16 min read

This dictionary contains only those words that differ from standard Indonesian, following the lists compiled by Takaria & Pieter (1998), Devin, and Pattiasina, with orthography standardised between the three. Stress tends to be noticeably on the penultimate syllable, which plays a significant part in producing the distinctive Ambon accent. Many words are derived from Indonesian by applying the following substitutions:

  • Initial -e, -er syllables in grammatical prefixes become -a

    • berdiri → badiri, terbakar → tabakar
  • Final -n, -m modifiers become -ng

    • teman → tamang, asam → asang
  • Final -k, -h modifiers are dropped

    • anak → ana, bersih → barsi
  • Final -u syllable becomes -o

    • arus → aros, mabuk → mabo
  • Initial -e, -er syllables more generally become -a

    • mesin → masing, lentera → lanterna

ta’ambor   scattered   adjective

tabadiri   standing on end, erect   adjective

tabakar1   burn   verb

tabakar2   burnt   adjective

tabaku utang   ngai camphor (blumea balsamifera)   noun

tabaku   tobacco   noun

tabala1   split   verb

tabala2   split, cracked   adjective

tabale1   turned upside-down   adjective

tabale2   altered, changed   adjective

tabale3   entangle   verb

tabangong   wake up suddenly   verb

tabanting   fall   verb

tabaos   announcement, proclamation   noun

tabaus   [see tabaos]   noun

tabe   greetings   noun

tabea   “goodbye”   interjection

tabembeng   sagging, hanging down (especially in folds)   adjective

tabera-bera   afflicted with diarrhea   adjective

tabongko-bongko   with all one’s might   adverb

tabuang1   cast aside, cast away   verb

tabuang2   wash ashore   verb

tabuka1   open   verb

tabuka2   open   adjective

tabulabale1   upside-down   adjective

tabulabale2   reversed   adjective

tacabu   uprooted   adjective

tacere   separated   adjective

tacigi1   jerked   verb

tacigi2   shocked, surprised   verb

taciri   the urge to defecate, with some faeces already having come out   noun

tacobo   to have fallen in   adjective

tacolo1   dipped   verb

tacolo2   swamped with water, submerged   verb

tacu   wok   noun

tacucu1   impaled   verb

tacucu2   throb with pain   verb

tacungkel   gouged out   adjective

tada1   positioned ready to catch or receive something descending from above   verb

tada2   reach out to ask for something   verb

tado1   silent   adjective

tado2   calm   adjective

tado3   be quiet   interjection

tadudu1   end up sitting after losing balance   verb

tadudu2   exactly in place   noun

taflak   table cloth   noun

tagae1   snagged   verb

tagae2   related   noun

tagai   [see tagae]   noun

tagal   because   conjunction

tagalasi   covered provisions box, possibly tagalaya   noun

tagalaya   a woven bamboo basket or box used for the long-term storage of food and produce   noun

tagantong   hanging   adjective

tagaris1   scratched   adjective

tagaris2   become scratched   verb

tagate   captivated   adjective

tagepe1   wedged in   adjective

tagepe2   become wedged in between two things   verb

tagi   collect on a payment or debt   verb

tagor1   who   pronoun

tagor2   rebuke   verb

tagoso   scraped   adjective

taguling   roll over   verb

tagulung   wound up, curled up   adjective

taha   no, not, none   adverb

tahaha   drying coral reef   noun

tahang mata   remain awake   verb

tahang1   hold on to   verb

tahang2   hold still   verb

tahang3   withstand, endure   verb

tahe   [see ahe]   verb

tahek-hek1   hiccup   verb

tahek-hek2   sob with choking sounds   verb

tahek-hek3   make a choking sound laughing   verb

tahela1   attractiveness   noun

tahela2   drawn out, drawling   adjective

tahela3   drawn in   verb

tahosa-hosa   panting heavily   adjective

tahuri   conch   noun

tai arus   riptide   noun

tai besi   rust   noun

tai gigi   dental plaque   noun

tai idong   dried nasal mucus, ‘boogers’   noun

tai kuku   dirt under the fingernails or toenails   noun

tai lalar1   mole (skin condition)   noun

tai lalar2   mold spot   noun

tai mata1   rheum, ’eye-boogers’   noun

tai mata2   small child   noun

tai minya   edible dregs left over from the production of coconut oil   noun

tai puki   vaginal discharge or secretion   noun

tai talingang   earwax   noun

tai tikus   a kind of knot joining the ends of two fishing lines   noun

tai1   faeces   noun

tai2   any kind of excreta or byproduct   noun

tajang   sharp   adjective

tajangke   catch (a disease)   verb

tajatu   fall down suddenly   verb

tajela   clay cooking pot   noun

taji   [see taju]   noun

taju1   spur (of a rooster’s leg)   noun

taju2   boat frame   noun

takajo1   shocked, surprised   verb

takajo2   surprised by   verb

takajo3   lest   verb

takajou   [see takajo]   adjective

takal   boat tackle, gear   noun

takanal1   ensnared, entrapped   verb

takanal2   accidentally fall prey to supernatural powers   verb

takangkang1   hindered, held up   verb

takangkang2   lodged in the throat   verb

takangkang3   stuttering   verb

takapa-kapa   thrash about convulsively like a speared fish   verb

takarang   dose, indeterminate measurement of volume   noun

takaruang hadat   outside the traditional order of things   adjective

takaruang1   without order, arbitrarily   adjective

takaruang2   not happy   adjective

takikis   grazed, struck by a glancing blow   verb

takincing-kincing   wet oneself   verb

takisu1   sulking   adjective

takisu2   shy   adjective

takonto-konto   afflicted with a bout of farting   verb

takor   not enough   adjective

takoro1   shrink, shrivel, wrinkle   verb

takoro2   shrunken, shrivelled, wrinkled   adjective

takoro3   tangled   noun

takotang   [see taku]   adjective

takser   [see taksir]   verb

taksir   estimate, calculate approximately   verb

taku   scared, afraid   adjective

takurung   confined in an enclosure   verb

talabukut   nothing   noun

talacu   slip   verb

talaga1   pond   noun

talaga2   muddy   adjective

talalo   [see talalu]   noun

talalu1   too much   adjective

talalu2   overly   adverb

talalu3   be overly troublesome   verb

talamburang   dishevelled, untidy, disorganised   noun

talampar1   washed ashore   verb

talampar2   stranded   verb

talang1   swallow   verb

talang2   a species of seagull in the family laridae   noun

talanggera   seawall   noun

talanjang   naked   adjective

talantang   laying on one’s back   adverb

talapak kaki   sole of the foot   noun

talapak tangang   palm of the hand   noun

talapak   palm, sole   noun

talapas   detached   adjective

talasu   masturbated   verb

talat1   be late   verb

talat2   late   adjective

talesu   about to fall due to being loose   adjective

tali balanda   hemp rope   noun

tali damang   part of a sailing ship’s rigging (a sheet)   noun

tali hahesi   a kind of cord made from sago palm fiber or the outer skin of bamboo   noun

tali kaeng   sash to hold up a woman’s sarong   noun

tali labrang   part of a sailing ship’s rigging (a shroud)   noun

tali nyimu   cord, twine   noun

tali pusa   umbilical cord   noun

tali skot   [see tali damang]   noun

tali1   vine   noun

tali2   a children’s game in which the players proceed through grids etched in the earth   noun

talingang tikus   the jelly ear mushroom (auricularia auricula-judae)   noun

talingang   ear   noun

talipa   folded   adjective

talo   molding dough into small rounds using the hands   verb

taloi   earthenware dinner plate   noun

talor1   egg   noun

talor2   testical   noun

talor3   offspring (pejorative)   noun

talucu1   slip   verb

talucu2   come loose   verb

talunjuk   [see jari talunjuk]   noun

tamang   friend   noun

tamang-tamang   “guys”   interjection

tamba gas   increase the rpm of an engine   verb

tamba mulu   give one’s view or opinion (figurative, literally “add mouth”)   verb

tamba1   add   verb

tamba2   additionally, even more   adverb

tambaga   copper   noun

tambaru   new year   noun

tambus1   pass all the way through   verb

tambus2   translucent   adjective

tamiring-miring   in a staggering or wobbling manner   adverb

tampa api   fireplace   noun

tampa bajalang   the track made by a person or animal as it habitually follows the same path   noun

tampa dudu   any type of chair or seat, though usually used to refer to a bench   noun

tampa kaki   footprint   noun

tampa maso   entrance   noun

tampa mati   side of head directly behind each eye   noun

tampa nae   notch cut into the side of a tree to assist climbing   noun

tampa siri   box, usually of brass, for storage of betel-nut chewing paraphernalia   noun

tampa tangang   handprint   noun

tampa tidor   bed   noun

tampa1   place   noun

tampa2   imprint   noun

tampa3   bed   noun

tampal   clothes patch   noun

tampar1   slap   verb

tampar2   the largetooth flounder (pseudorhombus arsius)   noun

tampayang   large earthenware jar, usually for water or sageru   noun

tampeleng   [see tampar1]   verb

tampias1   bounce, tumble   verb

tampias2   bouncing   adjective

tampurung   coconut shell   noun

tamunta-munta   afflicted with a bout of vomiting   verb

tamusa’al   small red ants that nest in trees   noun

tana isi   bare earth   noun

tana lapang   field used for games or ceremonies   noun

tana mera   red clay   noun

tana rata   level ground   noun

tana1   ground   noun

tana2   earth   noun

tana3   land   noun

tanae1   slightly raised   adjective

tanae2   raise up slightly   verb

tanaga   power, energy   noun

tanala   hunt for cucus   verb

tanang   plant   verb

tanase   the man who sits at the front of an arombae to spot fish and give directions   noun

tanati   right time (for fishing)   noun

tandang   kick   verb

tang1   tongs   noun

tang2   the sound of metal striking metal   interjection

tang3   the sound of a gunshot   interjection

tangada1   across from, in front of   preposition

tangada2   dealing with   verb

tanggo   [see tanggu]   noun

tanggong1   cost, fee   noun

tanggong2   responsibility   noun

tanggu1   small, round fishing net with a wooden handle   noun

tanggu2   church offering bag affixed to a long wooden handle   noun

tangi   rancid   adjective

tangiri   [see taniri]   noun

taniri   a species of Spanish mackerel (scomberomorini)   noun

tanital1   mountain ridge   noun

tanital2   snare (?)   noun

tanitang   [see tanital2]   noun

tanjong   cape (geographical feature)   noun

tanong   [see tanang]   verb

tanta   “aunt”, term of address for an older woman   noun

tantara   soldier   noun

tantu   certain   adjective

tanuar1   time slot   noun

tanuar2   season   noun

tanusang   a small patch of land rising just above the water level, like a sandbar in a river or a sandy coral reef   noun

taong-taong   blyth’s hornbill (rhyticeros plicatus)   noun

taong1   year   noun

taong2   [see taong-taong]   noun

tapake   famous   adjective

tapalang   a raised platform with a floor of split bamboo or gaba-gaba, often for sleeping   noun

taparego1   a situation causing indecision as to which task to prioritise   noun

taparego2   busy, encumbered   adjective

taparegu   [see taparego]   noun

tapareku   [see taparego]   noun

taparika   tangle   verb

taparika   tangled   adjective

tapeper1   dizziness   noun

tapeper2   make dizzy   verb

tapikong   mystic   noun

tapinda   shifted   noun

tapis1   winnow   verb

tapis2   strain with a sieve   verb

tapisang   strainer, sieve   noun

tapong   flour   noun

taprop   plugged (of a hole)   adjective

tapukul   thud against something   verb

taputar1   revolve, spin   verb

taputar2   get involved with   verb

taputar3   wander about   verb

taputar4   whirlpool   noun

taputus1   broken   adjective

taputus2   stopped   adjective

tar bae   no good   adjective

tar bisa   unacceptable as an argument or proposition   adjective

tar laku   worthless   adjective

tar pake   completely unattractive, having no appeal   adjective

tar pung muka di modeblat   (of women) unattractive, unimportant, and unpopular (figurative, literally “don’t have [their**] face in a magazine”)   adjective

tar tahu   never (?)   adverb

tar taku mati   not afraid to die   adjective

tar tau malu   shameless   adjective

tar ujung tar pohong   without purpose or meaning   adjective

tar   no, not (general negation)   adverb

tarabe1   ripped, torn, in tatters   adjective

tarabe2   (of tree branches) completely detached from the trunk as a result of some sudden force   adjective

tarampa   (?)   adjective

tarang1   light   noun

tarang2   lamp   noun

tarang3   bright   adjective

tarang4   clear of vegetation   adjective

tarang5   clear, as of water or glass   adjective

tarang6   clear, plain   adjective

tarangka1   rise   verb

tarangka2   slightly raised   adjective

tarap1   pedal   noun

tarap2   pedal   verb

tarasi1   sambal   noun

tarasi2   [see balacang]   noun

tarbai   [see tar bae]   adjective

tare   tight, taught   adjective

taresel   to saw planks from tree trunks as a two-man team operating a two-handled saw   verb

tari   a particular stage in palm sugar manufacture   adjective

tarigu   wheat   noun

tarik lotrei   draw a lottery   verb

tarika1   entangle   verb

tarika2   entangled   adjective

tarima kasi1   gratitude, thanks   noun

tarima kasi2   “thank you”   interjection

tarima   accept, acquiesce   verb

taripang   sea cucumber   noun

taro kira   pay attention   verb

taro1   put, place   verb

taro2   put (it) down   verb

taro3   estimate   verb

taro4   bet, wager   verb

tarobe1   ripped, torn   adjective

tarobe2   ripped, torn   verb

tarompa   [see tarupa]   noun

tarompong1   chimney   noun

tarompong2   pipe through which to blow air upon a fire   noun

tarong1   aubergine   noun

tarong2   male hernia   noun

tarpal   tarpaulin   noun

taru’u   [see takoro]   adjective

taru   [see taro]   verb

tarupa   traditional sandal made of sago bark with rattan thongs, worn to protect the feet when working in sago swamps   noun

tarus-tarus2   continually   adverb

tarus1   continue, keep on   verb

tarus2   then, thereupon   adverb

tas baribot   durable plastic canvas bag   noun

tasala1   err, make a mistake   verb

tasala2   in error   adjective

tasala3   pulled muscle   adjective

tasalep   slip   verb

tasangko   linked, connected   adjective

tasi1   bag   noun

tasi2   monofilament nylon fishing line   noun

tasimpir   be struck very lightly by a glancing blow   verb

tasisi   (of persons) backward, provincial   adjective

tasono   asleep   adjective

tasonto1   stub (one’s toe)   verb

tasonto2   stumble on   verb

tasorong-sorong   stagger like a drunkard   verb

tata1   father   noun

tatabuang   [see totobuang]   noun

tatahang   impeded, detained   adjective

tatanang   firmly implanted   adjective

tatari   either the short mackerel (rastrelliger brachysoma) or the island mackerel (rastrelliger faughni)   noun

tate2   step   verb

tatidor   fall asleep   verb

tatihu   the torpedo scad (megalaspis cordyla), or the yellowfin tuna (thunnus albacares)   noun

tatimbang   tipped, tilted   verb

tatinggal   to have been left behind   verb

tatohi   a small sieve for sifting sago or separating grated coconut from coconut milk   noun

tatoki   to have been knocked   verb

tatongka   come up against, came across   verb

tatoro   kncoked backwards   verb

tatu   a species of triggerfish (the genus balistoides)   noun

tatua   eldest   adjective

tatukar   alternate   verb

tatumbu1   box made of the fibre at the base of aren palm leaves   noun

tatumbu2   pounded   verb

tatumbu3   the longhorn cowfish (lactoria cornuta)   noun

tatumpa1   poured out   verb

tatumpa2   spilt   verb

taturung   slightly lowered   verb

tatusu   impaled   verb

tatutu1   closed   adjective

tatutu2   capsized   verb

tau-tau   whereas, when really   adverb

tawar1   not sweet   adjective

tawar2   reluctant   adjective

te gula   sweet tea   noun

te halia   ginger tea   noun

te susu   tea with milk and sugar   noun

te   tea   noun

tedong   cow   noun

teheng   oppose   verb

tekeng soldadu   sign up for military service   verb

tekeng tantara   [see tekeng soldadu]   verb

tekeng1   sign (a document)   verb

tekeng2   sign up   verb

tela   tile   noun

telefisi   [see telepisi]   noun

telefon   telephone   noun

telepisi   television   noun

tembak   a game in which stones are tossed at coin targets   noun

tempo1   time   noun

tempo2   early   adverb

tenggiri   the dogtooth tuna (gymnosarda unicolor)   noun

tengi   [see tangi]   adjective

tentamen   exam   noun

teong   a traditional title granted to the area belonging to a clan or association of two or more clans   noun

tep   cassette stereo   noun

tepar   almost dying   verb

teratai   the lotus flower (nelumbo nucifera)   noun

terek   disturb, bother   verb

testa   forehead   noun

teta   [see tete]   noun

tete jaganti   a fairytale figure: seven children play in the forest and get lost, but are taken in by two friendly giants (nene jaganti and tete jaganti) who, it transpires, intend to eat the children for their breakfast   noun

tete manis   jesus christ   noun

tete momo   ghost with the appearance of a terrifying old man   noun

tete1   grandfather or great uncle   noun

tete2   ancestor   noun

teteruga aer   a kind of turtle (?)   noun

teteruga darat   a kind of turtle (?)   noun

teteruga   turtle, tortoise   noun

tetu   peck   verb

teun   [see teong]   noun

tia   aunt   noun

tidor1   lie down   noun

tidor2   sleep   noun

tifa   traditional single-headed goblet drum used throughout maluku   noun

tifar   tap the liquid from an aren palm   verb

tigekor   three tails (of), measure word for describing the number of fish, chickens, etc.   measure

tikang kapala   dive or fall headfirst   verb

tikang lutu   kneel   verb

tikang   stab   verb

tikoang   teapot   noun

tikus mulu panjang   a kind of shrew (?)   noun

tikus utang   a kind of forest rat or shrew (?)   noun

tima puti   tin   noun

tima   lead, tin   noun

timba ruang   scoop used to bail out a canoe   noun

timbil   basket woven from green sago stems and layered with runut on the inside, used by men to carry produce home from the fields   noun

timbung   pile up   verb

tindis mata   shut both eyes hard, a signal equivalent to a wink   verb

tindis1   press down upon   verb

tindis2   piercing   noun

tinggal   keep quiet   verb

tinggalong   chameleon (?)   noun

tingka   attitude, behaviour   noun

tingkai   conceited   adjective

tingkalong   the large indian civet (viverra zibetha)   noun

tio-tio   magic involving blowing.   noun

tio1   uncle   noun

tio4   inflate   verb

tio5   blow a magic spell at   verb

tiop2   blow   verb

tiop3   extinguish   verb

tipa setang   hear something without seeing it   verb

tipa   [see tifa]   noun

tipar   [see tifar]   verb

tirang1   barnacle   noun

tirang2   oyster   noun

tiris   roof of a house   noun

tiris-tiris   eaves of a roof   noun

tirong   [see tirang2]   noun

tistisan   teenage girls behaving like they are in love   noun

tita1   traverse (a branch or plank over a stream)   verb

tita2   order, command   noun

titi   [see kayu titi]   noun

tobe   buoys indicating the location of fish traps in the sea   noun

tobelo   an ethnic group of halmahera and obi   noun

tobu ikang   the species of sugarcane saccharum edule   noun

tobu-tobu   a patch of reeds   noun

tobu1   sugar cane   noun

tobu2   any cane or reed plant   noun

tofer   perform magic   verb

tofor   [see tofer]   verb

tohar   strike as with a lance or battering ram, especially to strike the water in this way with a pantohar   verb

toher   afflicted with an ear infection   adjective

tohor   the boundary between shallow and deep sea   noun

toi   the red-cheeked parrot (geoffroyus geoffroyi)   noun

toi   the red-cheeked parrot (geoffroyus geoffroyi)   noun

tok   sound of a stone striking ground.   noun

toki   tap (percuss)   verb

tola lau   a kind of fish (?)   noun

tola1   push   verb

tola2   the yellowstripe scad (selaroides leptolepis)   noun

toleng-toleng   a gong used to signal danger, made of a large bamboo trunk with a long hole in one side   noun

toma1   struggle against   verb

toma2   up   noun

tombong1   coconut sprout which forms a ball inside the fruit   noun

tombong2   hernia that causes a bulging scrotum   noun

tomi-tomi   the batoko plum (flacourtia inermis)   noun

tonda1   tow   verb

tonda2   troll for fish   verb

tone1   mash   verb

tone2   mashed   adjective

tone3   boiled   adjective

tong   drum (barrel)   noun

tongala   god / allah   noun

tongisa   jesus christ   noun

tongka dagu   regret   verb

tongka langit   [see pisang tongka langit]   noun

tongka pinggang   stand with one’s hand on one’s hip   verb

tongka setang   stick insect   noun

tongke   [see mange-mange]   noun

tongke-tongke   [see mange-mange]   noun

tongkol   the longtail tuna (thunnus tonggol)   noun

toni   fringe   noun

top1   first rate   adjective

top2   a card game, often gambled upon   noun

topo1   clap   verb

topo2   coax   verb

topu   [see topo]   verb

torana   stab   verb

tornei   go on a tour of inspection   verb

toro1   back up, reverse   verb

toro2   move a little distance away   verb

torompong   a piece of bamboo with a hole, used to blow oxygen into a fire   noun

tosaul   a kind of beetle (?)   noun

toti   the stick used to measure the distance between two pieces of thatch for a roof   noun

totobuang   instrument consisting of an array of pot-like gongs   noun

tra   [see tar]   adverb

trofol   trowel   noun

tu’u   a kind of fish (?)   noun

tu   that   noun

tuagama   church elder   noun

tuang ampong   “my goodness!”   interjection

tuang1   owner   noun

tuang2   sir   noun

tubal   using a talisman to heal someone   verb

tudong   conical hat made of nipa palm leaves   noun

tudu   accuse   verb

tuer   (tree) stump   noun

tuhang   the christian god   noun

tui   [see bulu tui]   noun

tuing-tuing   a species of flying fish in the genus cypselurus   noun

tukang baruba   shaman   noun

tukang3   the moluccan owlet-nightjar (aegotheles crinifrons)   noun

tula   and adv. day after day after tomorrow. cf. lusa.   noun

tulang panggayo   shoulder blade (scapula)   noun

tulung   help   verb

tulung-tulung   always helping   adjective

tulungang   help, assistance   noun

tumang   packaging for sago flour made from sago leaves, shaped like a truncated cone   noun

tumbak1   a spear used to hunt a pig or deer   noun

tumbak2   shoots, sprouts   noun

tumbu dada   pound one’s chest   verb

tumbu1   mash, pound   verb

tumbu2   box (with fists)   verb

tumbu3   (of the wind) fill a sail with great force   verb

tumbu4   sprout   verb

tumbu5   dive under water   verb

tumbulawa   javanese turmeric (curcuma zanthorrhiza)   noun

tunangang   boyfriend / girlfriend   noun

tunda   [see tonda]   verb

tung   [see tang3]   interjection

tuni   original, authentic   adjective

tunju   show   verb

turati   waterlilies, the genus nymphaea   noun

turung nai   go up and down   verb

turung   go down   verb

turung-turung   decrease, decline   verb

tusa   cat   noun

tusu   skewer   noun

tutang bunting   afflicted with swollen gums   adjective

tutang   gums   noun

tutu   shut, closed   noun

tutua   [see tatua]   adjective

tuturiha   ceremony in which a man apologizes to his parents-in-law for eloping with their daughter   noun

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