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This dictionary contains only those words that differ from standard Indonesian, following the lists compiled by Takaria & Pieter (1998), Devin, and Pattiasina, with orthography standardised between the three. Stress tends to be noticeably on the penultimate syllable, which plays a significant part in producing the distinctive Ambon accent. Many words are derived from Indonesian by applying the following substitutions:

  • Initial -e, -er syllables in grammatical prefixes become -a

    • berdiri → badiri, terbakar → tabakar
  • Final -n, -m modifiers become -ng

    • teman → tamang, asam → asang
  • Final -k, -h modifiers are dropped

    • anak → ana, bersih → barsi
  • Final -u syllable becomes -o

    • arus → aros, mabuk → mabo
  • Initial -e, -er syllables more generally become -a

    • mesin → masing, lentera → lanterna

i   “ugh” (exclamation of disgust and dislike)   interjection

ia   yes (polite)   adverb

idong panoso   flat nose   adjective

idong   nose   noun

ihe   the rusty jobfish (aphareus rutilans)   noun

ijing   permission   noun

ika tai tikus   a knot used to join the ends of two lines   noun

ika1   bunch   measure

ika2   tie   verb

ikang babi   dolphin   noun

ikang garang   salt-cured fish   noun

ikang kuda   sea horse   noun

ikang masa karing   a ternate dish in which small fish are cooked in soup until dry (more commonly known by the standard indonesian ikan masak kering)   noun

ikang   fish   noun

iko campor   interfere   verb

iko rame   go along with someone   verb

iko-iko   constantly follow around (?)   verb

iko1   chase   verb

iko2   follow   verb

iko3   obey   verb

iko4   according to   adverb

iko5   banished, kicked out   adjective

ila   (a) god   noun

ilang-ilang1   disappearing   verb

ilang-ilang2   barely visible   adjective

ilang-ilang3   ghost   noun

ilang1   lost   adjective

ilang2   to get lost   verb

ile   the brassy chub (kyphosus vaigiensis)   noun

ilo   carry over the shoulder   noun

ina1   [see nona]   noun

ina2   daughter   noun

ina3   (exclamation of astonishment)   interjection

ina4   mother   pronoun

inga bai-bai   pay close attention   verb

inga nyong   remember a lover (?)   verb

inga sudara   remember a brother (?)   verb

inga   remember   verb

inga-inga   always remember   verb

ingatang1   “watch out” / “be careful”   interjection

ingatang2   remember [imperative**]   verb

inging   want   verb

ingos   nasal mucus, “snot”   noun

inja   step upon   verb

injang   [see inja]   noun

io   yes (rude)   interjection

ipar   sibling-in-law   pronoun

iri   jealous   adjective

is   “ugh” (exclamation of revulsion)   interjection

isa   (exclamation of frustration and surprise)   interjection

isaee   blasphemy   noun

isap   to slurp papeda straight from one’s plate rather than use cutlery   verb

iset   [see isa]   interjection

isi bagara   unable to sit still   adjective

isi labe   tumor   noun

isi pana   arrow   noun

isi panggayo   blade of a paddle   noun

isi parang   sword blade   noun

isi tangang   palm of the hand   noun

isi1   succeed   verb

iskakar   [see skakar]   adjective

iskarek   [see iskerek]   noun

iskerek   startled, shocked   adjective

iskola kecil   school for ages 6-8 whose lessons end at 10:00   noun

iskola   school   noun

iskongkol   agree   verb

iskorobi1   banish   verb

iskorobi2   chase away   verb

ispeda   bicycle   noun

istaga   “gosh” (exclamation of surprise, outrage, admiration)   interjection

istaganaga   [see istaga]   noun

isterek   powerful, mighty   noun

istirika   clothes iron   noun

istobat   disgust   noun

istop   stop   verb

istori   talking, telling   verb

istori-istori   always talking (?)   verb

istorongkeng   paraffin lamp   noun

istrika   [see istirika]   noun

itang1   black   adjective

itang2   dark storm clouds   noun

itong   count   verb

itongang   calculation   noun

iyo   [see io]   interjection

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