23 min read

This dictionary contains only those words that differ from standard Indonesian, following the lists compiled by Takaria & Pieter (1998), Devin, and Pattiasina, with orthography standardised between the three. Stress tends to be noticeably on the penultimate syllable, which plays a significant part in producing the distinctive Ambon accent. Many words are derived from Indonesian by applying the following substitutions:

  • Initial -e, -er syllables in grammatical prefixes become -a

    • berdiri → badiri, terbakar → tabakar
  • Final -n, -m modifiers become -ng

    • teman → tamang, asam → asang
  • Final -k, -h modifiers are dropped

    • anak → ana, bersih → barsi
  • Final -u syllable becomes -o

    • arus → aros, mabuk → mabo
  • Initial -e, -er syllables more generally become -a

    • mesin → masing, lentera → lanterna

ba-   the indonesian ber- prefix   verb

ba-bae   [see bai-bai]   verb

baabu   dusty   adjective

baakar   taken root   adjective

baambel   take   verb

baambor   scatter   verb

baaso   interfere   verb

baator   arrange things   verb

babalu   go sago harvesting   verb

babangke   mentioning again a gift that has been given   verb

babanting   excessive jumping and dropping to the ground (?)   verb

babasa   soaking wet   adjective

babaso   wash clothes. Ata ada pii babaso di aer. = Ata has gone to the stream to wash clothes.   verb

babasu   washing, cleaning   verb

babatu1   cough   verb

babatu2   suffer from a cough   verb

babatu3   full of rocks, rocky   adjective

babelo   digging a hole   verb

babengka   [see bobengka]   noun

babengkeng1   angry   adjective

babengkeng2   excessive pacing and wanting to attract the attention of others by doing so (?)   noun

babi barana   piglet   noun

babi fufu   smoked pork   noun

babi kapadu   castrated pig   noun

babi kerong-kerong   pig with red and black hair   noun

babi laki-laki   boar (adult male pig)   noun

babi mai   sow (adult female pig)   noun

babi naneri   pig with large fangs   noun

babi utang   wild boar   noun

babi   pig   noun

babintang   splotched.   adjective

babintol   bumpy   adjective

babostok1   banged-up, beaten-up   adjective

babostok2   buxom   adjective

babu   maid   noun

babua1   bear fruit   verb

babua2   muscular   adjective

babulu1   hairy, fuzzy, furry   adjective

babulu2   sailing from island to island in search of produce to trade   verb

babunga1   bloom   verb

babunga2   flowery   adjective

babunga3   striped, spotted, variegated   adjective

babunyi   make a noise, generate sound.   verb

bacabang1   forked   adjective

bacabang2   cheater   adjective

bacabar   incite, stir up   verb

bacabu   uproot, pull out   verb

bacakar   scavenge   verb

bacampor   meddle   verb

bacang   a variety of mango, mangifera foetida   noun

bacangkol   hoe   verb

bacari   search, look for   verb

bacarita   chat   verb

bacebo   wash the anus   verb

bacere   divorced   adjective

bacico1   walk   verb

bacico2   the behavior of a child who is not calm on the spot (?)   noun

baciong   constantly kissing   adjective

bacubi   pinch   verb

bacucu   have grandchildren   verb

bacungkil   gouge   verb

bada dinging   a kind of powder mixed with water and applied to the face and left to dry (?)   noun

bada   face powder (cosmetic)   noun

badagang   engage in business or trade   verb

badaki   having dirt on the body   adjective

badame   make peace   verb

badang dua   pregnant   noun

badang gamu   fat body   adjective

badang karempeng   skinny body   adjective

badang lala   tiredness, exhaustion   noun

badang lombo   weakness   noun

badang   body   noun

badang-dua   the P-38 Lightning fighter aeroplane   noun

badaong   leafy   adjective

badara1   bloody   adjective

badara2   bleeding   verb

badati   (of a group of people) all contribute and pool resources for some purpose   verb

badendang   sing while dancing   verb

badiang   keep quiet   verb

badinde   servant   noun

badiri1   stand up   verb

badiri2   remain standing   verb

bado1   together with   adverb

bado2   just the same   adjective

badonci   sing verses (usually in a group)   verb

baduri   thorny, prickly, spiny   adjective

bae laki-laki   the pale ruby snapper (etelis radiosus)   noun

bae-bae   [see bai-bai]   verb

bae1   good   adjective

bae2   whether   conjunction

bae3   the ruby snapper (etelis carbunculus)   noun

baedar   circulate   verb

baer   watery   adjective

bagadang   stay awake   verb

bagahe   coughing up and spitting out phlegm forcefully   noun

bagajinjang   be engaged in youthful folly, perhaps referring to having many sexual relationships while young   verb

bagale   uproot, pull out   verb

bagali   ticklish feeling   noun

bagang   traditional fishing structure built in the middle of the sea, a hut or platform on a bamboo structure out at sea used for net fishing   noun

baganggo   [see baganggu]   noun

baganggu1   tease, rile up   verb

baganggu2   disturb   verb

bagantong   depend upon   verb

bagara1   make a movement   verb

bagara2   budge   verb

bagasi1   baggage   noun

bagasi2   baggage compartment of an automobile.   noun

bagata   sticky   adjective

bagatal1   itchy   adjective

bagatal2   itch   verb

bage   divide, share   verb

bagea   a dome-shaped cake made of sago flour and kanari nut baked in a mold   noun

bageang   part   noun

bagemana   how   adverb

bagepe   huddled together, squashed in   verb

bagia   [see bagea]   noun

bagiang   a share   noun

bagimana   how   adverb

bagini1   like this, in this way   adverb

bagini2   by now, at this time   adverb

bagitu   like that, in that way   adverb

bagitu2   as soon as   adverb

bagoyang   move, sway   verb

baguna   use magic   verb

bagus-bagus   nicely   adverb

bahala   increibly huge   adjective

bahang   ingredient, material   noun

baharap1   hope   verb

baharap2   trust (to)   verb

bahela   drag out, be too slow in doing something   verb

bahetu   chat   verb

bahogor   spread around, broadcast   verb

bahol1   convex   adjective

bahol2   concave   adjective

bahroteng   estimated cost   noun

bai-bai1   “good health”   interjection

bai-bai2   “take care”   interjection

bai-bai3   OK   adjective

bai-bai4   carefully   adverb

bai1   [see bae1]   adjective

bai2   healthy   adjective

bai3   [see bae3]   noun

bai4   polite   adjective

baiko   following someone around   verb

baikole1   the willie wagtail (rhipidura leucophrys), a symbol of agility   noun

baikole2   the name of a famous ancient warrior from Loloda, North Maluku, in the Kingdom of Bola’ang-Mongondow   noun

bailele1   the yelling of oarsmen or fighters to get pumped-up for action   noun

bailele2   punish by forcing to walk along a path along which rattan whips have been placed for the people to whip the offender   noun

baileo   traditional open meeting house / town hall   noun

baileu   [see baileo]   noun

baitong   count   verb

bajaga   wait   verb

bajajar   in a row   adjective

bajalang raba1   walk in the dark   verb

bajalang raba2   walk without really knowing the way   verb

bajalang1   walk   verb

bajalang2   via, by   preposition

bajambang   bearded   adjective

bajamur   sunbathe, bask   verb

bajang ronda   stroll about enjoying nature   verb

bajang   walk   verb

bajang-bajang   strolling   verb

bajangke1   rampant   adjective

bajangke2   contageous   adjective

baji   a splitting wedge, a metal or wooden peg used to split wood   noun

bajingang1   very handsome   adjective

bajingang2   philandering, womanising   verb

bajo kaos kutang   vest   noun

baju kous   t-shirt   noun

baju kurung   collarless men’s shirt   noun

baju1   shirt, blouse   noun

baju2   dress   noun

bajumor   expose one’s skin to direct sunlight   verb

bajunet   bayonet   noun

bak   stone water tank   noun

bakabas1   thrash about   verb

bakabas2   flap wings violently   verb

bakabas3   shake one’s body violently   verb

bakaca   examine oneself in the mirror   verb

bakal   provisions, food for the road   noun

bakalae1   quarrel   verb

bakalae2   fight   verb

bakalai   [see bakalae]   verb

bakamabar1   twin   adjective

bakamabar2   a fruit having two parts or compartments instead of one   adjective

bakanda   cheating, playing in bad faith   verb

bakar1   burn   verb

bakar2   set alight   verb

bakarang   remain for an inordinately long time   verb

bakarat   rust   verb

bakarat   rusty   adjective

bakareo1   milling around   verb

bakareo2   trembling   verb

bakareu   [see bakareo]   noun

bakarja   work   verb

bakas   used, second-hand   adjective

bakasang   a sauce / gravy made from the innards of skipjack tuna mixed with salt, heated over coals, and left to ferment for 2 weeks   noun

bakat   confused and breaking seas (?)   noun

bake   tray   noun

bakesteng   (?)   noun

baki   [see bake]   noun

bakira1   begin   verb

bakira2   depart, begin a journey   verb

bakira3   begin some work   verb

bakol   a round basket woven from strands from the inside of rattan vines   noun

bakolong   under the bed   preposition

bakore   poking around, snooping   verb

baku-   prefix to indicate reciprocity in a verb   noun

baku1   reciprocal, mutual   adjective

baku2   harden, solidify, clot   verb

bakuantar   walk together   verb

bakuat   exert oneself   verb

bakuator   work things out, resolve a matter   verb

bakubage   divide up   verb

bakubakar   mutual arson   verb

bakubisi-bisi   whisper to each other   verb

bakubor   buried   verb

bakubunu   kill each other   verb

bakubur   (?)   verb

bakucabar   challenge each other   verb

bakucabu   attack each other   verb

bakucari   looking for each other   verb

bakuciong   kiss each other   verb

bakucubi   pinch each other   verb

bakucuki   have sex (vulgar)   verb

bakudapa   meet   verb

bakudis   ulcer   noun

bakufalungku   box each other   verb

bakuganggu   tease each other   verb

bakugili-gili   tickle each other   verb

bakuiko1   chase each other   verb

bakuiko2   one after the other   adverb

bakujaga   lie in wait for one another   verb

bakujajar   [see bajajar]   adjective

bakuku   crowing   verb

bakul   [see bakol]   noun

bakula1   moldy   adjective

bakula2   go moldy   verb

bakulia1   see each other   verb

bakulia2   look at each other   verb

bakulur   spy on each other   verb

bakulur   surreptitiously peeking at each other   verb

bakumanginte   look after / look in on each other   verb

bakumanyabong   to cockfight   verb

bakumara   be angry at each other   verb

bakumpul   meet   verb

bakunae   have sex (vulgar)   verb

bakuopor   give each other   verb

bakupele   obstruct, deter   verb

bakupolo   hug each other   verb

bakupotong   hack at each other as with swords.   verb

bakura   being loud   verb

bakuraba   hold each other   verb

bakurabe   tear into one another   verb

bakuramas   strangle each other   verb

bakurapat   near / next to each other   adjective

bakurekeng   come to an agreement over accounts   verb

bakurung   shut oneself in at home   verb

bakusanang   be happy with each other   verb

bakusangaja   joking aroung   verb

bakusayang   feel sympathy and affection for each other   verb

bakusengaja   kid each other   verb

bakusoso   crowded very close together   verb

bakusoso   wedged tightly   adverb

bakutamang   be comrades   verb

bakutampeleng   slap each other in the face   verb

bakutanya   interrogate each other   verb

bakutarika1   become entangled with each other   verb

bakutarika2   have sex (vulgar)   verb

bakutaro   compete   verb

bakutengada   face each other   verb

bakuti1   throb   verb

bakuti2   flick repeatedly   verb

bakutikang1   fight each other with spears or daggers   verb

bakutikang2   have sex   verb

bakutoki1   bump into each other   verb

bakutoki2   bump heads with each other   verb

bakutola   jostling   verb

bakutorana   thrust at each other with poles   verb

bakutukar   exchange   verb

bakutukar   switch places   verb

bakutulung   help each other   verb

bakutumbu   box each other   verb

bakutunggu   wait for each other   verb

bakutunju   point to each other (?) (possibly a more idiomatic meaning here, not literally pointing)   verb

bal   ball   noun

bala1   split, cleave   verb

bala2   drive home a punch with the fist   verb

balabor1   smeared with something sticky   adjective

balabor2   smear   verb

balabu1   docked, anchored   adjective

balabu2   hang out   verb

balacang   fermented shrimp paste   noun

balaco   white muslin   noun

balacu   [see balaco]   noun

balaga1   boast, brag   verb

balaga2   show-off   adjective

balagu1   enjoys getting attention   adjective

balagu2   capricious   adjective

balagu3   decline an offer out of politeness when would rather accept   verb

balajar   study, learn   verb

balak   dressed timber, especially one of about 10×10 cm cross section   noun

balakang-balakang   lately   adverb

balakang1   back   noun

balakang2   behind   preposition

balambor1   litter   verb

balambor2   scattered here and there   adjective

balanda keju   dutch person (pejorative)   noun

balanda mabo   drunken dutch person (pejorative)   noun

balanda potong kapala   dutch headhunter. it was believed in ambon that the dutch engaged in secret headhunting practices, laying human heads under the cornerstones of public buildings   noun

balanda   netherlands   noun

balandong   (of water) lie in a puddle   verb

balanga   [see balangang]   noun

balangang   clay pot   noun

balanja   shop   verb

balapis   layer   verb

balari   running about   verb

balas1   blister   verb

balas2   blistered   adjective

balas3   ballast   noun

balas4   reciprocate   verb

balas5   order, instruct   verb

balas6   scratch, scrape   verb

balasteng   tax   noun

balau1   blue   adjective

balau2   laundry bluing   noun

balayar   sail, voyage   verb

bale-bale mata   a kind of magic used to make oneself invisible   noun

bale-bale1   return again   verb

bale-bale2   turn over repeatedly   verb

bale-bale3   take a siesta   verb

bale-bale4   wide bench or platform made of bamboo   noun

bale-bale5   cause not to see, as if by magic   verb

bale1   turn   verb

bale2   turn over   verb

bale3   reverse   verb

bale4   return   verb

bale5   wind   verb

bale6   change   verb

baleja2   gooey   noun

balejawith 1   covered   adjective

balek   can, tin   noun

balender   covered with a wet, sticky substance   adjective

balengang   [see balenggang]   noun

balenggang1   swinging the arms while walking   verb

balenggang2   uneven   adjective

balenggang3   swing   verb

balengkar   rummage   verb

balerang   sulphur   noun

bali   buy   verb

balimbing bajiku   star fruit, averrhoa carambola   noun

balimbing plesko   the cucumber tree, averrhoa bilimbi   noun

balimbing   plants in the genus averrhoa and their fruit   noun

balisa1   nervous   adjective

balisa2   feel sad   verb

balla1   split, halve   verb

balla2   hit someone   verb

ballabor   blekpotan (?) (possibly an inkpot)   noun

balle   wrap around, bind   verb

balobe1   night-fishing at low tide using torches and a spear   verb

balobe2   look at oneself in the mirror   verb

balobo   the common halfbeak (hyporhamphus unifasciatus) or lutke’s halfbeak (hemiramphus japonicus)   noun

balok   a block and tackle   noun

baloko   steal   verb

balompa1   jump   verb

balompa2   jump over   verb

balong bilang   haven’t yet told it   verb

balong istori   haven’t yet spoken   verb

balong tau   don’t yet know   verb

balong   not yet   adverb

balong-balong   not yet after an inordinately long time   adverb

balu gandang   a kind of fish (?)   noun

balu   widower, widow   noun

balubang   holed   adjective

baluda   spitting   verb

balumpa   jump   verb

baluntas   indian camphorweed (pluchea indica), used medicinally   noun

bamaki   always cursing, swearing   verb

bamara   continually scold   verb

bambang1   roast, grill   verb

bambang2   strike, hit   verb

bameti   looking for shellfish, crabs, etc. at low tide   verb

baminta   asking for things   verb

baminya   oily   adjective

bamuat   put stuff (?)   verb

bamulu   talk too much   verb

ban1   band, belt   noun

ban2   drive belt   noun

banafas   [see banapas]   noun

banana   cowardly (?)   adjective

bananah   festering   noun

banang galas   string to which glass powder has been glued for kite fighting   noun

banang raja   rainbow   noun

banang   thread, string   noun

banapas   breathe   verb

bandera   flag   noun

baner   large, above-ground tree root   noun

bangk   bank (financial)   noun

bangka1   swollen   adjective

bangka2   swell   verb

bangkawang   measure word for pieces of bamboo used for roof thatching   measure

bangke   dead body   noun

bangko   bench   noun

bangong   get up out of bed   verb

bangskrup   vice (tool)   noun

baniang itang   traditional men’s jacket used by protestant Christians when praying   noun

baniang puti   traditional white shirt worn under the baniang jacket   noun

baniang   traditional men’s jacket used for special occasions   noun

banta   to fight   verb

bantal parau   the wooden bracket that holds an outrigger spar on a canoe. (may be “bantal najong”)   noun

bantal polo   bolster pillow   noun

banting   drop something to the ground   verb

bantuang   help, assistance   noun

banya   many   adjective

baostar   very dirty   adjective

bapa bongso   father’s younger brother   noun

bapa hati   “for goodness’ sake!”   interjection

bapa kamponang   “for goodness’ sake!” (?)   interjection

bapa mantu   father-in-law   noun

bapa piara   foster father   noun

bapa tiri   stepfather   noun

bapa tua   father’s older brother   noun

bapa tuang   good sir (sarcastic, e.g. addressing a child)   noun

bapa   “father”, term of address for an older man   noun

bapa   mister   noun

bapake1   dress up   verb

bapake2   employ magical powers   verb

bapantong   exchanging pantongs   verb

bapapang   become habitual   verb

bapikol   carry   noun

bapinggang   having a pronounced and slim waist   adjective

baputar   turning   verb

bara   hot ember   noun

baraba1   handle   verb

baraba2   grope, fondle   verb

barampa   meddle   verb

barampas   taking things by force   verb

barana   give birth to   verb

baranda   foyer, lobby, hall   noun

barane   brave   adjective

barang1   property, possession   noun

barang2   because   conjunction

barang3   about, roughly   adverb

barangkat   depart   verb

barangko   take all   verb

barani   dare (to do something)   verb

barani   daring.   adjective

barantang   agreement to share fairly   noun

barapa   how many, how much   adverb

baras   rice (uncooked)   noun

barasa1   tastes as if been tainted with   verb

barasa2   to feel intuitively   verb

barat1   west wind   noun

barat2   heavy   adjective

bardaya   the southwest wind (usually very strong)   noun

bardosa   (exclamation of calamity) (?)   adjective

bardosa   sinful   adjective

barekeng   calculate   verb

barenti   stop   verb

baress   bed of the type built in a walang   noun

baret1   soldier of the Republic of South Maluku separatist group   noun

baret2   beret   noun

baribot   [see baribut]   verb

baribut   being noisy   verb

baringing   the weeping fig (ficus benjamina)   noun

baringos   have a cold   noun

barliang   diamond   noun

barmaeng mata   giving someone ‘bedroom eyes’   verb

barmaeng1   play   verb

barmaeng2   do repeatedly as part of some strategy   verb

barnang   swimming   verb

baroba1   medicate   verb

baroba2   receive treatment   verb

baroba3   change, transform   verb

baronda   stroll, walk aimlessly   verb

barsi   clean   adjective

baru1   and then   adverb

baru2   only, just   adverb

baru3   recently   adverb

baru4   the humpback turretfish (tetrosomus gibbosus)   noun

baru5   the sea hibiscus (hibiscus tiliaceus)   noun

barua   wooden tackle box   noun

baruba   get treatment   verb

barudel   [see bruder]   noun

barumpu   grassy   adjective

barutang   owe   verb

bas   boss   noun

basa1   wet   verb

basa2   wet, damp   adjective

basa3   wet with blood   adjective

basahua   interfere with people’s conversations   verb

basai   sit anywhere without regard for propriety   verb

basaleng   get dressed   verb

basambunyi   hide   verb

basangaja   jest   verb

basangka   be suspicious   verb

basap   smoky   adjective

basar1   big   adjective

basar2   expand, get bigger   verb

basar3   grow up, mature   verb

basar4   important (humorous, sarcastic)   adjective

basaro   sing a traditional kind of chanting song   verb

basena   walk back and forth   verb

basi   stale, tainted (of rice and certain other foods)   adjective

baso1   bakso   noun

baso2   wash   verb

basombar   take cover, shelter   verb

basombayang   pray   verb

basondo   interrupting other people’s conversations   noun

basoso   crowd together   verb

bastel1   stylish   adjective

bastel2   dress up, put on airs   verb

basu   cleaning   verb

basudara1   related by family   verb

basudara2   brothers (figurative, like ‘comrades’)   noun

basuet   [see basuwet]   adjective

basumpa1   invoke god’s name if someone is hurt or a bad thing happens   verb

basumpa2   take marriage vows   verb

basuru   bossing around   verb

basuwet   sweaty   adjective

batai besi   rusty   adjective

batai   corroded   adjective

batalaga   [see balandong]   verb

batalor   lay (an egg)   verb

batamang1   befriend   verb

batamang2   accompany   verb

batambong   many   noun

batamu   visit, call on   verb

batanang   planting (a crop)   verb

batang kayu   fallen tree trunk, log   noun

batang kepala   the back of the head   noun

batang leher   the back of the neck   noun

batang1   trunk (of a tree)   noun

batang2   measure word for rods   measure

batang3   bulky part of an elongate object   noun

batarea   cry out, yell   verb

batarei   battery   noun

bataria   [see batarea]   noun

bataro1   agree to compete   verb

bataro2   bet, wager   verb

bataru   [see bataro]   verb

baterek   disturb, bother   verb

batingka1   stylish   adjective

batingka2   dress up, put on airs   verb

batong1   [see katong]   pronoun

batong2   stucco   noun

batongka   prop oneself up   verb

batu anyo   pumice   noun

batu bacang   soapstone   noun

batu cobe   [see cobe]   noun

batu gantong   overhanging/dangling rock   noun

batu goso   whetstone   noun

batu gurinda   rotary grind stone   noun

batu kapala   top and back part of skull   noun

batu karikel   gravel   noun

batu lompa   rock used as shelter by the lompa   noun

batu sao   anchor stone   noun

batu senter   flashlight battery   noun

batu-batu1   a species of cardinalfish (apogonichthyoides niger)   noun

batu-batu2   fish that have been caught   noun

batulang1   bony   adjective

batulang2   help when things go wrong   verb

batumbu1   sprout   verb

batumbu2   grow   verb

bau   shoulder   noun

baukup   inhale steam so as to clear the nasal passages   verb

baurung   crowd, swarm   verb

bausprit   bowsprit   noun

baut   (of a sailing vessel) come about, tack   verb

be   [see beta]   noun

bebe   duck   noun

bedeng   plant bed in a nursery   noun

beha   bra   noun

beker   beaker, drinking cup   noun

bel   bell   noun

belang   an arombae team-rowing race   noun

belang-belang   striped   adjective

belek   [see balek]   noun

belok   turn around   verb

bembang1   drop someone off   verb

bembang2   send or direct someone   verb

bembeng   carry, tote   verb

benaut   the feeling of uncomfortable heat due to confined space   noun

beng   my (contraction of “beta pung”)   adjective

bengko   not straight   adjective

bera dara   dysentery   noun

bera   defecate   verb

berang   traditional cloth worn tied around the head by the people of seram island, with different colours for different occasions, e.g. the red cloth worn by the nuaulu people   noun

bere-bere   rheumatism   noun

bermaeng   play   verb

besi barani   magnet   noun

besi cor   rebar   noun

besi puti   traditional stainless steel alloy   noun

besloit   decree (document)   noun

beso   [see eso]   noun

besuk   visiting someone who is sick   verb

bet   [see beta]   pronoun

beta   i, me   pronoun

betang   my (contraction of “beta pung”). also beeng.   adjective

betong   [see katong]   pronoun

bia asuseng   a marine mollusc that lives in the sand and can be dug up at low tide   noun

bia duri babi   a species of chiton (acanthopleura spinosa)   noun

bia garu   the giant clam (tridacna gigas)   noun

bia huraing   a marine mollusc that lives on drifting logs   noun

bia kakusang   a species of brown-spotted cone snail (conus)   noun

bia kodo   a species of clam   noun

bia lola   a kind of commercial seashell   noun

bia makii   cone snails (the genus conus)   noun

bia mata bulan   the gold-mouth turban sea snail (turbo chrysostroma)   noun

bia mika   the giant clam (tridacna gigas)   noun

bia mutel   the ribbed turban sea snail (turbo intercostalis)   noun

bia pasir isi   marine molluscs in the genus oliva   noun

bia sondo   a species of scallop (pectinidae family)   noun

bia tai kambing   a sea snail in the genus morula   noun

bia warna putih   cowries in the genus cypraea   noun

bia   shelled mollusc   noun

biang   the village midwife   noun

biar1   not forbidden   adjective

biar2   abandon   verb

bibir   gossipy, naggy   adjective

bicang   [see bacang]   noun

bico1   pot-bellied   noun

bico2   slow due to obesity   noun

bidang   [see biang]   noun

biji kalir   testicle   noun

biji kalot   testicle   noun

biji nangka   the goldband goatfish (upeneus mullocensin)   noun

biji poro   swollen spleen   noun

biji rawa   pimple   noun

biji ruku   the toothpony (gazza minuta)   noun

biji rukung   evil person   noun

biji   diameter of a fishing line   noun

biking bodo   deceive   verb

biking muka kailolo   pretend to be sincere and in need of assistance   verb

biking-biking   shaman who usess black magic to achieve a goal   noun

biking1   do   verb

biking2   make, build   verb

biking3   fix, repair   verb

biking4   cause to be   verb

biking5   hurt   verb

biking6   afflict using black magic   verb

bila-bila   spatula   noun

bilalo   the process of smoothing the floor in the traditional way (?)   noun

bilangang   number   noun

bilolo   stye on the eyelid   noun

biludu   the plumed cockscomb flower (celosia argenta)   noun

binci   hate   verb

binen ban   inner tube of a tyre   noun

bini piara   common-law wife   noun

bini   wife   noun

bintang kincing   meteor, shooting star   noun

bintang siang   morning star   noun

bintang tuju   the pleiades constellation   noun

bintanggor   the tree calophyllun inophyllum, whose fruit is traditionally used to make candles   noun

bintanggur utang   the tree calophyllum soulattri   noun

bintanggur   [see bintanggor]   noun

bintol   bump, welt   noun

birmang   neighbour   noun

bisi   whisper   verb

bisi-bisi   whisper   verb

bisol kacang   small boils   noun

bisol mai   big boil   noun

bisol   boil (skin condition)   noun

bistungker   cassava that grows alone in nature (?)   noun

bisul   [see bisol]   noun

bitis kaki   calf of leg   noun

bitis   [see bitis kaki]   noun

blau   [see balau]   adjective

blimbing   [see balimbing]   noun

bloker   block, stem the flow, dam   verb

blong   [see balong]   adverb

blus   [see bullus]   noun

boba   the infectious disease yaws   noun

bobara   [see bubara]   noun

bobengka   cake made with flour and coconut milk baked in a mold   noun

bobo anyer   smell of fish   verb

bobo busu   stink   verb

bobo hosi   smell of urine   verb

bobo rai   smell of fish   verb

bobo tarbae   have a bad smell   verb

bobou tai   smells dirty   adjective

bobou wosi   smells of urine   adjective

bobou1   smelly   adjective

bobou2   smells like   verb

bocor   holey, perforated, punctured   adjective

bode   lackey, errand-boy   noun

bodi   body   noun

bodo   stupid   adjective

bodo-bodo   act stupidly   verb

bodok   [see bodo]   adjective

boga-boga1   a person no longer able to work due to sickness   noun

boga-boga2   weak, slow   adjective

boiko   follow   verb

bokor   finger bowl   noun

bolana   the squaretail mullet (ellochelon vaigiensis)   noun

bole   may, can (permitted to)   verb

bolengkar   rummage through things leaving them in a mess   verb

bololeng1   bread   noun

bololeng2   fried bread   noun

bolong   [see balong]   adverb

bolsak   mattress   noun

bolta   bolt, make a hasty escape   verb

boltak   fall (?)   verb

bombat   very fat   noun

bombong1   full to the brim   noun

bon   bill   noun

boncis   the green bean (phaseolus vulgaris)   noun

bone   sack   noun

boneng   incisors that are more prominent than usual   noun

bong-bong   candy, sweets   noun

bongkar   power through the water   verb

bongko   hunch, slouch   verb

bongso   youngest sibling   noun

bontal   round   adjective

bontiana   a vengeful ghost of a woman who died in childbirth, common in indo-malay mythology (cf. kuntilanak, pontianak)   noun

bordelis   violent (wind)   adjective

bore1   poisoning fish to catch them   verb

bore2   the plant derris elliptica, the root of which is used as a medicine and fish poison   noun

borgor   big   adjective

borong   buy in bulk   verb

borstel   brush   noun

bot   large boat used for trade, typically those of the buton or bugis people of southeast sulawesi   noun

boti   distended   noun

botol cebo   beer bottle now used to hold water for washing the anus   noun

botol manci1   a short evil demon, gnome, goblin   noun

botol manci2   an pejorative nickname for a short person   noun

bout1   bolt   noun

bout2   big chunks of meat   noun

brenebon   kidney bean   noun

broit dohom   bridegroom   noun

broit   bride   noun

brot1   sullen-faced   adjective

brot2   bread, specifically a european style loaf   noun

brudel   [see bruder]   -

bruder   plain sponge cake   noun

bu   [see bung]   pronoun

bua dara   a kind of fruit(?)   noun

bua kartu   the star gooseberry (sauropus androgynus) and its fruit   noun

bua nona   the sugar-apple tree (annona squamosa) and its fruit   noun

bua putri   the stinking passionflower (passiflora foetida)   noun

bua rai   a mangosteen used in a children’s game: the bottom is been cut off, and the children must guess the number of its internal compartments   noun

bua rau   edible fruit   noun

bua1   fruit   noun

bua2   muscle   noun

bubara biru   the bluefin trevally (caranx melampygus)   noun

bubara lasi   the golden trevally (gnathanodon speciosus)   noun

bubara   the giant trevally (caranx ignobilis)   noun

bubengka   [see bobengka]   noun

bubor ne   bubor made of sago rather than rice   noun

bubor   rice porridge, congee, bubur   noun

bubu   traditional fish-trap or net of woven bamboo   noun

bubui1   child’s swing   noun

bubui2   swing as on a child’s swing   verb

buce   term of address for young boys   pronoun

bui   prison   noun

bui-bui   [see bubui]   noun

bujang sore   a man who is always seen sitting outside every evening   noun

bujang   one who is old but unmarried   noun

buju-buju   coaxing, charming, seducing   verb

buju1   coax, charm, seduce   verb

buju2   comfort, lull   verb

buka paha   spread one’s legs (for sex)   verb

buka sasi   a harvest ‘opening ceremony’, an announcement and prayers led by the village head formally lifting prohibitions on the harvesting of some resource   noun

bukang   not   adverb

buku hobatang   book of magic   noun

buku tambaga   historical document belonging to a village chief   noun

bulan pake payong   the moon with a halo   noun

bulana   the flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus)   noun

bulang ilang cahaya   new moon (?)   noun

bulang makarao   lunar eclipse   noun

bulang makarau   [see bulang makarao]   noun

bulang miring   west-sloping moon   noun

bulang muda   first week of the lunar month (?)   noun

bulang pono   full moon   noun

bulang tinggi   the seventh or eighth night of the lunar month (?)   noun

bulang tua   middle of the lunar month   noun

bulang-bulang   middle section of a boat   noun

bulang1   month   noun

bulang2   moon   noun

bullus   blouse   noun

bulu ayang1   chicken feathers   noun

bulu ayang2   rooster-feather fish lure   noun

bulu baduri   a variety of bamboo (bambusa blumeana)   noun

bulu betung   a variety of bamboo (dendrocalamus asper)   noun

bulu chen   a variety of bamboo   noun

bulu cina   small-leaved bamboo variety (bambusa multiplex), often planted as a garden fence   noun

bulu gila1   bamboo with magical significance used in a particular dance   noun

bulu gila2   the event associated with the dance of the same name   noun

bulu hias   [see bulu cina]   noun

bulu jawa   a variety of bamboo (schizostachyum brachyladumi)   noun

bulu kaning   eyebrow hair   noun

bulu kuning   a variety of bamboo   noun

bulu loleba   the black bamboo (neololeba atra)   noun

bulu nyawa   body hair   noun

bulu patong   a large bamboo variety (dendrocalamus asper)   noun

bulu rambu   head hair   noun

bulu sero   a variety of bamboo (gigantochloa apus)   noun

bulu suanggi   a variety of bamboo (schizostachyum arundinaceae)   noun

bulu tapir   a variety of bamboo   noun

bulu tui   small bamboo variety, either schizostachyum lima or gigantochloa atter   noun

bulu   bamboo   noun

bulu-bulu   bamboo grove   noun

bulus-bulus   a kind of fish (?)   noun

bundur capatu   shoe brush   noun

bundur gigi   toothbrush   noun

bundur   brush   noun

bung   term of address for male of similar age or older   pronoun

bung-bung   pigeon, dove, any bird of the family columbidae   noun

bunga gula   candy, sweets   noun

bunga konde   jewelry to decorate a hair bun   noun

bunga rampe   a bunch or pile of different flowers and fragrant leaves distributed at ceremonial meals   noun

bunga ron   a crown or garland of flowers worn on the head   noun

bungang-bungang1   crown of the head   noun

bungang-bungang2   roof ridge   noun

bungkusang   package   noun

buntiana   [see bontiana]   noun

bunting batu   (of a woman) afflicted with stomach cancer   adjective

bunting   pregnant   adjective

burong   bird   noun

busu   rotten   adjective

buta ayang   suffering from night blindness   adjective

buta huruf   illiterate   adjective

butu anging   twister, tornado, hurricane   noun

butu balanda   a plant having edible tubors, possibly arrowroot (maranta arundinacea) or simply the potato   noun

butu galoba   uncircumcised   adjective

butu kusu-kusu   reed roots   noun

butu mange-mange   mangrove roots   noun

butu   male genitalia (slang)   noun

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