   one whose buttocks protrude when walking, resembling a duck   noun

panta bensin   one who enjoy traveling by motorbike or car   noun

panta calana   seat of a pair of trousers   noun

pantada   support timber   noun

panta dinding   side by side   adjective

panta   buttocks   noun

panta kuali   bottom of a wok   noun

panta lao   bottom of the sea   noun

panta lubang1   anus   noun

panta lubang2   swearing   verb

panta lubang3   sarcastic comments   noun

panta parau   bottom of a canoe   noun

panta parigi   bottom of a well   noun

panta poro   the part of the belly below the navel   noun

panta tacu1   bottom of the pan   noun

panta tacu2   one who has dark skin   noun

pante   beach   noun

pantohar   pole used to scare fish into a net   noun

pantola1   eating snacks with coffee   verb

pantola2   bar snacks when drinking sopi   noun

pantong   a pantun, an Indo-Malay poetic form of four lines, each consisting of 8-12 syllables, with the rhyme scheme abab   noun

pantongka1   prop, beam   noun

pantongka2   lateral beam keeping the sides of a hull apart   noun

pantutu   cover, top   noun

panyaki   illness, disease   noun

panyaki su tua di badang   become ingrained as a bad habit   adjective

panyaki tatusu   any disease causing stabbing pain in the chest   noun

papaceda   beach cabbage (Scaevola taccada)   noun

papalele1   merchant   noun

papalele2   peddle, sell produce on a small scale e.g. door-to-door or with a small stall down an alley   verb

papang   plank   noun

papang panggiling   washboard   noun

paparangan   war   noun

papar   hit, strike   verb

papari   bitter melon (Momordica charantia)   noun

paparipi   in a hurry, in a rush   verb

paparisa   a small basic shelter in a field   noun

papeda   a gruel made of sago flour, the traditional staple carbohydrate of Maluku and Papua   noun

papeda lao   jellyfish   noun

papinyo   cucumber   noun

papinyu   cucumber   noun

papot   flat-nosed   adjective

papua1   frizzy   adjective

papua2   tangled, twisted   adjective

papuster   curly   adjective

parahu sela   one-man outrigger canoe of the type used for trolling in oma, haruku   noun

parahu semang   outrigger canoe   noun

parampuang balu   widow   noun

parampuang busu   homosexual man   noun

parampuang kapala pica   prostitute   noun

parampuang moler   prostitute   noun

parampuang1   woman   noun

parampuang2   female   noun

parampuang sundal   prostitute   noun

parang   machete   noun

paranggang   young adult   adjective

parangpuang1   woman   noun

parangpuang2   female   noun

parao   boat   noun

par apa   why   noun

para-para   bamboo rack or shelf for firewood   noun

parau belang   net-fishing boat, typically a large-planked canoe without outriggers   noun

parau bot   sloop   noun

parau   boat   noun

parau layar   sailboat   noun

parcuma   for no reason   adjective

pardidu   wander, roam   verb

parduli   care   verb

parek   doesn’t matter   noun

parenta   an order, a command   noun

paresko   fresh   adjective

pari biasa   the Kuhl’s maskray (Neotrygon kuhlii)   noun

pari bunga-bunga   the bluespotted ribbontail ray (Taeniura lymma)   noun

paricu   cheat   verb

pari   any species of ray   noun

pari   disposition, character   noun

parige   a well   noun

parigi   a well   noun

pariksa   check   verb

pari marsegu   the spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari)   noun

pari pasir isi   the common stingaree (Trygonoptera testacea)   noun

pariu   cooking pot   noun

parkakas1   tool   noun

parkakas2   talisman   noun

parkakas tenun   loom   noun

parkara   legal case   noun

parkici   the lories and lorikeets, small parrots in the tribe Loriini   noun

parlak   carpet   noun

parlente saki   pretend to be sick   verb

parlente1   liar   noun

parlente2   cheater   noun

parlente3   to lie   verb

parlu1   need   verb

parlu2   necessary   adjective

parlu3   care   verb

parmak1   hit, strike   verb

parmak2   alter or take-in clothes at a tailor   verb

parmisi1   permission   noun

parmisi2   “excuse me”   interjection

parna   do, done   verb

parong   fibrous material from aren palm   noun

parop1   bung, plug   verb

parop2   gulp down food (vulgar)   verb

parsamua   for everyone   preposition

parsetang   no need   noun

par setang   “to hell” (with it, with you, etc.)   interjection

parsis-parsis   exactly   adjective

parsis1   like (similar to)   preposition

parsis2   same   adjective

parsis3   exactly, spot-on   adjective

par1   for   preposition

par2   to (a person)   preposition

par3   the matching card of a pair (when playing the card game kwartet)   noun

parteng   a moveable metal or plastic basin   noun

partula   pretend   verb

parua   the tree Helicia moluccana   noun

parudang   coconut grater   noun

paru   grate   verb

paruru   forage, scrounge   verb

pasagi   square   noun

pasang1   shoot   verb

pasang2   set, mount   verb

pasang3   couple, pair   noun

pasapua1   hurry   verb

pasapua2   busy   adjective

pasar pulu   a famous twice-weekly market on Saparua, which attracts traders and customers from saparua, haruku, and nusa laut   noun

pasen   medical patient   noun

paser   sand, grit   noun

paser isi   smooth stretch of sand   noun

pasiar   stroll   verb

paskali1   very much   adverb

paskali2   completely, all the way   adverb

paske2   completely, all the way   adverb

paske2   very much   adverb

pas … la   right when … then   noun

pasmuta   chaotic   adjective

pasnana1   greedy   adjective

pasnana2   one who eats everything   noun

pas-pas   exactly   adverb

pas1   fit exactly   verb

pas2   alright   verb

pas3   pace, stride   noun

pastio1   fed up   noun

pastio2   bored   noun

pastiu1   fed up   adjective

pastiu2   bored   adjective

pata cengke   perform the task of breaking off   verb

patae   take leave of, say goodbye   verb

pata hati   heartbroken   adjective

patai   take leave of, say goodbye   verb

patamayang   curly   adjective

pata-pata1   curly   adjective

pata-pata2   foldable   adjective

pata-pata3   traditional toy pop gun made from hedge bamboo   noun

pata1   snap   verb

pata2   pick (e.g. a flower, fruit)   verb

pata3   turn sharply   verb

pata4   round   verb

pata5   a variety of mango, Mangifera foetida   noun

patatas   sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)   noun

pate   the bitter bean tree (Parkia speciosa) and its beans   noun

pateka   watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)   noun

pati   the title of certain village chiefs   noun

patilawaru1   force one’s way in and sieze power   noun

patilawaru2   monopolise   noun

patirawaru   continuously shouting at someone when angry   verb

patita1   picnic-style   adverb

patita2   together   adverb

patola   Chinese okra (Luffa acutangula)   noun

patola1   the Moluccan python (Simalia clastolepis)   noun

patola2   the yellowstripe scad (Selaroides leptolepis)   noun

paukar   suffering from eczema or scabies   adjective

pau-pau   Chinese-style dumpling   noun

pawela1   fooling around, wasting time   verb

pawela2   slow, lazy   adjective

pece1   mud   noun

pece2   muddy   adjective

peci1   mud   noun

peci2   muddy   adjective

pegang tangang   congratulate, convey good wishes   verb

pei-pei   edge   noun

pekar1   not working, broken (of a mechanism)   adjective

pekar2   scuffed, scratched (of objects)   adjective

pela batu karang   a strong alliance between two villages in which there can be no marriages with members outside of those villages   noun

pela1   alliance, traditional pact of mutual defense and brotherhood between two villages, usually strengthened by constraints on intermarriage and semi-obligatory donations of produce   noun

pela2   ally, person with whom one’s village has such a pact   noun

pela tampa siri   an alliance between two villages united by the chewing of betel nut   noun

pel   pill, tablet   noun

pele-pele   partition   noun

pele putus   never to be hindered   adjective

pelesko   a rectangular bottle containing palm wine (sageru or sopi)   noun

pele1   block, obstruct   verb

pele2   intercept   verb

pelor1   bullet   noun

pelor2   croquette   noun

penatua   church elder   noun

penco   conical bag made of paper or leaves   noun

pende   short   adjective

pengharapang   trust (in)   noun

pen1   mechanical pin   noun

pen2   piece of dowling used to hold wooden parts together   noun

pen3   makes sense   adjective

penyaki   disease   noun

pepe   female genitalia (slang)   noun

peper1   break apart   verb

peper2   forest   noun

pera   a species of fish (?)   noun

pera   silver   noun

percis   light bulb   noun

persak   backpack   noun

peser   cent (money)   noun

pes-pes   sickly   adjective

pete   pick (e.g. a flower, fruit)   verb

peti kelder   condensed milk crate made of ¼-inch white pine   noun

peti pakian   case for cloth   noun

phumm   (onomatopoeia: heavy explosion)   noun

piara1   raise, take care of   verb

piara2   cohabit with   verb

pi bali   go and buy   verb

pica kapala   dizzy, mentally exhausted   adjective

pica-pica   to bursting point (figurative), with all one’s energy   adverb

pica1   shatter   verb

pica2   shattered   adjective

pica3   hatch   verb

pici1   massage   verb

pici2   peel   verb

pici3   give money   verb

pi   go   verb

pigi   go   verb

pigi-pigi   always leaving   adjective

piji   massage   verb

pi kasar   go to hunt   verb

pi kas suara   ask permission   verb

pikirang   thought   noun

pikolang   burden   noun

pikol1   carry   verb

pikol2   responsibility   noun

pilang1   wooden club   noun

pilang2   to club someone   verb

pilang3   slap   verb

pilang4   beat with rattan   verb

pilar   wall   noun

pi lari   go to run   verb

pilor   bullet   noun

pi mandi   go to wash   verb

pinang utang   the ivory cane palm (Pinanga coronata), the sap of which can be used for caulking boats and whose young shoots can be eaten   noun

pinda   move   verb

pindekas   peanut butter   noun

pingger pante   beach   noun

pinggir aer masing   beach   noun

pinggir pante   beach   noun

pinjang1   borrow   verb

pinjang2   lend   verb

pipi congka   dimple   noun

piring blek   tin plate; plates made of aluminum   noun

piring master   offeratory plate   noun

pisang abu-abu bua basar   a large variety of pisang abu-abu   noun

pisang abu-abu   a banana-plantain hybrid (Musa x paradisiaca) used for cooking   noun

pisang ambong   banana cultivar, ‘Cavendish’   noun

pisang ampa pulu hari   banana cultivar   noun

pisang jarong   banana cultivar, Musa acuminata malaccensis   noun

pisang meja   banana cultivar, ‘Cavendish’   noun

pisang nyonya   banana cultivar   noun

pisang raja itang   banana cultivar   noun

pisang raja jawa   banana cultivar   noun

pisang raja puti   banana cultivar   noun

pisang susu   banana cultivar ’lady finger’   noun

pisang susu hitam   banana cultivar   noun

pisang susu puti   banana cultivar   noun

pisang susu ternate   banana cultivar   noun

pisang tando   banana cultivar   noun

pisang tandu   banana cultivar   noun

pisang tongka langet   banana cultivar   noun

pisang tuju bulang   banana cultivar   noun

pisang utang   wild banana   noun

pis   urinate   verb

pisi   money   noun

piskada   any species of barracuda (the Sphyraena family)   noun

piskada lao   a species of piskada (the Sphyraena family)   noun

piso baret   hunting or throwing knife   noun

piso   knife   noun

piso pena   penknife   noun

pistong   mechanical piston   noun

plafon   ceiling   noun

plapong   ceiling   noun

plas   sand (e.g. with sandpaper)   verb

plat   flat   adjective

plateng   a braid of hair   noun

platina   distributor points in a petrol engine   noun

pleces   chatty, gossippy, quick in speech   noun

plek   stain, spot   noun

plekster   plaster (for wound)   noun

plesko   a rectangular bottle containing palm wine (sageru or sopi)   noun

po’a   tired   adjective

poco-poco   buxom   adjective

po   good (?)   adjective

poe-poe   dawdle, loiter   verb

pohong batu1   base of a rock face or cliff   noun

pohong batu2   rock overhang   noun

pohong   tree   noun

pohong gunung   base of a mountain or hill   noun

pohong langit   horizon   noun

pohong talingang   the base of the ear   noun

poi-poi   dawdle, loiter   verb

poka-poka1   dawn   noun

poka-poka2   dusk, twilight   noun

poko   cost price   noun

pok-pok   a low-speed diesel engine used on boats   noun

pola   knit   noun

polo bantal   hug one’s pillow   verb

polo   hug   noun

polo kaki   ask forgiveness   verb

polompong1   buoy   noun

polompong2   float   noun

polompong3   lifejacket   noun

pombo   any species of pigeon   noun

pombo ijo   the white-bellied imperial pigeon (Ducula forsteni)   noun

pombo puti   the pied imperial pigeon (Ducula bicolor)   noun

pombo utang   possibly the elegant imperial pigeon (Ducula concinna)   noun

ponde-ponde   bag made from rope   noun

pondo   small shop or stand   noun

poneng   female genitalia   noun

pong   tree   noun

pono   full   adjective

pono rata   chock-full, packed   adjective

pontar   surround   verb

ponu   full   adjective

popo   female genitalia (slang)   noun

popoji   pocket   noun

porcici   the lories and lorikeets, small parrots in the tribe Loriini   noun

pore   pore   noun

poris   living room   noun

porkici   the lories and lorikeets, small parrots in the tribe Loriini   noun

porna   clay mould used to bake sago cakes (sagu lempeng)   noun

poro bangka   bloated   noun

poro basar   stomach   noun

poro bibi   pot-bellied   adjective

poro bicu   pot-bellied   noun

poro bir   having a beer belly   adjective

poro cacing   worms   noun

poro   belly, stomach   noun

poro gigi   stomach ache   noun

poro isi kabong   always eating potatoes, cassava, etc.   adjective

poro karet   gluttonous   adjective

poro kosong   hungry   adjective

porong   decorate   verb

porop   “eat” (swear)   interjection

poro sambong   big-bellied   adjective

poroskot   give a down payment before doing some work   verb

poro taputar   experience a churning sensation in the belly   verb

poro tare   full, sated   adjective

poro tare   stuffed with food   adjective

poso1   fast   verb

poso2   taboo   noun

postema   swear, cuss   noun

postemar   swear, cuss   noun

potar1   stupid   adjective

potar2   “bastard” (typically said to a naughty child)   interjection

potar3   (of a cuscus) big and old, aggressive, and with tough meat   adjective

poti   haste   noun

potongang   cut, form, fashion   noun

potong pele1   intercept   verb

potong pele2   interrupt   verb

potong pele3   shortcut   noun

potong pusa   cut the umbilical cord   verb

prang   (onomatopoeia: objects clashing or falling to pieces)   noun

prawang1   virginity   noun

prawang2   virgin   noun

prek   doesn’t matter   noun

presko   check   verb

prong   decorate   verb

pronk   decorate   verb

prop1   inserting into a container by force   verb

prop2   gobble, eat quickly or greedily without regard for table manners   verb

prop3   clog   verb

puar   an exclamation yelled during fishing   interjection

puar   fish gathering in large numbers and swimming near the surface of the water   noun

puel   monitor lizard, most likely the Ceram mangrove monitor (Varanus cerambonensis) and the mangrove monitor (Varanus indicus)   noun

pukar   swear, cuss   noun

pukeke   a species of fish (?)   noun

puki   female genitalia (slang)   noun

pukol mati   beat to death   verb

pukol sagu   remove sago from the tree using a of the sago using a nani   noun

pukol1   hit, beat, slap   verb

pukol2   o’clock   noun

pukul   (of certain predatory fish) engage in a feeding frenzy   verb

pula-pula   awl (the tool)   noun

pule   the blackboard tree (Alstonia shcolaris)   noun

pul   ten, when used within 10, 20, 30, etc   noun

pulo   island   noun

pulong   old clove pods harvested late and sown as seeds   noun

pulu   land (state)   noun

pulu1   glutinous rice (uncooked)   noun

pulu2   island   noun

pung   (denotes possession, ownership)   adjective

punggol1   gather   verb

punggol2   reap, harvest   verb

punggul1   gather   verb

punggul2   reap, harvest   verb

pupen   defecate   noun

pup1   defecate   verb

pup2   faeces   noun

pura-pura   Devis’ anchovy (Encrasicholina heteroloba)   noun

puri ainama   a species of anchovy in the genus Encrasicholina   noun

puri   a species of anchovy in the genus Encrasicholina   noun

puri merah   a species of anchovy in the genus Encrasicholina   noun

puri nasi   a species of anchovy in the genus Encrasicholina   noun

puri putih   the Indian anchovy (Stolephorus indicus)   noun

pusa   navel   noun

pusa gong   having a large navel   adjective

pus   cat   noun

pustema   swear, cuss   verb

putar aluang   turn around   verb

putar bale1   turn around   verb

putar bale2   turn upside down   verb

putar bale3   tell a lie, twist the truth   verb

putar bale4   toss and turn   verb

putar bale5   to and fro   verb

putar muka   turn one’s face away   verb

putar nyiru   investigate or find something out through the use of black magic   verb

putar panta   showing off the buttocks (e.g. walking in a suggestive manner)   adverb

puti   white   adjective

putilai   the mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis)   noun

putusang   the result of a decision   noun

putus pakatang   betrothal   noun

putus1   break, snap   verb

putus2   free, unconstrained   adjective

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