Amamaihi|Central Papua

1 min read

Part 25/38 in a series exploring one dish from each province of Indonesia.

This is also called sagu tindis, and comes from the Mimika area. This would be your carbs in a meal, taking the place of rice or bread or whatever.

Adapted from here.



  • 500 g sago flour
  • 1 L water
  • 200 g grated coconut


Mix the flour and water, leave to settle for 1 hour, discard excess water.

Mix the wet sago with the grated coconut, add to a wok on medium heat, keep stirring until it starts to solidify.

Keep pressing it down against the pan using a heavy spatula or a jar or something until it holds together when you lift an edge with a spatula.

Run a spatula round to separate the underside from the pan. Flip it over when it’s strong enough to do so.

Cook for a total of ~30 minutes.