This dictionary contains only those words that differ from standard Indonesian, following the lists compiled by Takaria & Pieter (1998), Devin, and Pattiasina, with orthography standardised between the three. Stress tends to be noticeably on the penultimate syllable, which plays a significant part in producing the distinctive Ambon accent. Many words are derived from Indonesian by applying the following substitutions:
Initial -e, -er syllables in grammatical prefixes become -a
- berdiri → badiri, terbakar → tabakar
Final -n, -m modifiers become -ng
- teman → tamang, asam → asang
Final -k, -h modifiers are dropped
- anak → ana, bersih → barsi
Final -u syllable becomes -o
- arus → aros, mabuk → mabo
Initial -e, -er syllables more generally become -a
- mesin → masing, lentera → lanterna
nae   [see nai]   verb
nae-nae bunga   like aren palm sugar at a certain stage of production   adjective
nafas   breath   noun
naga-naga   mast step (?)   noun
nahas   traditional marking of signs in nature for some purpose (?)   noun
nai1   climb, ascend   verb
nai2   rise   verb
nai3   become more expensive   verb
nai4   become, be   verb
nai5   venture out upon the sea   verb
najong1   lateral beam connecting outriggers to a canoe   noun
najong2   [see ladong]   noun
nama fam   surname   noun
nama kacil   first name   noun
nama pangel   nickname   noun
nanako   [see nanaku]   noun
nanaku1   make a mental note of   verb
nanaku2   remember, know   verb
nanaku3   calculate, predict   verb
nanaku4   instructions, guidelines   noun
nanala1   again and again   noun
nanala2   want to keep going   verb
nanala3   trying someone’s patience   verb
naneri   boar tusk   noun
nangka balanda   the soursop tree (annona muricata) and its fruit   noun
nani aer   the tree polyspora amboinensis   noun
nani   the tree metrosideros petiolata   noun
nani1   a hand tool somewhere between an axe and a hammer, used to extract sago flour from the tree stem   noun
nani2   the indonesian bay (syzygium polyanthum)   noun
napa   here is   verb
napsu   strongly inclined   adjective
napul   (?)   noun
naraka   hell   noun
nasi pulu siram gula mera   a dish consisting of glutinous rice, palm sugar, and pandan leaves   noun
nasi pulu   a sticky rice dish featuring chicken and nutmeg   noun
nat   gap   noun
natsar   money given to the collection plate during church services (the offertory in baptist churches)   noun
nau-nau   mute   adjective
naumang   eczema   noun
naunau   illiterate   adjective
nene bongso   grandmother’s youngest sibling   noun
nene jaganti   a fairytale figure: seven children play in the forest and get lost, but are taken in by two friendly giants (nene jaganti and tete jaganti) who, it transpires, intend to eat the children for their breakfast   noun
nene moyang   ancestor   noun
nene   grandmother   noun
neptang   pliers   noun
nesa   sitting on the ground without a cushion   verb
nganga1   look, see   verb
nganga2   stare at   verb
ni   this   noun
nibong   the palm tree oncosperma tigillarium   noun
nika   get married   verb
niku   pay attention   verb
nini1   focus on something far away   verb
nini2   stay focused   verb
nipa   the nipa palm (nypa fructicans)   noun
nipis   thin   adjective
niri gula   honeybee (the family apidae)   noun
niri itang   a type of black-bodied bee with a poisonous sting or bite   noun
niri madu   honeybee (the family apidae)   noun
niri   bee, wasp   noun
nisi   peel, slice, or cut something carefully because it is very thin   verb
nitu1   dead person   noun
nitu2   ghost of a dead person   noun
no1   “right?”, “isn’t it?”, etc.   interjection
no2   then, so   conjunction
nodek   pay attention   verb
nogi-nogi   rage, anger   noun
noko-noko   (?)   noun
nokoputil   (?)   noun
nona manis   pretty girl   noun
nona   “miss”, term of address for a younger female   noun
nonae   fishing bait   noun
nonai   [see nonae]   noun
noso   flat, squashed   adjective
not   invitation   noun
notu   chew slowly   verb
noul   a type of venomous fish (?)   noun
nunas   keel   noun
nusa ina   ‘mother island’, a poetic nickname for seram suggestive of its role as a mytho-historical homeland   noun
nusa   island (when used in place names)   noun
nya   term of address for a married female chinese-indonesian shopkeeper   noun
nyado   [see konyadu]   noun
nyadu   [see konyadu]   noun
nyali   guts, grit; the guts to do something   noun
nyamang   comfortable   adjective
nyamu   mosquito   noun
nyanyau   [see kawa nyanyau]   noun
nyanyiang   song   noun
nyawa   breath   noun
nyilu1   hurt   verb
nyilu2   painful   adjective
nyimu1   fishing line   noun
nyimu2   thin rope   noun
nyiru   a tray made from woven bamboo used to sell grilled sago or smoked fish   noun
nyong gogos   handsome guy   noun
nyong   “lad”, term of address for a young man   noun
nyonyor1   unlucky, cursed   adjective
nyonyor2   battered   adjective
nyora   term of address for the wife of a prominent community figure (teacher, priest, etc.)   noun