
8 min read

aerpepang   a kind of fish (?)   noun

asusing   a type of small flat seashell or snail   noun

bae laki-laki   the pale ruby snapper (etelis radiosus)   noun

bae3   the ruby snapper (etelis carbunculus)   noun

bai3   [see bae3]   noun

balobo   the common halfbeak (hyporhamphus unifasciatus) or lutke’s halfbeak (hemiramphus japonicus)   noun

balu gandang   a kind of fish (?)   noun

baru4   the humpback turretfish (tetrosomus gibbosus)   noun

batu-batu1   a species of cardinalfish (apogonichthyoides niger)   noun

bia asuseng   a marine mollusc that lives in the sand and can be dug up at low tide   noun

bia duri babi   a species of chiton (acanthopleura spinosa)   noun

bia garu   the giant clam (tridacna gigas)   noun

bia huraing   a marine mollusc that lives on drifting logs   noun

bia kakusang   a species of brown-spotted cone snail (conus)   noun

bia kodo   a species of clam   noun

bia lola   a kind of commercial seashell   noun

bia makii   cone snails (the genus conus)   noun

bia mata bulan   the gold-mouth turban sea snail (turbo chrysostroma)   noun

bia mika   the giant clam (tridacna gigas)   noun

bia mutel   the ribbed turban sea snail (turbo intercostalis)   noun

bia pasir isi   marine molluscs in the genus oliva   noun

bia sondo   a species of scallop (pectinidae family)   noun

bia tai kambing   a sea snail in the genus morula   noun

bia warna putih   cowries in the genus cypraea   noun

biji nangka   the goldband goatfish (upeneus mullocensin)   noun

biji ruku   the toothpony (gazza minuta)   noun

bobara   [see bubara]   noun

bolana   the squaretail mullet (ellochelon vaigiensis)   noun

bubara biru   the bluefin trevally (caranx melampygus)   noun

bubara lasi   the golden trevally (gnathanodon speciosus)   noun

bubara   the giant trevally (caranx ignobilis)   noun

bulana   the flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus)   noun

bulus-bulus   a kind of fish (?)   noun

cakalang   the skipjack tuna (katsuwonus pelamis)   noun

cip-cip   a kind of fish(?)   noun

dalise   the malabar blood snapper (lutjanus malabaricus)   noun

doriang2   possibly the spot-fin porcupinefish (diodon hystrix)   noun

duri babi   sea urchin   noun

ekor bulan   the white-edged lyretail (variola albimarginata)   noun

gaca bongko   a kind of fish (?)   noun

gaca   the humpback red snapper (lutjanus gibbus)   noun

garopa   either the brown-marbled grouper (epinephelus fuscoguttatus) or the honeycomb grouper (epinephelus merra)   noun

gasao   the blue sprat (sprattelloides delicatulus)   noun

gatang kanari   coconut crab   noun

gatang   crab   noun

gete-gete1   possibly ostorhinchus taeniophorus, the reef-flat cardinalfish   noun

gomaro   the crevalle jack (caranx hippos)   noun

gomaru   [see gomaro]   noun

gora baduri   a kind of fish (?)   noun

gora   the scarlet soldierfish (myripristis pralinia)   noun

gorara   the common bluestripe snapper (lutjanus kasmira), the moluccan snapper (lutjanus boutton), and the brownstripe red snapper (lutjanus vitta)   noun

goropa itam   the white-streaked grouper (epinephelus ongus) and the chocolate hind (cephalopolis boenak)   noun

goropa lodi   the leopard coral grouper (plectropomus leopardus)   noun

goropa   [see garopa]   noun

gorora   possibly russel’s snapper (lutjanus russellii)   noun

gosau   a species of fish in the genus spratelloides   noun

gotana   a species of surgeonfish in the genus acanthurus   noun

gulema   possibly the spinetail devil ray (mobula japanica)   noun

gurara   a kind of fish (?)   noun

gurita1   any species of octopus   noun

gusau   [see gosau]   noun

gutana   [see gotana]   noun

hesi-hesi   the gracile lizardfish (saurida gracilis)   noun

hikil-hikil   a type of fish with a flat body (?)   noun

hiu   shark   noun

humawal   the indo-pacific tarpon (megalops cyprinoides)   noun

ihe   the rusty jobfish (aphareus rutilans)   noun

ikang babi   dolphin   noun

ikang kuda   sea horse   noun

ile   the brassy chub (kyphosus vaigiensis)   noun

janggar ayang   the portuguese man o’ war (physalia physalis)   noun

julung   fish in the halfbeak genus (hemiramphidae), possibly a species of hyporhamphus such as the japanese halfbeak (hyporhamphus sajori)   noun

kabus   the striped snakehead fish (channa striata)   noun

kakap merah   any species of snapper, the genus lutjanus   noun

kakatua1   any species of parrotfish (the family scaridae)   noun

kakehor   possibly just small palala   noun

kalauna   a kind of fish (?)   noun

kalayu babintang   whale shark (rhincodon typus)   noun

kaluna   a fish(?)   noun

kaluyu aer   the sicklefin weasel shark (hemigaleus microstoma)   noun

kaluyu gargaji   the longcomb sawfish (pristis zijsron)   noun

kaluyu ikang   the tiger shark (galeocerdo cuvier)   noun

kaluyu kapala panggayong   hammerhead sharks (the sphyrnidae family)   noun

kaluyu   shark   noun

kapalamada   [see lamadang]   noun

kapas-kapas   either the common silver-biddy (gerres oyena) or the slender silver-biddy (gerres macrosoma)   noun

kapiteng   [see katang]   noun

katang1   crab   noun

kawalinya   either the bigeyed scad (selar crumenophthalmus) or the yellowtail scad (atule mate)   noun

kerong-kerong1   the jarbua terapon (terapon jarbua)   noun

kes2   mudskippers, fish in the genus periophthalmus   noun

koe3   a kind of fish (?)   noun

komu   either the bullet tuna (auxis rochei) or the frigate tuna (auxis thazard)   noun

kuli pasera   species of unicornfish in the genus naso   noun

kumang1   conch   noun

kumang2   hermit crab   noun

kutu kaluyu   a species of remora (the family echeneidae)   noun

lalamal   a species of parrotfish (the family scaridae)   noun

lalosi   the yellow and blueback fusilier (caesio teres) or the banana fusilier (pterocaesio pisang)   noun

lamadang   the mahi-mahi, or common dolphinfish (coryphaena hippurus)   noun

lamedang   [see lamadang]   noun

laor   an edible sea worm, palola viridis   noun

lasi2   the barred queenfish (scromberoides tala), or the japanese spanish mackerel (scomberomorus niphonius)   noun

layar   the indo-pacific sailfish (istiophorus platypterus)   noun

lelepasi   a kind of fish (?)   noun

lema batu   the leaping bonito (cybiosarda elegans)   noun

lema1   the indian mackerel (rastrelliger kanagurta)   noun

lencam   a species of fish in the family lethrinidae   noun

loki   a kind of fish (?)   noun

lola   [see bia lola]   noun

loli-loli   possibly the red barracuda (sphyraena pinguis)   noun

lolosi   [see lalosi]   noun

lomba-lomba   whale   noun

lompa   the baelama anchovy (thryssa baelama)   noun

losi   a species of remora (the family echeneidae)   noun

make   a species of fish in the genus sardinella, possibly sardinella fimbriata, or herklotsichthys castelnaui   noun

maosi   a kind of fish (?)   noun

mata bulang   either a fish in the genus taractes, or the oxeye herring (megalops cyprinoides)   noun

momar   the shortfin scad (decaptherus macrosoma)   noun

moncong   a kind of fish (?)   noun

morea aer   freshwater eel, possibly the speckled longfin eel (anguilla reinhardtii)   noun

morea   eel   noun

mulu tikus   possibly the thick-lipped catfish (cinetodus crassilabris), but unlikely   noun

noul   a type of venomous fish (?)   noun

palala   the oxeye scad (selar boops)   noun

pampano   a species of pompano (the genus trachinotus)   noun

papeda lao   jellyfish   noun

pari biasa   the kuhl’s maskray (neotrygon kuhlii)   noun

pari bunga-bunga   the bluespotted ribbontail ray (taeniura lymma)   noun

pari marsegu   the spotted eagle ray (aetobatus narinari)   noun

pari pasir isi   the common stingaree (trygonoptera testacea)   noun

patola2   [see tola2]   noun

pera   a kind of fish (?)   noun

piskada lao   a species of piskada   noun

piskada   any species of barracuda (the sphyraena family)   noun

pukeke   a kind of fish (?)   noun

pura-pura1   devis’ anchovy (encrasicholina heteroloba)   noun

puri ainama   a species of anchovy in the genus encrasicholina   noun

puri merah   a species of anchovy in the genus encrasicholina   noun

puri nasi   a species of anchovy in the genus encrasicholina   noun

puri putih   the indian anchovy (stolephorus indicus)   noun

puri   a species of anchovy in the genus encrasicholina   noun

putilai   the mackerel tuna (euthynnus affinis)   noun

raja bau   either the indian ocean oriental sweetlips (plectorhinchus vittatus), lesson’s thicklip (plectorhinchus lessonii), or the yellowbanded sweetlips (plectorhinchus lineatus)   noun

risil   a kind of fish (?)   noun

roto mera   a reddish species of grouper in the genus epinephelus   noun

roto   the giant grouper (epinephelus lanceolatus)   noun

sabalah   [see tampar2]   noun

saing-saing   the spanish flag snapper (lutjanus carponotatus)   noun

saku1   a species of needlefish, either the hound needlefish (tylosurus crocodilus) or strongylura anastomella   noun

sakulau   the black marlin (istiompax indica)   noun

salmameti   [see salmaneti]   noun

salmaneti   species of goatfish (the family mullidae)   noun

samandar   the mottled spinefoot (siganus fuscescens), white-spotted spinefoot (siganus canaliculatus), or leopard coral grouper (plectropomus leopardus)   noun

sambilang2   a type of marine catfish with a dangerous sting, probably the striped eel catfish (plotosus lineatus)   noun

sardencis   [see sardinya]   noun

sardinya   the spotted sardinella (amblygaster sirm)   noun

sarlinya   [see sardinya]   noun

sarui   a kind of fish (?)   noun

selu   a kind of fish (?)   noun

sidemu   the three-striped whiptail (pentapodus trivittatus), the butterfly whiptail (pentapodus setosus), or the saw-jawed monocle bream (scolopsis ciliata)   noun

sikuda   either the ornate emperor (lethrinus ornatus) or the orange-striped emperor (lethrinus obsoletus)   noun

silapa   the lavender jobfish (pristipomoides sieboldi)   noun

silar   a kind of fish (?)   noun

sinabu   a kind of fish (?)   noun

singaro   a kind of fish (?)   noun

sontong batu   cuttlefish   noun

sontong   squid   noun

suanggi2   possibly a species of fish in the family holocentridae   noun

sumasi   the mangrove red snapper (lutjanus argentimaculatus)   noun

tahuri   conch   noun

tampar2   the largetooth flounder (pseudorhombus arsius)   noun

tangiri   [see taniri]   noun

taniri   a species of Spanish mackerel (scomberomorini)   noun

taripang   sea cucumber   noun

tatari   either the short mackerel (rastrelliger brachysoma) or the island mackerel (rastrelliger faughni)   noun

tatihu   the torpedo scad (megalaspis cordyla), or the yellowfin tuna (thunnus albacares)   noun

tatu   a species of triggerfish (the genus balistoides)   noun

tatumbu3   the longhorn cowfish (lactoria cornuta)   noun

tenggiri   the dogtooth tuna (gymnosarda unicolor)   noun

tirang1   barnacle   noun

tirang2   oyster   noun

tirong   [see tirang2]   noun

tola lau   a kind of fish (?)   noun

tola2   the yellowstripe scad (selaroides leptolepis)   noun

tongkol   the longtail tuna (thunnus tonggol)   noun

tu’u   a kind of fish (?)   noun

tuing-tuing   a species of flying fish in the genus cypselurus   noun

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