19 min read

sa’aro1   reef, sandbank   noun

sa’aro2   shallow sea, the neritic zone, fished extensively   noun

sa’aru1   reef, sandbank   noun

sa’aru2   shallow sea, the neritic zone, fished extensively   noun

sabab   cause, reason   noun

sabalah   the largetooth flounder (Pseudorhombus arsius)   noun

sabala1   half, part   noun

sabala2   next to   preposition

sabala3   one-sided   adjective

sabala4   before   noun

sabale   a bowl (of)   measure

sabang   every time, whenever   preposition

sabantar1   “just a moment”   interjection

sabantar2   after a while   adverb

sabap   because   noun

sabarang dapa   in any way one can   adverb

sabarang1   any one of a group   noun

sabarang2   inconsiderate   adjective

sabarang3   improper   adverb

sabarang4   haphazard   adjective

sabatang1   huge   adjective

sabatang2   a trunk (of) (measure word for describing the number of trees, logs, etc.)   measure

sabiji   a seed (of) (measure word used for describing the number of seeds, nuts, etc.)   measure

sabla1   half   noun

sabla2   next to   preposition

sabla3   one-sided   adjective

sabla4   before   noun

sabole-bole   as much as possible   adverb

sabong cuci   laundry soap   noun

sabong   soap   noun

sabong karbol   carbolic soap   noun

sabong mandi   bath soap   noun

saboteng   a trunk (of) (measure word for describing the number of trees, logs, etc.)   measure

sabotol   a bottle (of) (measure word for describing the number of bottles)   measure

sabua1   a   measure

sabua2   a fruit (of) (measure word for describing the number of round things such as fruit, loaves, etc.)   measure

sabua3   a temporary tent or marquee, set up for work, a party, etc.   noun

sabuku   a term for something big (?)   adjective

sabuku mai   a term for something big (?)   adjective

sabulang   a month   noun

sacubi   a pinch (of)   measure

sacucu   measure word for a fisherman’s catch   measure

sacupa   a can (of) (measure word used in the sale of cloves equivalent to approximately 750 ml)   measure

sadap   delicious   adjective

sadawar   someone of a similar age   noun

sadeka   alms   noun

sadia1   prepare   verb

sadia2   prepared, ready   adjective

sadiki   a little   adverb

sadiki lai   nearly, almost   adverb

sadiki-sadiki lai   in a little while   adverb

sadongen   an appropriate choice or option   noun

sadu   saturday   noun

saekor   a tail (of) (measure word for describing the number of fish, chickens, etc.)   measure

sagala   entire   adjective

sage   a kind of dance (?)   adverb

sagero   palm wine   noun

sageru   palm wine   noun

sageru manis   palm juice before it has fermented into palm wine   noun

sageru pait   palm wine   noun

sagogo   measure word used in the sale of cloves, the smallest volume offered   measure

sagoni   a sackful (of)   measure

sago tuni   sago cultivar   noun

sagu duri rotan   sago cultivar   noun

saguer   palm wine   noun

saguero   palm wine   noun

sagu gula   sago mixed with grated coconut and palm sugar, then baked in porna molds   noun

sagu ihur   sago cultivar   noun

sagu kalapa   sago mixed with grated coconut and palm sugar, then baked in porna molds   noun

sagu kasbi   as sagu gula but using cassava flour rather than sago flour   noun

sagu lempeng   sago mixed with grated coconut and palm sugar, then baked in porna molds   noun

sagu luhu   a sweet snack made from sago meal, kanari nuts, and palm sugar   noun

sagu makanaru   sago cultivar   noun

sagu manta   uncooked sago   noun

sagu molat baduri   sago cultivar   noun

sagu molat   sago cultivar   noun

sagu molat mera   sago cultivar   noun

sagu molat puti   sago cultivar   noun

sagu raja   a variety of sago palm   noun

sagu1   the sago palm tree (Metroxylon sagu)   noun

sagu2   the processed pulp of the sago palm tree   noun

sagu tumang   sago that has been packaged in tumang   noun

sagu tumbu   a sweet snack made from sago meal, kanari nuts, and palm sugar   noun

sahani   green palm frond   noun

sahara   wooden box for cargo   noun

sahua   meddle in a conversation   verb

sahulo   cheer   verb

sahureka-reka   a traditional youth dance that involves knocking on some gaba-gaba while people jump back and forth between it   noun

saika   a bunch (of) (measure word for things in bunches or bundles)   measure

saing-saing   the Spanish flag snapper (Lutjanus carponotatus)   noun

sajo   cool, fresh   adjective

sajuta   a million   adjective

sakakar   miserly, stingy   adjective

sakali   one time   adverb

sakali-kali   once in a while   adverb

sakang   probably, almost certainly   adverb

sakarang   now   adjective

saki bulang   menstruate   verb

saki kapala   headache   noun

saki poro   stomach ache   noun

saki1   hurt   adjective

saki2   sick   adjective

saki3   ill   adjective

sakitang   sickly   adjective

sakitar   around   preposition

sakola   school   noun

saku   a species of needlefish, either the hound needlefish (Tylosurus crocodilus) or Strongylura anastomella   noun

sakulau   the black marlin (Istiompax indica)   noun

sakutu   ally   noun

salaf   salve   noun

salaku1   as (because, due to)   conjunction

salalu2   always   adverb

salama   the Indonesian “selamat” (used to express goodwill in doing something, e.g. “selamat datang” = “welcome”, “selamat makan” = “bon appétit”, “selamat jalan” = “bon voyage”, “selamat pagi” = “good morning”, etc.)   interjection

salamaker   dried leaves of the castor bean plant (Ricinus communis), the bitter decoctions of which are used to treat constipation   noun

salamanya   always   adverb

salamat   the Indonesian “selamat” (used to express goodwill in doing something, e.g. “selamat datang” = “welcome”, “selamat makan” = “bon appétit”, “selamat jalan” = “bon voyage”, “selamat pagi” = “good morning”, etc.)   interjection

salam   muslim   noun

salasa   tuesday   noun

sala1   error   noun

sala2   err   verb

sala3   wrong   adjective

salatang   south   adjective

salatang tumbu   “that guy is drunk” (figurative, literally “the south wind pounds”)   interjection

salawaku1   traditional shield   noun

salawaku2   the tree Falcataria falcata   noun

salawar1   bad luck   noun

salawar2   cursed with bad luck due to the breaking of a taboo   noun

salawena1   move busily about   verb

salawena2   walk slowly (?)   verb

salekar alus   subtleties   noun

salekar paha   crotch   noun

salekar1   cubbyhole, small gap   noun

salekar2   crotch   noun

salele1   tie cloth or rope around a coconut tree to indicate that climbing is prohibited   noun

salele2   wrap a piece of cloth diagonally across the chest   verb

salem   slow, wasting time   verb

salempeng   a single sagu lempeng   noun

salendang   shawl   noun

saleng1   move   verb

saleng2   pour, spill   verb

salenter   untidy   noun

salep   drag on the ground   verb

saleser   a children’s game involving marbles   noun

salimong   blanket   noun

salmameti   species of goatfish (the family Mullidae)   noun

salmaneti   species of goatfish (the family Mullidae)   noun

salobar   brackish water   noun

saloe   a kind of basket   noun

saloi   a kind of basket   noun

salokang   gutter   noun

saloki   jigger, a shot of (alcohol)   noun

saloko   a handful (of)   measure

saloro   disorganised thinking (?)   noun

salot1   a lock   noun

salot2   to lock   verb

saloyer   some kind of clothing (?)   noun

salwir   serve   verb

sama   with   preposition

samal   a species of bird (?)   noun

samama   the tree Neolamarckia macrophylla   noun

samandar   the mottled spinefoot (Siganus fuscescens), white-spotted spinefoot (Siganus canaliculatus), or leopard coral grouper (Plectropomus leopardus)   noun

samangat   spirit, zeal   noun

samangka   watermelon   noun

samantara   during, while   conjunction

samar   a species of bird (?)   noun

sama-sama   together   adjective

samata-mata   altogether   adverb

sambilang pul sambilang   ninety-nine   noun

sambilang1   nine   noun

sambilang2   a type of marine catfish with a dangerous sting, probably the striped eel catfish (Plotosus lineatus)   noun

sambong   connect, join end-to-end   verb

sambuni   hide   verb

sambunyi   hide   verb

samemer   huge, jumbo   adjective

sam   like, same as, similar to   adjective

saminggu   a week   noun

samoa   all, every   adjective

samonti   a heap, lots of   adjective

sampe dolo   enough   adjective

sampe1   arrive   verb

sampe2   enough   adjective

sampe3   until   preposition

sampe4   reach to   verb

sampu   shampoo   noun

samua   all, every   adjective

samu api   fire ant (the genus Solenopsis)   noun

samu   ant   noun

samu mera   any species of ant that is red   noun

sanahur   game trail, the track made by a game animal as it habitually follows the same path   noun

sanang1   happy   adjective

sanang2   pleasure   noun

sanapang cis   pellet gun   noun

sanapang   gun   noun

sanapang   rifle   noun

sandal geta   flip-flop (sandal)   noun

sandar1   lean against   verb

sandar2   berth, dock   verb

sandar3   get closer   verb

sandiri   alone   adjective

sandiri-sandiri   respective, own   adjective

sanekar   cubbyhole, space between, interior corner   noun

sanelat   gap   noun

sangaja1   jest, fool (someone)   verb

sangaja3   on purpose   adverb

sang   like, same as, similar to   adjective

sang   there   preposition

sange-sange1   barb   noun

sange-sange2   barbed   adjective

sangko1   fish hook   noun

sangko2   to hook, snag   verb

sangsara   miserable   adjective

sanin   monday   noun

saniri   representative council of the people of a region, consisting of village elders, heads of soa, and others who traditionally hold positions in the community   noun

saniri negeri   representative council of the people of a region, consisting of village elders, heads of soa, and others who traditionally hold positions in the community   noun

sanisa   a foothold made on a tree to make climbing easier   noun

sanisi   a foothold made on a tree to make climbing easier   noun

sanoil   a piece, a bit   measure

santa   jerk   verb

santang   coconut milk   noun

sanusu   timber cut to size for fence posts   noun

sao   stone anchor   noun

saorang   a person   noun

sapa   who   pronoun

sapanggal   a piece   noun

saparo1   half   adjective

saparo2   quarter   adjective

saparo3   partly   adjective

saparu1   half   adjective

saparu2   quarter   adjective

saparu3   partly   adjective

sapa suru se?   “who told you to do so?”   interjection

sapatu   shoes   noun

sap   who   pronoun

saperampa   a quarter   noun

sapiring   a plateful   adjective

sapotong   a slice   noun

sapsele   (?) disorderly   adjective

saptu   saturday   noun

sapulampa   fourteen   noun

sapulanam   sixteen   noun

sapuldalapang   eighteen   noun

sapuldua   twelve   noun

sapul-   -teen (prefix for numbers 11-19)   noun

sapullima   fifteen   noun

sapulsambilang   nineteen   noun

sapulsatu   eleven   noun

sapultiga   thirteen   noun

sapultuju   seventeen   noun

sapulu   ten   noun

sapuri   an insulting term for those who have lost the use of their legs   noun

sarambang   target more than one thing at a time   verb

sarambu   a bunch (of) (measure word for describing the number of bananas, etc.)   measure

sarampa   measles   noun

sarane1   protestant Christian   noun

sarane2   baptised (protestant)   noun

sarangke   a stalk (of) (measure word for e.g. lemongrass)   measure

sarani1   protestant Christian   noun

sarani2   baptised (protestant)   noun

saratus   a hundred   noun

sardencis   the spotted sardinella (Amblygaster sirm)   noun

sardinya   the spotted sardinella (Amblygaster sirm)   noun

sare   lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)   noun

sariang   a long time   adjective

saribu   a thousand   noun

sarlinya   the spotted sardinella (Amblygaster sirm)   noun

sarobot   push forward without regard for consequences   verb

saroma   forest shelter   noun

sarong   sarong   noun

sar1   (onomatopoeia: object falling from a tree)   noun

sar2   (onomatopoeia: object being dragged along)   noun

sarta   as soon as   conjunction

sarui   a species of fish (?)   noun

saruma   principle in bacan of kinship amongst all (from satu rumah)   noun

sarune   a flowering plant   noun

saruru   trim off (e.g. the leaves from a palm branch, etc.)   verb

sarut1   cigar   noun

sarut2   a cigar-shaped cake made from sago, grated coconut, palm sugar and cinnamon   noun

sarut3   drag forcefully along the ground   verb

sarutu1   cigar   noun

sarutu2   a cigar-shaped cake made from sago, grated coconut, palm sugar and cinnamon   noun

sarvet   napkin   noun

sasabarang1   making mistakes   verb

sasabarang2   to be guilty   verb

sasadiki1   a little   adverb

sasadiki2   “just a moment”   interjection

sasa   narrow   adjective

sasaja   over and over again   adverb

sasak   (of hair) worn in a beehive style   adjective

sasa1   cramped   adjective

sasa2   hard to swallow   adjective

sasa3   short of breath   adjective

sasawi   pak choi cabbage (Brassica rapa)   noun

sasele1   only part (of)   adjective

sasele2   a quarter (of)   adjective

sasele3   beside   preposition

sasi   tradition prohibiting the harvesting of certain plants and animals at certain times to prevent overfishing, etc.   noun

sasi gereja   sasi announced by the church, through specific prayers during sunday services   noun

sasi negeri   sasi announced by the village head   noun

sasiri   a kind of very virulent and dangerous abcess   noun

sa1   just, only   noun

sa2   one   noun

satambong   overflow   adjective

sataung   a year   noun

sat   one   noun

satenga   one half   noun

satrop   pink syrup commonly served on shaved ice   noun

sau   anchor   noun

saule   young, handsome man   noun

saupeng   a little   measure

sawai   tilted, slanting   adjective

sawir   serve, present   verb

sayor   vegetable   noun

sedu   scoop into a pile (?)   verb

segon   vietnamese   adjective

sei   side   noun

sein   cue, signal   noun

seka   wipe something clean   verb

sela   fish by following schools of tuna and dragging a lure through them   verb

selenter   anarchic, ill-mannered behaviour   adjective

sele1   a quarter (of)   noun

sele2   divide into quarters   noun

sele3   the act of removing the contents of a coconut from its shell by prying it out with a machete   verb

selu   a species of fish (?)   noun

semang   outrigger on a boat   noun

semerlap   arsehole, rascal   adjective

sempe   earthenware vessel for papeda or water   noun

sena   walk back and forth   verb

seng apa-apa   “no problem”, “it’s ok”   interjection

seng bai1   “good morning”   interjection

seng bai2   bad   adjective

seng bai3   not good   adjective

seng   no, not (general negation)   adverb

senta   frame of a large canoe   noun

sente   centimetre   noun

senu   absent-minded, forgetful   noun

sepa   kick   verb

sepe-sepe   successively, in a row   adjective

serfet   napkin   noun

sero   an elaborate fish pen set up in shallow seas to trap fish, consisting of bamboo stakes connected by nets. the form is of two large outswept arms that guide fish into three stacked truncated triangles of reducing size, and ultimately into a square holding pen   noun

sero gantong   a contraption similar to a sero but for deeper seas   noun

ser1   a plan   noun

ser2   to plan   verb

ser3   take aim at   verb

ser4   appraise   verb

sesel   a species of tree   noun

ses   older sister   noun

se1   you (rude)   pronoun

se2   (exclamation of amazement)   interjection

setang   devil, evil spirit   noun

setang suanggi   evil spirit   noun

setru   enemy   noun

siang   a species of butcherbird (the genus Cracticus)   noun

sia-sia   neglect, let go to waste   verb

sibor   ladle, scoop   noun

sibu-sibu1   a light breeze   noun

sibu-sibu2   the katabatic breeze blowing down off the hills from dusk until dawn   noun

sidemu   the three-striped whiptail (Pentapodus trivittatus), the butterfly whiptail (Pentapodus setosus), or the saw-jawed monocle bream (Scolopsis ciliata)   noun

sidi   adult baptism   noun

siha   brown   adjective

sika1   a brush   noun

sika2   to brush   verb

sika3   eat ravenously (slang)   verb

sika4   a bunch of bananas (measure word)   verb

sika5   handful   adjective

sikat   hit, strike   verb

sikuda   either the ornate emperor (Lethrinus ornatus) or the orange-striped emperor (Lethrinus obsoletus)   noun

siku1   angle   noun

siku2   elbow   noun

siku3   ell (unit of measure)   noun

siku tangang   elbow   noun

silapa   the lavender jobfish (Pristipomoides sieboldi)   noun

silar   a species of fish (?)   noun

silender   mechanical cylinder   noun

siloki   jigger, a shot of (alcohol)   noun

simpang   save, keep in a safe place   verb

sinabu   a species of fish (?)   noun

sinama   (pronoun for a person of same name)   pronoun

singaro   a species of fish (?)   noun

sing   here   noun

singga   stop by, drop in   verb

sinoli1   sago meal heated in a wok, usually together with grated coconut and palm sugar   noun

sinoli2   as above, but made from cassava meal   noun

sinyo   “lad”, term of address for a young man   noun

sio   “alas”   interjection

sipat1   limit, boundary   noun

sipat2   delimit, bound   verb

sipat torat   appropriateness, acceptability   noun

sira   shingles (for roofing)   noun

sirang   pour liquid upon   verb

siri isi   a wild variety of siri that is also chewed   noun

siri kaya   the sugar-apple tree (Annona squamosa) and its fruit   noun

siri nitu   a wild variety of siri that is not chewed, the fruit of which is used for medicinal infusions and the leaves in poultices for broken bones   noun

siri popar   the tree Ficus septica   noun

siri1   the betel tree (Piper betle), whose leaves are chewed with the areca nut (also called betel)   noun

siri2   fin (fish)   noun

siri talang   a wild variety of siri (Piper longum) that is not chewed, the root of which is used as incense   noun

siri utang   a wild variety of siri (Piper aduncum) that is also chewed   noun

sirkaya   the sugar-apple tree (Annona squamosa) and its fruit   noun

sirpopar   the tree Ficus septica   noun

siselang   a kind of basket   noun

siser   handful   adjective

sisinai   sift out facts from other people’s lives (?)   verb

sisinei   sift out facts from other people’s lives (?)   verb

sisir   handful   adjective

sisi1   the act of removing the contents of a coconut from its shell by prying it out with a machete   verb

sisi2   remove sago flour from a container and put it in a tumang   verb

sisi3   shove something in place between two objects or layers   verb

sisi4   fate, destiny, supernatural influence   noun

sisi5   steering a boat to stay straight   noun

skaf1   carpenter’s plane   noun

skaf2   to plane   verb

skakar   miserly, stingy   adjective

skang1   probably, almost certainly   adverb

skang2   later   noun

skanir   hinge   noun

skap1   carpenter’s plane   noun

skap2   plane   verb

skarek   startled, shocked   adjective

skaruf   screw, bolt   noun

skarup   screw, bolt   noun

skeit   care   verb

skeleng   cross-eyed, lazy-eyed, or other similar condition   adjective

skikir   miserly, stingy   adjective

skit   beat (punch)   verb

skoim   froth, foam   noun

skola   school   noun

skop1   kick   verb

skop2   scoop   verb

skosteng   glass cylinder protecting the flame of a lamp   noun

skot1   kick   verb

skot2   gunshot   noun

skrek   startled, shocked   adjective

skrobi1   banish, chase away   verb

skrobi2   depart quickly, get out   verb

skrobi3   “go away!”   interjection

skrop   screw, bolt   noun

skrup   screw, bolt   noun

skrupmes   screw driver   noun

skuci   dinghy, skiff   noun

slaber1   a mop   noun

slaber2   to mop the floor   verb

slak bagini   all of a sudden   adverb

slaken1   to try, attempt   verb

slaken2   to joke   verb

slak1   opportunity   noun

slak2   in a single operation or cycle   adverb

slak3   with the immediate result that   conjunction

slak4   glib response   noun

slamat baruntung   “good luck!”   interjection

slenger1   crank   noun

slenger2   paper chain   noun

slenter   do something without thinking   verb

sloke1   tot of liquor   noun

sloke2   shot glass   noun

sloki1   tot of liquor   noun

sloki2   shot glass   noun

slop   leather sandals   noun

slot1   a lock   noun

slot2   to lock   verb

smak1   tasty   adjective

smak2   flavor   noun

smal   narrow   adjective

smaput   faint, become unconscious   verb

smer   polish   verb

smerlak   arsehole, rascal   adjective

smerlap   arsehole, rascal   adjective

smulen   passionate kissing   verb

smusis   bother   verb

sneweng1   panic   verb

sneweng2   behave crazily   verb

snuk   snack   noun

snup   snack   noun

soa   the term for a sub-community in a village which is composed of several fam   noun

soami   grated and pressed cassava steamed in leaves   noun

soa-soa   monitor lizard, most likely the Ceram mangrove monitor (Varanus cerambonensis) and the mangrove monitor (Varanus indicus)   noun

soa-soa pake layar   the Ambon sailfin dragon (Hydrosaurus amboinensis)   noun

sobat   acquaintance   noun

soe   unfortunate   adjective

soki   pulling a boat up on to shore   verb

soldadu   soldier   noun

solder1   solder   noun

solder2   to solder   verb

soldor   loft, attic   noun

somba   a gesture of respect or reverence, with the palms together and raised in front of the face   verb

sombar1   protector   noun

sombar2   shadow   noun

sombayang1   prayer   noun

sombayang2   pray   verb

sombong   arrogant, conceited   adjective

som   folds   noun

sondak   sunday   noun

sondak skol   sunday school   noun

sondo   spoon   noun

sondo makang   tablespoon   noun

sondor stom   not saying hello, without uttering a required greeting (figurative, literally “a ship not blowing its horn”)   adjective

sondor1   no   interjection

sondor2   without   preposition

sondo te   teaspoon   noun

songger   sores on the edges of the lips   noun

songko   the hat commonly worn by muslim men in southeast Asia, the songkok or peci   noun

sono   sleep   verb

sono-sono ayang   doze   verb

sontong batu   cuttlefish   noun

sontong   squid   noun

sonto1   strike (the foot) against   verb

sonto2   touch   verb

sonto3   nudge, jog   noun

sopaya   so that, in order to   noun

soper   driver   noun

sopi   traditional alcohol distilled from sageru   noun

sopo1   warm oneself by drinking sopi   verb

sopo2   dab with a warm towel   verb

sopu   dab with a warm towel   verb

sopu   quench hardening steel   verb

soro   termite   noun

sorohan   delegate   noun

sorong1   shove, slide   verb

sorong2   press an attack   verb

soru   termite   noun

sosi   plank, timber   noun

sosiri   rheumatism, arthritis   noun

sosoki   traditional fishing gear made from aren palm leaves that are dragged like a net to catch mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus)   noun

soso1   crowded, crammed in   adjective

soso2   force one’s way into a crowded space   verb

sowae1   lazy   adjective

sowae2   one who can fall asleep anywhere   adjective

sowae3   sleeping on the floor   verb

sowai1   lazy   adjective

sowai2   one who can fall asleep anywhere   adjective

sowai3   sleeping on the floor   verb

spalak1   splint   noun

spalak2   put in a splint   verb

spanen   exciting   adjective

spat1   acidic-tasting   adjective

spat2   sour   adjective

spaya   so that, in order to   noun

speit   spray, spout, squirt   verb

spet   spray, spout, squirt   verb

spok1   devil, evil spirit   noun

spok2   a nosy person   noun

sponeng   window or door support   noun

spul pi   flee (from something)   verb

spul1   rinse   verb

spul2   a sociable man   noun

sput   moving fast   adjective

stamplas   bus stop   noun

stanplas   bus stop   noun

starat   street   noun

starika1   clothes iron   noun

starika2   to iron clothes   verb

starika3   eat (slang)   verb

starom1   electric current   noun

starom2   electric shock   noun

star1   start up (an engine)   verb

star2   since   noun

stat   town   noun

steleng1   defence   noun

steleng2   fortification   noun

steleng3   scaffolding   noun

stel1   stylish   noun

stel2   set or adjust (e.g. a dial, a screw)   verb

sterek   strong (of a person)   adjective

stip   eraser   noun

stir1   steer   verb

stir2   steering wheel   noun

stom   sounding a ship’s horn   verb

stomwals   steam roller   noun

stop   stop   verb

stopfles   a kind of stoppered glass jar   noun

storeng   static, interference   noun

stori1   talk   verb

stori2   tell a story   verb

stori3   story   noun

stout   punch   noun

strap1   punishment   noun

strap2   law   noun

strat   street   noun

strat mata ampa   four-way intersection   noun

streng1   assertive   adjective

streng2   strict   adjective

strep   stripe   noun

strika1   clothes iron   noun

strika2   iron clothes   verb

strom1   electric current   noun

strom2   electric shock   noun

strong   (?)   noun

strop   syrup   noun

sua   hand-feed   verb

suak   very weak   adjective

sualap   unfinished timber   noun

suami   snack made from steamed grated cassava, served in a cone-shaped container   noun

suam-suam kuku   warm   adjective

suang   dibble (tool)   noun

suang   fence post   noun

suanggi1   an evil spirit in the shape a person, who spreads disease through the use of their magic   noun

suanggi2   a type of supposed black magic involving child sacrifice and dancing naked during the full moon   noun

suanggi3   possibly a species of fish in the family Holocentridae   noun

suara paru   hoarse   adjective

suar   sweat   noun

sudagar   merchant   noun

sudara basudara   related   noun

sudara   sibling   noun

sudara laki-laki   brother   noun

sudara parampuang   sister   noun

suda1   already   adverb

suda2   enough   adverb

suet   sweat   noun

suklet   search-light   noun

sukong   breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)   noun

suku   quarter   noun

sukung   breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)   noun

sukung utang   a wild variety of breadfruit   noun

sumasi   the mangrove red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus)   noun

sumbu   lamp wick   noun

sumbur1   spray   verb

sumbur2   chew up (something deemed magical) and spray it out of the mouth on to (something upon which magic is to be worked)   verb

sumping   blow-pipe   noun

sungga   a snare made by planting bamboo or sharpened wood   noun

sungga-sungga   the plant Chromolaena odorata   noun

sunggu   surely   adverb

sungsang   turn upside down   verb

sureng   the iron redwood (Toona sureni)   noun

surkaya1   the sugar-apple (Annona squamosa)   noun

surkaya2   a cake made with eggs, flour, and coconut milk   noun

suru   command, order   verb

surutu   cigar   noun

susa1   difficulty   noun

susa2   troubled, sad   adjective

susi   nickname for an older sister   noun

su1   already   adverb

su2   enough   adverb

susudara   siblings   noun

susu   breasts   noun

susung   arrange   verb

susuwae   almost full   adjective

suten   ballot conducted by the showing of thumbs   noun

suteng1   suit   noun

suteng2   ballot conducted by the showing of thumbs   noun

suwai1   lazy   adjective

suwai2   can fall asleep anywhere   adjective

suwanggi   a person full of black magic   noun

suwasa   bronze   noun

suwet   sweat   noun

suwitae   meddle in women’s affairs   verb

suwitai   meddle in women’s affairs   verb

swak   weak, feeble   adjective

swangi   evil spirit in the shape of a person   noun

swet   sweat   noun

swipeng   traffic inspection   noun

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