rabana a bowl-shaped tambourine or drum noun
raba-raba1 touching verb
raba-raba2 very early in the morning noun
rabe1 rip, tear up verb
rabe2 open wide verb
rabo Wednesday noun
rabong bamboo shoot, young sprout noun
rabu quickly adverb
rabu-rabu “hurry up” interjection
rabus1 boil verb
rabus2 stew verb
raci kua exaggerate verb
raci1 rub down verb
raci2 add and mix spices until spicy verb
racong1 poison noun
racong2 poisonous adjective
radio tali halaleng hoax, false news noun
rae guess verb
raga ball made of rattan noun
rahang sago, banana, or coconut tree stem noun
rai1 guess, estimate verb
rai2 remember verb
rai3 face noun
raja bao either the Indian ocean oriental sweetlips (Plectorhinchus vittatus), Lesson’s thicklip (Plectorhinchus lessonii), or the yellowbanded sweetlips (Plectorhinchus lineatus) noun
raja bau either the Indian ocean oriental sweetlips (Plectorhinchus vittatus), Lesson’s thicklip (Plectorhinchus lessonii), or the yellowbanded sweetlips (Plectorhinchus lineatus) noun
raja village head noun
rajing energetic, industrious, hard working adjective
rako1 scratch verb
rako2 brothel noun
ramas1 press, squeeze as to extract liquid verb
ramas2 strangle verb
rambu padi ear of rice, corn noun
rambu1 hair noun
rambu2 measure word for bunches of bananas measure
rambutang the rambutan tree (Nephelium lappaceum) and its fruit noun
ramedi1 prepare to verb
ramedi2 try with all one’s strength adverb
rame-rame1 boisterous gathering noun
rame-rame2 working together to do something adverb
rame1 boisterous adjective
rame2 crowded noun
rampa spice noun
rampa-rampa spices noun
rampe vegetable dish made of grated cassava and papaya flowers that have been dried in the sun for one day, mixed with palm sugar, then fried noun
randa low noun
randang soak verb
randasan anvil noun
rangke stalk or small branch (technically a peduncle) noun
rangsel backpack noun
rante1 chain noun
rante2 necklace noun
rao hold close to the fire, e.g. an animal in order to burn off its fur in preparation for butchery, or a fish for smoking verb
rapat-rapat too close adjective
rapat1 meeting noun
rapat2 near adjective
rarobang1 black coffee mixed with ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and small chunks of kanari noun
rarobang2 leftovers after extracting coconut oil from coconut milk noun
rarobang3 pig feed made from leftover grated coconut, cassava, and other leftovers noun
rasa garos arrogant due to wealth adjective
rasa-rasa feel as if adverb
rasa susa worried verb
rata level, even adjective
rata-rata1 evenly adverb
rata-rata2 in general adverb
ratusang hundreds noun
rau hold close to the fire, e.g. an animal in order to burn off its fur in preparation for butchery, or a fish for smoking verb
rebeng sunglasses noun
rebe-rebe worn out, threadbare adjective
redi a large net used to drag fish ashore noun
regel1 door handle noun
regel2 hardwood rail supporting the boards of a wooden bed noun
regel3 ventilation noun
reis bloom, flourish verb
rei1 arrange in a line verb
rei2 arranged in a line adjective
rek take-in clothes that are too big verb
rekeng1 count verb
rekeng2 consider verb
reku part of a room directly above a traditional stove, used to smoke foods such as nutmeg or kanari on a para-para noun
rema-rema leftovers (food) noun
rembeng1 tote, carry verb
rembeng2 traditional shield noun
reme easy, simple adjective
renda embroidery noun
renda-renda lacy adjective
renet grass nest made by wild boar noun
reng mechanical ring of any kind noun
rengen hanging, dangling verb
rengkam hair tie noun
rengke-rengke in great clusters like fruit adverb
ren1 line noun
ren2 make a line verb
reo-reo old, doddery, and senile adjective
reppe1 metal sheet noun
reppe2 dented adjective
reppe3 flattened, squashed adjective
rep1 timber, plank noun
rep2 zinc-clad wood (?) noun
resten1 straight upright adjective
resten2 rest for a while verb
retsleteng zipper noun
reu-reu old, doddery, and senile adjective
reu1 wrinkles noun
reu2 seeming very old and senile (satirical) adjective
ribuang thousands noun
rico1 trouble noun
rico2 making trouble verb
riko dread noun
rim1 sentence intonation, accent noun
rim2 belt noun
risil a species of fish (?) noun
roas segment, joint (of bamboo, sugar cane, etc.) noun
roba alter verb
robe rip, tear up verb
rodo-rodo insistently adverb
rofol1 smacking someone’s head in a joking manner verb
rofol2 strum a guitar using first and fourth finger and thumb in a roll verb
roko cigarette noun
rol1 role noun
rol2 roll noun
rol3 tell a story verb
romiang just for fun, with no serious purpose adjective
ronda stroll verb
rond a round number of tens (in bingo) noun
ron around adverb
roro bamboo or stone chicken coop noun
roster1 roster noun
roster2 timetable noun
rotang aer large but easily snapped rattan noun
rotang rattan noun
rotang jawa a species of rattan noun
rotang kawat fine but strong rattan noun
rotang tuni very strong rattan noun
roti balanda bandage noun
roti kalong knuckledusters made of cast lead noun
roto the giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) noun
roto mera a reddish species of grouper in the genus Epinephelus noun
rotsoe mischievous nonsense noun
royal wastefully extravagant, lavish adjective
rubu1 fallen (down, over, out) adjective
rubu2 fell (a tree) verb
rui invite noun
ruji weave bamboo strips into the upright planks of nibong wood set in a wall verb
ruken angry person noun
ruk-ruk grumpy, short-tempered adjective
ruk-ruk tua old grouch noun
rukung get along verb
ruma bicara town hall noun
ruma burong nest noun
ruma dapor stand-alone kitchen noun
ruma house noun
ruma gantong house built on stilts noun
ruma ika-ika a type of traditional wooden house noun
ruma kacil playhouse noun
ruma kakehan temple noun
ruma niri beehive noun
ruma padi rice barn noun
ruma saki hospital noun
ruma tagantong house built on stilts noun
ruma tangga household noun
ruma tap a warung that serves sopi, a small informal pub noun
ruma tua parents’ house noun
rumpu alang-alang cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) noun
rumpu kuda Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus) noun
rumpu kusu-kusu cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) noun
rumpu mimosa snagging mimosa vines noun
rumpu piso kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum) noun
rumpu-rumpu1 weeds noun
rumpu-rumpu2 scraps of rubbish noun
rumpu1 grass noun
rumpu2 litter, garbage noun
rumpu sungga-sungga the grass Austroeupatorium inulifolium noun
runu a textile-like fibre mat that is found on coconut trees noun
runut1 a textile-like fibre mat that is found on coconut trees noun
runut2 sieve used in the sago-making process noun
runut3 cloth used as an oven glove when lifting a pot noun
rupa something, anything noun
ruruhe a type of fishing boat used to catch skipjack tuna before the introduction of the outboard motor noun
rusa damaged, broken down adjective
rusu rib noun
rusu-rusu cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) noun
rutu a type of black magic noun
rutu-rutu1 an ornamental plant, possibly the Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) noun
rutu-rutu2 a species of moss noun