8 min read

abis-abis   entirely   adverb

abis1   used up, all gone, finished   adjective

abis2   after, when finished   adverb

abis3   completely   adjective

absen   absent   adjective

abstang   distance   noun

abu   dust   noun

acar   vegetable dish made from sautéed cucumber, bamboo shoots, papaya, long beans, kanari nut, turmeric, shallots, and garlic.   noun

acu1   care   verb

acu2   fishing spear, harpoon   noun

acu3   spear, skewer   verb

ada harus   “no wonder!”   interjection

ada-ada   rich   adjective

ada1   in a state of   verb

ada2   own, possess   verb

ada3   present   adjective

ada4   rich   adjective

ada5   there is   verb

adas manis   anise (pimpinella anisum)   noun

adat   rule   noun

ade   younger sibling   noun

ade-kaka   siblings   adjective

adfokat1   lawyer   noun

adfokat2   favoring one side   verb

adi bongso   youngest sibling   noun

adi gandong   younger cousin/sibling (extended family members of the same generation)   noun

adi tiri   step younger sibling   noun

adi   younger sibling   noun

adi-adi   younger siblings   noun

ado   “eesh” (exclamation of annoyance)   interjection

adres   address   noun

adu1   “oof” (exclamation of pain or happiness)   interjection

adu2   try   verb

aer babasu   water for washing clothes or dishes   noun

aer babtisang   water for baptism   noun

aer barsi   clean water   noun

aer batang   river   noun

aer kata-kata   palm wine   noun

aer kincing   urine   noun

aer ledeng   water from a municipal water system.   noun

aer lemong   lemonade   noun

aer lior   spittle   noun

aer luda   spittle   noun

aer mandi   bath water   noun

aer manta   unboiled water (and therefore not yet safe for drinking)   noun

aer masa dinging   boiled water that has been allowed to cool   noun

aer masa   water that has been boiled to render it safe to drink   noun

aer masing1   sea water   noun

aer masing2   salt water, brine   noun

aer masing3   the sea   noun

aer mata   tears   noun

aer meti   low tide   noun

aer minong   drinking water   noun

aer muka   face   noun

aer mulu   saliva   noun

aer nae   [see aer nai]   noun

aer nairising / incoming tide   rising   -

aer neira   palm wine at an early stage of fermentation   noun

aer nira   [see aer neira]   noun

aer parigi   well-water   noun

aer pasang   high tide   noun

aer pono   high tide   noun

aer salobar   brackish water   noun

aer susu   milk   noun

aer tawar   fresh water   noun

aer turung nai   tsunami   noun

aer turung   receding tide   noun

aer turung-nae   [see aer turung nai]   noun

aer1   water   noun

aer2   juice, water-based fluid   noun

aer3   freshwater stream   noun

aerpepang   a kind of fish (?)   noun

afiong   spinning top of the kind spun using a string. carved of hardwood with a nail set in their point, and smoothed with a shard of glass   noun

afoker   unusable, unserviceable   adjective

agas   gnat   noun

ahaeng   shabby, unkempt   adjective

ahalang   a tool for carrying water (?)   noun

ahe   tie together   verb

ahebo   scabs or scars on the skin   noun

ahtereit   reverse   verb

ajar   study   verb

ajar-ajar   teach   verb

ajarang   lesson   noun

ajimat   magical   adjective

aju   [see adu]   verb

aju-aju   mimicking, particularly children imitating their parents   verb

akang tu   “that’s it!”   interjection

akang1   for   preposition

akang2   it   noun

akang3   will (future state)   verb

akar-akar   become a root (eg. a planted cassava)   verb

akor   [see akort]   verb

akort1   agree   verb

akort2   conspire   verb

akte   certificate   noun

alam   [see alamat]   noun

alamana   go to a sacred place or graveyard in order to ask a favour of the dead   verb

alamat   gigantic   adjective

alang-alang   reeds   noun

alangang   obstacle   noun

alapritol   a wooden spear, sharpened on both ends, thrown like a javelin in battle   noun

alarang   danger sign   noun

ale   you (singular, formal)   pronoun

aleng   slow   adjective

allapa1   a situation with an as-yet uncertain outcome   noun

allapa2   pessimistic   adjective

almanak   calendar   noun

alminiong   aluminum   noun

alor   canyon, ravine   noun

alpletol   [see alapritol]   noun

altar   altar, pulpit   noun

alu-alu   pestle used for pounding   noun

alus-alus   very fine (small)   adverb

alus1   fine, subtle   adjective

alus2   little   adjective

alus3   refined   adjective

ama   father, son (term of affectionate address)   noun

amang   safe   adjective

amanisal1   livelihood   noun

amanisal2   traditional fish-trap of woven rattan for use at low-tide   noun

amanissa   a variety of small bubu, a fishing trap or net made of woven bamboo in the shape of a cone   noun

amarika   america   noun

amato   “bon voyage”, “farewell”   interjection

ambal   [see embal]   noun

ambang   front door, front gate   noun

ambar   a talisman used by fisherman or traders to increase yield   noun

ambel   take   verb

ambel-ambel   always taking   adjective

amblas   completely used up, gone without a trace   adjective

ambong   Ambon   noun

ambor   waste   verb

ambu-ambu   frayed, tasseled.   adjective

ambusang   ironmongery tools for making knives   noun

aming   “amen” (expression to show agreement)   interjection

ampa kant   rectangular   adjective

ampa oras   the marvel of peru flower (mirabilis jalapa)   noun

ampa pul ampa   forty four   noun

ampa   four   noun

ampas gargaji   sawdust   noun

ampas kasbi   cassava flour   noun

ampas kayu   sawdust   noun

ampas tarigu   a small ball-shaped cake made of wheat flour and sugar   noun

ampas   leftovers, remainder   noun

ampas-ampas   crumbs   noun

ampekor   four tails (of), measure word for describing the number of fish, chickens, etc.   measure

amper   close, nearby   adjective

amper-amper   a little more   adjective

amplop   envelope   noun

ampong1   forgive   verb

ampong2   forgiveness   noun

amternar   employee, worker   noun

amunna   cleaning something   verb

ana bakambar   twin or twins (children)   noun

ana bawang   one who is allowed to go through the motions of something (especially a game), but isn’t taken seriously as a real actor   noun

ana bongso   youngest child   noun

ana bua   follower, crew member   noun

ana mantu   child-in-law   noun

ana piara   foster child   noun

ana tiri   stepchild   noun

ana-ana   children   noun

ana1   child   noun

ana2   he, she (for a young person)   noun

anam pul anam   sixty six   noun

anam   six   noun

anana   [see ana-ana]   noun

ananas   pineapple   noun

anang   [see anam]   noun

anaye   short hairs near the temple   noun

ancor lele   with abandon, to the utmost   adverb

ancor-ancor   completely disintegrated   adverb

ancor1   destroyed   adjective

ancor2   disintegrated, crushed   adjective

ancor3   dissolved   adjective

ancor4   melted   adjective

ancor5   (exclamation of enthusiasm over great embarrasment or confusion) (?)   interjection

andarinyo   dragonfly   noun

andarinyu   [see andarinyo]   noun

ande   if   conjunction

andel   share   verb

anemer   building contractor   noun

anene   money (slang)   noun

anfal1   an attack (of), especially illness   noun

anfal2   attack with overwhelming force   verb

anggale1   back and forth   adverb

anggale2   cool   adjective

angka banting   pick up and throw to the ground   verb

angka diri   boast   verb

angka hura   raise a shout of triumph or joy   verb

angka layar   wind filling the sails   noun

angka nyanyiang   raise a song   verb

angka pela   institute a pela between two villages   verb

angka perjanjiang   make a collective vow   verb

angka suara   begin talking   verb

angka-angka1   a piece of cloth used in the kitchen   noun

angka-angka2   grades, study scores   noun

angka1   lift up   verb

angka2   appoint   verb

angka3   institute   verb

angka4   score (school grade)   noun

angos1   inedible   adjective

angos2   burnt   adjective

angus   [see angos]   noun

aniong   the cloth rolled into a ring and placed on the head for carrying baskets etc. on the head   noun

anpal   attack   verb

antar-antar   follow along   verb

antar1   accompany   verb

antar2   bring   verb

antawali   a bitter medicinal herb, tinospora crispa   noun

anteru   intact, complete   adjective

antik   common sense (?)   noun

antua   term of address for an older person   pronoun

anyer   to smell fishy   adjective

anyiong   [see anion]   noun

anyo   drift   verb

anyo-anyo   floating   noun

anyu   [see anyo]   verb

anyu-anyu   [see anyo-anyo]   adjective

aong   fallow ground where a garden used to be   noun

aos   thirsty   adjective

apa tempo   when   adverb

apa-apa   something   noun

apaker1   broken   adjective

apaker2   not accepted   adjective

apalai   let alone   verb

apiong   spinning top   noun

aplos   a change, alteration   noun

apula   the rotten outer shell of a kanari nut   noun

arap   Arab   noun

areng-areng   there’s only, with nothing extra   adverb

ares   detained   verb

ari-ari   outrigger on a canoe   noun

arika   dilligent, skillful   adjective

arikal   junglefowl   noun

arloji   timepiece   noun

arombae   net-fishing boat, typically a large-planked canoe without outriggers   noun

arombai dagang   trading boat   noun

arombai manggurebe   racing boat   noun

arombai   [see arombae]   noun

aros kaluar   ocean current towards the open sea   noun

aros karas   strong ocean current   noun

aros masu   ocean current towards the shore   noun

aros taputar   whirlpool   noun

aros   ocean current   noun

arta   treasure   noun

aru-aru   wooden stirring tool used to make papeda   noun

aruleng   a variety of palm tree (?)   noun

arumbai   [see arombai]   noun

asang tinggi   very sour   adjective

asang   sour   adjective

asar1   smoked   adjective

asar2   dry over a fire   verb

asfal   asphalt   noun

asida   [see hasida]   noun

asinang   pickle, the indonesian asinan   noun

asinang   possibly a dish made using laor   noun

asing1   salty   adjective

asing2   trader   noun

asisang   the first use or purchase of a thing   noun

aso   interfere, meddle   verb

aso-aso   in a hurry   adjective

asso   not now   adjective

asuang   timber for fence posts   noun

asusing   a type of small flat seashell or snail   noun

atakereng   raid   noun

ati-ati   “be careful”, “watch out”   interjection

atiting   a container made of woven bamboo (specifically bulu patong), smaller at the base, used exclusively by women to carry produce home from the fields on the head   noun

atlepa   put something in a long transverse position   verb

atong   fruit of the tree atuna racemosa   noun

ator1   arrange, set up   verb

ator2   manage   verb

ator3   take charge   verb

atorang1   code of conduct   noun

atorang2   rule, regulation   noun

atur   [see ator]   noun

au   (exclamation of disapproval)   interjection

awang   cloud   noun

ayang pai   rooster   noun

ayang segon   a breed of chicken with few feathers (ayam saigon)   noun

ayang   chicken   noun

ayer   [see aer]   noun

ayu   “oof” (exclamation of pain, suffering)   interjection

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